Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Getting things off my chest.


Originally Posted by Lil J76
….The thing is, with my soon to be ex-wife of 11yrs I still questioned myself even after making her orgasm over and over. The whole, if I was bigger would she be more satisfied? I have to say, I have really never been comfortable with myself as far as my penis and sex goes and I do not know why.

Your playing games with yourself. It’s natural to question yourself about your “adequacy” regarding your soon-to-be ex-wife of 11 years. I did the same (only, regarding different aspects about myself) as my 18-year marriage came to an end (in 2005).

When a spouse makes that sad decision to throw in the towel, especially after many years, the other spouse is often left asking numerous questions, trying to second-guess everything, blaming themselves, etc.

Regarding sex, I used to plow my wife’s ass through the floor. She loved it; in fact, that rancid bitch still expected to get the dick from me after our divorce…after she moved in with her asshole boyfriend!

So, sex won't save a marriage.

Our problem - or so she says - was her “unhappiness” about “never having enough money.” I don’t what the hell would be “enough money” for her, since she pisses cash away constantly.

Yet, I have a friend who has a ton of money - and he just got divorced. They have so much property to divide up, haggling, fighting, court appearances, etc.

So, money won't save a marriage.

It’s the same old shit, different excuses. From everything I hear from my kids, my ex is more miserable now than ever. She’s just a crazy, crazy bitch. I have 11 or 12 buddies who went through similar nightmares as I did. The only difference? Their ex’s came up with different excuses.

So, quit beating on yourself. If your wife made “the decision,” nothing could’ve prevented it, nothing would’ve stopped her - even if you had a 10 x 8.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
Your playing games with yourself. It’s natural to question yourself about your “adequacy” regarding your soon-to-be ex-wife of 11 years. I did the same (only, regarding different aspects about myself) as my 18-year marriage came to an end (in 2005).

When a spouse makes that sad decision to throw in the towel, especially after many years, the other spouse is often left asking numerous questions, trying to second-guess everything, blaming themselves, etc.

Regarding sex, I used to plow my wife’s ass through the floor. She loved it; in fact, that rancid bitch still expected to get the dick from me after our divorce.after she moved in with her asshole boyfriend!

So, sex won't save a marriage.

Our problem - or so she says - was her “unhappiness” about “never having enough money.” I don’t what the hell would be “enough money” for her, since she pisses cash away constantly.

Yet, I have a friend who has a ton of money - and he just got divorced. They have so much property to divide up, haggling, fighting, court appearances, etc.

So, money won't save a marriage.

It’s the same old shit, different excuses. From everything I hear from my kids, my ex is more miserable now than ever. She’s just a crazy, crazy bitch. I have 11 or 12 buddies who went through similar nightmares as I did. The only difference? Their ex’s came up with different excuses.

So, quit beating on yourself. If your wife made “the decision,” nothing could’ve prevented it, nothing would’ve stopped her - even if you had a 10 x 8.

This is good Wad this is good.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Wad, I must first off say thanks for your insight and personal story. I was the one who ended the marriage , for similar reasons to those of which you have listed. I see my kids, she is doing ok but miserable without me, I do miss her and the kids at times in a family since, but she is not what I need in my life as a person she was very content with my dick, it satisfied her through out our marriage and before.

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

Wad it’s astonishing and depressing to me to hear these stories like of 18 year marriage just ending like that over something so stupid. It’s very valuable to hear them though. Do you mind my asking how old you were when you got married and for how long the marriage had been unhappy before it ended?

I love these threads :-)


Well, I had a good weekend away with my GF. Nothing happened except some playing around, and we got into a dick size convo again(my dick size). It was Friday evening and she saw that I was taking off my weights and she was like can’t you go one day without touching your dick? I was like I guess I could but I could only explain it to her as going to the gym to see progress you need continual work. She does not buy that anymore and says “I have issues”. Ok so I do.

