Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What I've gained from PE'in 3 weeks.

What I've gained from PE'in 3 weeks.

Now.. This is supposed to be a forum for sharing knowledge, and since I’ve been getting pretty good gains (As far as I can tell), I’d better share my routines and experiences with potential new members, and newbies out there.

At first when I got to thunders, I started lurking a lot around. Actually, I’ve been reading at least 50% of all posts. Whenever I start a new project, I always read a lot about it, and study it really hard before I go to work. This, I guess, serves two purposes. It diminishes the risk of injuries, and motivates me to get myself going by reading of others success. And it also gave me a lot of theories to work with, and invent my own training sessions accordingly.

I started out pretty hard. I took 4 hours in my first 2 days, trying all the different workout methods. I tried Horses, ULIs, dryjelqs, wet-jelqs, and various bends. I did a lot of stretches too. I stopped quickly with overworking when my unit felt a little too sore after the sessions, and a wound on my skin (long story) suddently startet bleeding.

I began to fall into a routine. I made it a promise to myself to jelq everyday, and do a couple of ULI’s too. It did’nt matter how many of them, or how many times a day, I just had to do it. I wanted to make it a habit. I read in an article, that some guy who got great results, never really used stretching, so I did’nt do it either.

After 1½ week, I began stretching, because I read in another forum about a guy that uses this as the only PE’ing method. It was shortly after I saw some gains.

After finding out that I’ve gained, I started reading a lot more. Just continuing with my routines like nothing happened. Wich brings us to present time. I can’t wait to measure again in two weeks. So, what have I gained?

After PE’ing in only one week, I saw a difference. My unit was a little more weiny, and I had better erections. This gave me a confidence boost. It kind of assured me that PE worked.

After two weeks, I visited the bathroom in the morning. Looking down, I definetly saw some changes. It felt longer even though it was completely flaccid, and certainly looked thicker.
I measured it in the afternoon, and got a bit surprised. Look for the measurements in my signature.

I think that psychology plays a huge role in this, and one of the problems when people don’t gain, is because of lack of confidence. Guys with small penises usually don’t carry their head too high, and for many, the smaller penis serves as a big insecurity. This means, that a lot of guys have bad expectations. In my world, it’s all about the frame of mind. If you don’t really believe this works, then your probably right. It won’t work. But on the other hand, if you belive that you will get huge gains, then your probably right too. This is very important when you first start off.

I see this as an experiment. And because I see it as an experiment, I’m able to detach from my work, and look at what I’m doing in my sessions in a greater perspective. I theorise a lot, everything about ligaments, how the penis works, and most importantly why I WILL SUCCEED. I’m 19 years old, great, the statistics shows that 19 year-olds are the ones getting the best gains. I’m intelligent and creative, good, cause this means that I can invent my own methods, and use them at best. I’m naturally big, good, this means that I’m already above average, have much to gain, and nothing to lose by stopping. Seriously, this is how I think!

I honestly don’t think that PE will get you anywhere before you got confidence. Sort it out. Do whatever you have to do to get confidence before you head into this. And who knows, maybe you can get so much confidence you don’t even need to work on your dick in the first place?

Oh, and btw, read. People inhere have the most incredible knowledge about this subject.

- Dals

Starting at: ELBP 7.2" / EFL 5" / EG 5.5" ----------------------------------------- 5 months: ELBP 7.8" / EFL 5.5 / EG 5.5" (Cemented now!!!) My next goal is ELBP 8.2" / EFL 6" / EG 5.8", and to straighten my curve out a bit

I was just going to do jelqs at first, you really did start out on the hard stuff! I am too afraid to do that, good luck anyway.

Yep, you’re definitely in the right place.

Originally Posted by Braised Salmon
I was just going to do jelqs at first, you really did start out on the hard stuff! I am too afraid to do that, good luck anyway.

Thanks, and you to. I guess at that point I was too confident when it came to my units stamina. I got a bit more respect for the various excersises after I started bleeding, because I did’nt see it coming. I think that in most cases with PE you don’t see injuries coming, because you can’t always feel pain.

An excercise I forgot to mention is this ballooning. I never actually found out what it really was, as the member describing it kept talking about various orgasms inbetween his explanations. But what I do, is arouse myself close to the point of ejaculation, and stop right there, and start again shortly after. I’ve found that it’s stupid to ejaculate a bit, because it will get harder to get aroused again. But just enough so I can feel my BC muscles working.

And another thing I forgot to add, the kegels used in jelqing sessions has made incredible wonders. When I do a kegel, and my penis is flaccid, I can actually see the muscles move. I’ve never could that before.

Starting at: ELBP 7.2" / EFL 5" / EG 5.5" ----------------------------------------- 5 months: ELBP 7.8" / EFL 5.5 / EG 5.5" (Cemented now!!!) My next goal is ELBP 8.2" / EFL 6" / EG 5.8", and to straighten my curve out a bit


Congratulations on your newbie pop, and on finding PE at such a tender age. Had I been so fortunate!

With all due respect to your creativity, may I suggest that you stick to a simple newbie routine as outlined without reinventing the wheel for at least three months? Horses, ULIs, bends are all tools of great intensity that should be looked at as second phase techniques at the earliest. If you start using them all in week one, where oh where will you go should your gains plateau? As a newbie, you can gain from the simplest, briefest stuff because it is all new, and by keeping these advanced techniques in reserve you have new stimuli to introduce when the simple stuff loses efficacy.

I too can get too creative too quickly and am engaged in a constant struggle to release my ego and simply ‘be, or in this case ‘do’, so perhaps my words are as much for my own benefit as anyone else’s.

