Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gains from manual stretching only

Hi, this is my first post. For the past 4 months I’ve been trying so hard to improve my length by manual stretching only. When I just started, my EL was about 6.5 inches and my flaccid stretch length was the same. Yesterday, when I measure for the first time, my flaccid stretch length is 7.5 inches but EL is the same. As far as I know, when our flaccid length is improved, our EL also will improve..

Anyone out there that have a similar case like me?

I have a similar case.. My el is not improved but the flaccid lenght is.

Jelq, boys, jelq.

I think stretching is superior compared to hanging if you can master the technique and have time available. As you can see already, a lot of people gained very handsomely by stretching. :)

It would be nice if the stretchers also said what their typical routine was.

I have both a combination of the newbie routine and jelqing for my initial gains, about 1/8”. I began experimenting with hanging earlier this year, and I finally hit 6”. My gains from manual stretching and jelqing are slight, but think it helped prepare and prime my penis for my new venture into hanging and using a stretcher.

Current: 6 3/8" BPEL, 5 1/4" NBPEL, 6 7/8" FSL, 4 7/8" MSEG

Progress/Pics of a soon-to-be Hung Asian Guy

HungAsianGuy starting over

1/2 inch in 2 years, stretching only in brief separated periods of 1/2-1 month at a time, perhaps 3-4 separated periods during these 2 years.

I’m fully grown since years back, so it can only be due to PE.

Manual Styretching is well worth making a significant part of your routine. This is particularly the case is stealth is an issue.

A good manual stretching session can be accomplished in 20 minutes and if you have mastered the technique, these sessions can be used as an alternative to hanging if you are not able to find the privacy on that day.

Manual stretching can attack the ligs or the tunica (with a fulcrum) … or both and the overhead is very low. No wrapping (except maybe a cotton towel), no lube, not equipment … just you and the subject of your efforts.

I have gained about an inch in BPEL in the past 6 months and I would say that Jelquing and manual stretching is about 50% of my overall hours. More impoprtantly, on those days when I cannot hang, I can always find space for a couple 20 minute sessions in the bathroom to get my stretching done. It is the only way that I have of maintaining the consistency that I fell is necessary for continued gains.

Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

I was doing intense stretches for a good 10-15minute as well. Within a few days my penis was longer flaccid and about .2longer. My Girth definitely increased as well. Stretches, jelqs, and kegels. Thats perfect for newbies. And the thing about it is to keep going at it, and to keep healing as well and then get right back in.

Good thread. I wanted to follow up with everyone and see if they have made anymore gains with manual stretching ?

I made up a stretching routine before with short 2-5 minutes “sessions” thru out all day with jai-stretches, rotation stretches & v-stretches (using a sock as a hook insted of finger). I did some jelqing but most of the time I stretched very often. And I gained ~1” under a 1 year period!

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Hey monochrome. How long did you pull for? Like 30 sec ?

How many times would you do those mini-sessions per day and what about rest days? Also can you explain how you grappled your penis with a sock? Stretching is tiring for my hands , I get cramps.

Sorry to ask for so many questions but I wanna emphasize in stretching since my manuals dont seem to work and Bennet and cantlook also grew the same way you did. Tack!

Hi there quim92!
At that time I used the original grip under head.and I did 20-30 seconds stretches from 2-5 minutes everytime thruout the day. Now I use marineras grip technique “tricks and tips for manual stretching” wich is a very good grip to use to be relaxed when doin stretches.

It’s like V-stretches but instead using the index or pointing finger to hook on the shaft to bend over and then pull at opposite directions. I used a sock that I hooked on shaft and did these stretches at three stages on shaft.. base/middle and top, 20-30 seconds each x 3. But be carefull with these “sock stretches”!.. these takes the V-stretches to a higher level and is very intense and I would suggest that you begin usin your finger first before you continue using a sock!

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Some interesting information here. I’ve gone from 4.5 to 6.0 NBPEL since last July only stretching. Attack the ligs. Stretch downward. Use the free hand and push in on the ligs as you stretch downward and try to loosen them up. You can also feel how taught the tunica is when you are stretching with your free hand. Keep it in a slightly bungy state while you apply pressure on the ligs. Good luck on gains gentlemen.

Also, I just tried those bent over stretches and they are amazing. Well worth any mans time.

Thanks guys!!

Did you also do jelqing routine when stretching is short sessions throughout all day?


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