Asking me why I do PE everyday like a fiending crackhead, I said because I want an impressive dick and you said at one point you could not feel it. She says yes but I like your dick now and I love that it is it is so incredibly hard. She says she wishes I would be more comfortable with my dick in this sad voice. I kinda sat there and thought to my self “wow, do I have that big of a problem”? Saturday comes along and just by pure routine I put on my weights and and we were playing around and she hit my crotch and was like DAMN!! Not even one day!? I took off my weights and I have to tell you the truth, I never felt more comfortable about it. It was the first time that I went all day and did not even worry about my dick. This woman is so wonderful, she makes me feel secure in every phase.

Now I am not saying I am quiting PE, because I want a bigger dick. I just feel better about myself now, weird I know. I just think that my obsessing over my just about average penis might not be so bad anymore. A day a time, because only time will tell.

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

Good on ya man. :)

The intention behind working for a bigger dick is commonly simply to feel more adequate. If you have achieved this, then that’s the key behind winning the battle. I look forward to getting there soon too (just need that damn girth!). Kudos!

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

Originally Posted by Lil J76
Asking me why I do PE everyday like a fiending crackhead, I said because I want an impressive dick and you said at one point you could not feel it. She says yes but I like your dick now and I love that it is it is so incredibly hard. She says she wishes I would be more comfortable with my dick in this sad voice. I kinda sat there and thought to my self “wow, do I have that big of a problem”?

Lil J76:

That sounds like a sincere comment from her, and I hope that it makes you more comfortable with yourself and your current size.

However - you can PE at a level short of being like a ‘fiending crackhead’. As long as it’s not to the detriment of your relationship and the rest of your left, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a little bigger and a little better. If she likes your incredibly hard erections, well, there are those here who PE for just that reason - not increased size, but increased penile fitness.

I guess what I am saying is that it is a balance. You can pursue PE and still have a good relationship, a satisfying sex life, and a life outside of PE. If PE becomes your life to the exclusion of your relationships, your sex life and the rest of your life, then yes, it’s become more like an addiction and you have become more like a fiending crackhead.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Let me tell you something..

You can find my post about my discussion with my ex about her ex’s cock size. He was apparently just about half an inch bigger in girth. Big deal, I’m a far better lover plus I got PE up my sleeve and ill soon be bigger.. But..

She told me she always considered my cock big when I pressed her on the issue, my problem was that she didn’t praise me as such.

But where I went wrong is I didn’t really act like I got a big dick.

I’m now seeing progress with my PE, I believe I’ve made real increases recently (cannot measure till 22nd August, first time in a few months!)

This is showing in my confidence and I’m acting like I’ve got a big dick, In my head I believe I do as I think I’m now packing 7”+ and added on girth too.

Since I’ve started acting like I’ve got a big dick, my girls been paying it a lot more attention “It felt so big and hard earlier inside me” etc etc..

All it shows is girls know fuck all about cocks. We worry far, far too much. Confidence and acting like you got a big cock is half the battle, it can literally add inches as far as a girls concerned IMO.

First measurement July 07: BPEL - 7" - EG 5.2" .. 6 month target: BPEL - 7.5" - EG - 5.6"

Going majorly for Girth, Length for show.. Girth for a Pro.

Lil J76 quote : “She says she wishes I would be more comfortable with my dick in this sad voice.”

Lil J76 you are in way more danger of losing your girl over your dick insecurity than for the size of your dick. She said this because she means it - listen. Throw the weights away and enjoy your beautiful girl (you can still jelq in the shower to keep your erection quality up). Your at a turning point. Don’t let her become second to your obsession with your dick. Good luck!

‘As soon as you are comfortable with your body, as soon as you are happy where you are; you have lost.’ can’t remember who said that, heard it on TV somewhere, or a nutrigrain box or something. But I remembered it. I guess it means to me, I will stop growing (in anyway) as soon as I stop feeling inadequate. So see it as a bright side, your driving force. However
Pringles hit the nail on the head man. Your dick obsession will come and go, but showing you GF the constant issue it is to you could be the end of the relationship. The issue for you is your dick size. But the issue for her is the fact you got issues about your dick size. You have a sweet relationship for being so open and honest with each other.

Kudos to talking about it with your girlfriend too brother, I haven’t and won’t with my girlfriend. Because I know I am not big and all I am really hoping for is her saying something I already know isn’t true.

Good thread, I feel you.


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