Luck and Length

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Originally Posted by androNYC

Congratulations on your newbie pop, and on finding PE at such a tender age. Had I been so fortunate!

With all due respect to your creativity, may I suggest that you stick to a simple newbie routine as outlined without reinventing the wheel for at least three months? Horses, ULIs, bends are all tools of great intensity that should be looked at as second phase techniques at the earliest. If you start using them all in week one, where oh where will you go should your gains plateau? As a newbie, you can gain from the simplest, briefest stuff because it is all new, and by keeping these advanced techniques in reserve you have new stimuli to introduce when the simple stuff loses efficacy.

I too can get too creative too quickly and am engaged in a constant struggle to release my ego and simply ‘be, or in this case ‘do’, so perhaps my words are as much for my own benefit as anyone else’s.

Luck and Length

As I wrote earlier on I gained a lot of respect towards the more intense excercises, and I’ve put them (Almost) completely on hold. As for now, I’m only jelqing and stretching.

I’m not reinventing the wheel. I’ve tried some new types of excersises, that I made up myself. Mostly just alterations of those mentioned on this site, but they have the right feel.

I understand why your sceptic. After all, I’m still a newbie, and a young one at that. But I know I’ll be making progress all the time, I’ll just have to do whatever it takes.

As for the problem with the ego I can see what you mean. Thats one of the reasons why I don’t visit this site so often at the moment, I think that the majority of gains I get, is when I’m not giving the subject much thought.

Thanks for the reply. :)

Starting at: ELBP 7.2" / EFL 5" / EG 5.5" ----------------------------------------- 5 months: ELBP 7.8" / EFL 5.5 / EG 5.5" (Cemented now!!!) My next goal is ELBP 8.2" / EFL 6" / EG 5.8", and to straighten my curve out a bit

All I’m saying is make haste slowly and build on the experience of those who have gone before. There’s a reason why everyone is recommended to the newbie routine when they’re getting started.

I’m not sceptical at all, but do you think that it was necessary to push so hard so early?

Impatience and boredom are obstacles to progress. Why the hurry? I’m planning on keeping my dick for the rest of my life, aren’t you?

Girth and glory.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Hey man congratulations on finding the forum. I’m just starting out and seeing gains. Not pushing myself as hard but still pushing. Are you just doing exercises or are you taking supplements and/or pumping?? Nice gains.


Great post man, and I completely agree—one must have confidence and actually believe that they are going to gain if they plan on getting into this kind of thing. Good luck with your PEing!

8/14/05 ---> 11/18/05 -> Next goal

5.500" ------> 6.000" -----> 6.500" BPEL

3.938" ------> 4.125" -----> 4.500" EG

Originally Posted by hohey2002
Hey man congratulations on finding the forum. I’m just starting out and seeing gains. Not pushing myself as hard but still pushing. Are you just doing exercises or are you taking supplements and/or pumping?? Nice gains.

Thanks. :)
I’m only doing excersises. No pumping, and no supplements.

Starting at: ELBP 7.2" / EFL 5" / EG 5.5" ----------------------------------------- 5 months: ELBP 7.8" / EFL 5.5 / EG 5.5" (Cemented now!!!) My next goal is ELBP 8.2" / EFL 6" / EG 5.8", and to straighten my curve out a bit

This place is the best you could have gotten to, so listen to the vets & keep it up!

Yah I am young as well (19) and I think my dick could handle some more advanced stuff.. But I am going to wait until at least month 2 or 3 of my newbie routine (modified). Cause I know there is time later for that.. I don’t care if I gain more slowly at least I will not plateau and everything. But yah I can totally see where you are coming from .. Cause I to think I can handle the more advanced stuff.. But I guess it’s better to take it slower.. From what all the vets say.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Okay, this is just INCREDIBLE.
About two weeks ago, i started stretching with my routine. But i lost interest i PE, and i haven’t PE’d or masturbated in the last week.

Today when i was watching porn, and i got it erect, i noticed that i could actually SEE that it was bigger. I had no doubt.

So i grabbed the ruler for measuring, and my BPEL is now at 20 cm! I know for a fact that no matter how i had measured it before, i could never get to the 20 cm mark (7.8 inches)!

My erect girth has increased too. I use a pibe-cleaner for measuring, witch is 5.9 inches long (15 cm), and i found that if this growth process keeps up, i will have to use something else in the future :P

This is really exciting! I’m gonna go on with the newbie routine for another couple of weeks, and see what happens.

Starting at: ELBP 7.2" / EFL 5" / EG 5.5" ----------------------------------------- 5 months: ELBP 7.8" / EFL 5.5 / EG 5.5" (Cemented now!!!) My next goal is ELBP 8.2" / EFL 6" / EG 5.8", and to straighten my curve out a bit


The newbie routines are designed by our best veterans. They start conservative for a very good reason.

The penis is living tissue. To increase its size, greater than normal forces are needed.

The more delicate tissues of the penis should be CONDITIONED to be able to safely handle this increased force. Blowing out blood vessels, lymphatic vessels or damaging nerves can be very serious!

You can ignore this advice, and who knows…maybe it will be ok for you.

However, this forum is obligated to give the best advice it can to give you the best chance to have a larger penis in the safest manor possible.

By doing more advanced routines immediately (like ulis) you are really taking a significant risk of injury. Some of these injuries can be permanent and disabling.

I am glad to hear you went back to the newbie routine. I suggest you stick with it until gains stop.

At that point you can add or increase, but it is always smart to increase or add slowly.

It is far better to avoid injury than to try and recover from it.

Helt sikkert danmark, kør på!:D

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