Thunder's Place

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Gained some girth, lost some length. Not sure how I feel about this.

Gained some girth, lost some length. Not sure how I feel about this.

I’m usually 7.25” NBPEL x approx 5.5” EG. My EG measurement is actually about 1/16” under 5.5”. But today, I measured and found that I was 1/16” OVER 5.5” EG, but my length had fallen to an even 7” NBPEL. So, I gained 1/8” in EG and lost 1/4” EL. This type of thing has happened once before when I was doing high and dry jelqs. It’s as though my total volume remains the same but my dick’s dimensions changed slightly and I don’t know how I feel about it. This ever happen to anybody else before? Anybody have any thoughts on this?

It is a pretty common issue, you can try to search and u’ll find a good amount of threads talking about members dealing with this problem.

But to be honest, I don’t know how you could fix this, maybe just focussing less on girth ‘cause looks like you are able to get it easier than length.

Starting November 2013 - BP 18.0 MSEG 14.0

March 2014 - BP 18.3 MSEG 14.5

Foto di Jugg

I have noticed the same thing. I did some PE in my early 20’s and noticed some gains but then stopped. Now in my early 30’s I’m getting back into it. The first week things were going good, now in my third week I have noticed girth to be bigger but length when erect seems shorter. Flaccid length is rockin though lol.

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