Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Getting things off my chest.


Getting things off my chest.

First off let me start off by saying that PE is one the best things that has happened to me. Also one of the worst. Lately I have been obsessed with it, in sort of a fun way. I have taken to Big Girtha’s theory “Don’t let it turtle” in a big way. Keeping or doing something to my dick at all times 7 days a week. I feel more confident about my dick than I ever have. So here are the bad things, the first being the more I fiddle with my wood the more I feel like I am inadequate. Weird huh? I have grown a little and my dick looks a lot better then before I began my journey. It is just sometimes I get frustrated about not growing that much, that quick. I want a 7.5 by 5.75, is this to much to ask? I feel like I might just be stuck at my current stats which is a horrible feeling.

I have had the good ol talk with my GF about her ex’s just because we tell each other everything. I thought I had dealt with and gotten over the fact about them but our conversations still linger in the way back of my mind. She has commented on my gains and we do play around alot but no sex. I just do not feel like I am still enough for her, I believe this is because of her openness about liking big dicks. I have created my self a mental mind fucked state. Why can I not just be relaxed about being me and just enjoy her and everything we do? I mean seriously, every time we play around I enjoy it and am completely into it but right after, I am asking my self “what do you think she was thinking when she was stroking your hard as a rock dick”? Now I have stated that we talk about everything but I will not be whiner. I just want her to be as impressed with my penis as she was with her ex’s.

The thing is, with my soon to be ex-wife of 11yrs I still questioned myself even after making her orgasm over and over. The whole, if I was bigger would she be more satisfied? I have to say, I have really never been comfortable with myself as far as my penis and sex goes and I do not know why.
This post is probably pointless but here is where I feel I can get it off my chest and start moving forward. Everyone here is striving to make themselves better for one reason or another and no judgments are made. Thanks Thunders for being here even as a shoulder.

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

Only talk about an ex’s penis size if you’re packing a 10”x8”! It is unlikely you’ll have inadequacy issues that way :) .

You’re in the “average” range at least, so don’t get bummed about size, but I’m not sure what I’d say to your GF. On one hand, it’s good y’all are open about talking to each other. On the other hand … well … start telling her how much you like rally tight women or women with _______ (whatever she thinks she isn’t). See how that goes over.

I just find it funny how guys on here get. Oh my GF told me she has had bigger and liked it after I asked her about it, so now I am going to insult her back. Things like that will only break you guys up instead of making you closer. You guys could have a girl who loves no matter what but since she has had bigger the world is over and you have to hurt her feelings as well. Mabey you need to chill out some and grow up a bit? I PE for myself and couldnt give a crap if a girl has had bigger and im pretty small myself. I went through this at one time. I had to get it in my mind that I will NOT be the best in every way, I can try my best to be though. Dont let size rule your life!

Start 2008-NBPEL:6” EGMS:5”

—————Long break————

11-2018-BPEL:6.75” NBPEL:6.25” EGMS:5” EBG” 5.5” BPFSL: 7 1/8”

I would never insult back, because this is my issue and not hers. This is something that has just been rattling through my head and I wanted to let it out. My world is not over because if it were I would not even mess around with her. This is something that I need to get over and if it were a big deal to her I am sure she would not fool around with me either.

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

I admire your honesty, and I can tell you you are not alone in the “am I adequate for her?” state of mind.

However, if you’re doing it for her, wouldn’t she like it more if she got to have sex with you rather than not? You said you can make her orgasm. Then what’s the problem? I bet she prefers to have sex with you rather than not.

Also, what happens if you are never satisfied with your size? Do you never have sex again?

Also, should I be worried about my size, since I’m around the same as you?

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

Nick, I think you misunderstood me. I am currently with my girlfriend and we have had sex but not anymore due to personal reasons that have nothing to do with size,lust or me or her not wanting it. My ex-wife is the one that I was referring to about the orgasms. As soon as my GF and I come to terms with certain things we might have sex again..hopefully.. I should have been more clear about us not having sex because I do not let my size stop me from having sex with her, have not done that for a long time.

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

Ohhh ok. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I’m glad I now know that I misunderstood that, actually. :)

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

Hey brother, good stuff- lucid and self disclosed. Brave.

I’m feeling you on some of this, especially the sort of “stuck” depression that you mention where you fear that you’ll be where you’re at *forever*.

What I do for this is to just keep on keeping on- as stupid and simplistic as that might seem. The deal is that I REALLY believe that SOONER OR LATER I will be wielding the mighty tool that I….um….er….have already.

Dig what I’m saying?

I feel like that whang is already there it’s just a matter of time and that feeling, for me is terrifically reassuring. In my mind I am commited to PE-ing religiously for at least another 4 years solid. In that time I feel TOTALLY confident that I can achieve what I want and that confidence is then reciprocal to the whole process.

It’s like I’ve set up this “snake eating it’s tail” of positive affirmation with PE, a cycle of thought which ***knows*** that no matter what, I WILL NOT FAIL.

That shit gives me the juice, especially the part where I pretty much feel that the whang I want is already down there. Hard to explain, but if you grasp it and activate yourself this way, you’ll know that big dick is yours….

Wow wantsmore, I like the way you think. I think I’m going to try and develop the same attitude.

