Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gained .5 inches girth in 2 weeks


Gained .5 inches girth in 2 weeks

I’m happy but nothing to be really excited about. I started PE to get length so I didn’t give a shit about girth. I went from a 5in girth to a 5.5 inches in 2 weeks doing my personal routine. The measurement was always taking from the middle of the penis. I know a lot of people on here like girth a lot, so I thought I would just post my routine. So maybe if your a newbie and your looking for girth gains, this routine might be good for you.

10 minutes warm up
Stretching 6-8 minutes
5-8 minutes jelq (from flaccid to 50%)
10 minutes warm down with weighted kegels

Extra notes:

During my warm down, I just take a shower. During this time I get a wash cloth and put it on (hanging over my erect penis) to do some kegels. The cloth will soak up water making it heavier. I started with one cloth and then moved to 2 the second week. I normally do about 40-50 “weight kegels” holding each one for about 2-4 seconds. After about 10 kegels, I get my erection back to 100% erect then continued.

^ I originally did this to get stronger erections and morning wood. I wanted to make sure PEing wouldn’t give me ED so I made sure kegels was a major part of my routine. But I guess it helped me get girth gains.

(Also for supplements, I take 120mg of Ginkgo every morning with breakfast)

Alot though I have no pictures to back up, I just wanted to share this with the community. But as of NOW, I’ll take some pictures. :)

Only if I gained a half inch in length, I would be jumping for joy. :(

2 on 1 off (forgot to add)

Don’t get too excited, make sure the gains stay over several days, and are not just post PE measurements. I have temporarily gained an entire inch in girth after intense clamping sessions.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Oh no man.. I was masturbating today (on my day off) and I saw the measuring tape near by, so I grab it to see for fun.

Damn dude, you’re lucky. If I could gain like that I would jump for joy a lot more than you would for length, haha. I am below average in girth, which is generally more important than length in sex. I’m at 4.5 MSEG while I have 7 BPEL…. I am really trying to increase girth. I just started about two weeks ago but I haven’t really noticed any gains.

I believe strong kegels will help you increase girth. Also you should do clamping.. (Maybe 3-4 months from now)


Current size:


Originally Posted by codeevil1000
I believe strong kegels will help you increase girth. Also you should do clamping.. (Maybe 3-4 months from now)


Current size:


I have 7 BPEL I would die for 5.5” girth, heh. Makes sense that kegels would help with girth, because if you get your PC muscle strong, your erections that you get are a lot stronger. I going to try that erect kegel exercise, thanks for the tip.

HEY, that’s what we’re all here for :)

Great job! .5” EG in 2 weeks is fantastic. I like your weighted Kegel excercise BTW. Good idea.

10/07: BPEL: 7.5" EG: 5.5" Now:BPEL: 8.5" EG: 5.6" Mid Girth Goal: BPEL: 8.5" EG: 6" Early Pics Latest Pics

Kegels don’t do anything for girth, where the heck did you hear that or did you come up with that yourself???

Maybe kegeling so much just made your erections hard as fuck and adding more blood to your dick. Not a real gain, considering we talking PE

Keep note of this. If you’ve still gained that amount within the next few weeks, then I’d count it as a gain. You might want to up the time stretching. :thumbs:

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Originally Posted by BigAlex
Maybe kegeling so much just made your erections hard as fuck and adding more blood to your dick. Not a real gain, considering we talking PE

During measurement I didn’t kegeled for 16-24 hours (since the day before).. So if more blood was in my dick “natural” wouldn’t that basically mean girth gains?

And to magnum,

Yes I did come up with that myself. I got results and I wanted to sure with you guys what I believe.

Note: I did another measurement this morning with my morning wood and surely enough, It was still 5.5 inches girth. ;)

I think kegels can optimize blood flow to your penis. While increasing PC/BC strength may not result in “true” gains, for someone who has a deconditioned penis the combination of PE exercises and kegeling can create “effective” gains over what they had starting PE. In any case, the positive motivation from that to keep one continuing could be well worth it.

Good work codeevil! Now stick with it for the long haul.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

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