I think I know how you feel Lil J76, although, I think relationship are a lot more than just sexual satisfaction or penis size. If you’re really into each other and you’re already doing PE to get a better dick, then maybe you shouldn’t worry that much. Like wantsmore says, that big dick is already there, it just hasn’t arrived yet.

I used to have problems with my gf, because after the foreplay but right before sex, I used to get so nervous, that I actually lost my hard-on. That happened to me because I was so worried that I wouldn’t be able to please her, that I actually lost my boners! I talked it out with my gf and she said that it was ok, that I just needed a little more time and confidence and that I didn’t have to worry about not pleasing her, because we would eventually get there (if I ever really had problems pleasing her). She told me that she wasn’t with me because she only wanted sexual satisfaction, but because she wanted me, just me.

Your gf isn’t with you only because of that either… I hope I’m making a point here. And in any case, you will eventually have that big dick you want, so my 2 cents: don’t worry.

Started: BPEL: 13 cm / EG: 10.5 cm // 27-06-07

Now: BPEL: 14.1 cm / EG: 10.7 cm // 18-10-07

Goal: BPEL: 17 cm / EG: 13 cm // Soon ;)

I feel your pain bro. I have issues with the fact that my wife has been with other dudes too. I think though the fact that you get her off consistently is more important than wang size. Women want a dude that can make them cum. If you get her off more than the other dude with the biggerr dick than you really are the man because you are working it better!

Originally Posted by Lil J76
First off let me start off by saying that PE is one the best things that has happened to me. Also one of the worst. Lately I have been obsessed with it, in sort of a fun way. I have taken to Big Girtha’s theory “Don’t let it turtle” in a big way. Keeping or doing something to my dick at all times 7 days a week. I feel more confident about my dick than I ever have. So here are the bad things, the first being the more I fiddle with my wood the more I feel like I am inadequate. Weird huh? I have grown a little and my dick looks a lot better then before I began my journey. It is just sometimes I get frustrated about not growing that much, that quick. I want a 7.5 by 5.75, is this to much to ask? I feel like I might just be stuck at my current stats which is a horrible feeling.

This, is good take rest days even with fowfers.

I have had the good ol talk with my GF about her ex’s just because we tell each other everything. I thought I had dealt with and gotten over the fact about them but our conversations still linger in the way back of my mind. She has commented on my gains and we do play around alot but no sex. I just do not feel like I am still enough for her, I believe this is because of her openness about liking big dicks. I have created my self a mental mind fucked state. Why can I not just be relaxed about being me and just enjoy her and everything we do? I mean seriously, every time we play around I enjoy it and am completely into it but right after, I am asking my self “what do you think she was thinking when she was stroking your hard as a rock dick”? Now I have stated that we talk about everything but I will not be whiner. I just want her to be as impressed with my penis as she was with her ex’s.

She’s already palying with your dick, she likes it. Was she impressed with her EX’s Did she mention this. If your normal size dick is interfearing with your life then get a new perspective. You are in the largest population of penis owners.

The thing is, with my soon to be ex-wife of 11yrs I still questioned myself even after making her orgasm over and over. The whole, if I was bigger would she be more satisfied? I have to say, I have really never been comfortable with myself as far as my penis and sex goes and I do not know why.
This post is probably pointless but here is where I feel I can get it off my chest and start moving forward. Everyone here is striving to make themselves better for one reason or another and no judgments are made. Thanks Thunders for being here even as a shoulder.

The important part is the fact you gave her good sex, you stud you!

If you think you will not grow you will not grow. The body follows the mind.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by erissoup

I just find it funny how guys on here get. Oh my GF told me she has had bigger and liked it after I asked her about it, so now I am going to insult her back.

Chill, I was trying to inject a little humor. Badly, I guess. I’m of the opinion that you should not ask the question if you’re afraid of the answer :) .

Ok, first off, seek professional help. Try a psychoanalyst, it will do wonders for you.
Secondly, realize that you are not perfect and neither is she. She isn’t Rebeca Romjin Stamos, and you both know that beauty matters for you! Women of greater beauty strike you more powerfully don’t they? Or is it intelligence? Money? She isn’t perfect yet you love her anyway, and guess what, she will likely not give a flying fuck about the size of your dick as long as it’s you thrusting it in.

It matters, but it just might not be important. Think about it.

Originally Posted by El Wino
Ok, first off, seek professional help. Try a psychoanalyst, it will do wonders for you.
Secondly, realize that you are not perfect and neither is she. She isn’t Rebeca Romjin Stamos, and you both know that beauty matters for you! Women of greater beauty strike you more powerfully don’t they? Or is it intelligence? Money? She isn’t perfect yet you love her anyway, and guess what, she will likely not give a flying fuck about the size of your dick as long as it’s you thrusting it in.

It matters, but it just might not be important. Think about it.

I agree, and fretting over it will hinder gains.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Thanks everyone for your replies. The reason for doing this thread was to help me deal with my issues, and talking about it is the first step. I always have issues with my dick, but it does not consume me to the point where I stop living and doing things of sexual or non-sexual nature. I am here to improve my dick and grow a little bit, the same way I improve my body at the gym. When I say “grow” I mean in all aspects not just physical.

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !


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