Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Girth Gains Finally

I also have a roomate… no problem with privacy though, I have my own room. I generally watch porn while I do this which really helps with getting good erections. Good luck in the bathroom though :P.

Mick, have you “bottomed out” with your length of 8.25” bpel? Can you feel your cock head pushing against the end of the vagina? Can you freely thrust in all the way during rear entry while she is all fours, or her chest is down on the bed?

I can go on and on, so how’s that 8.25” cock working, as far as length is concerned? You did mention that you may shoot for .5” later.

Oddly I have had no problem whatsoever with this. I was talking to an ex recently and she reminded me that I hit her cervix one time and it was painful as hell (I was only 7.75” BP then), but I don’t even remember this. With my last girlfriend (with my current size), I never hit it once. I’m pretty sure however that I did go past her cervix, which I’ve read can be amazing for women. She told me that she could feel me “here” and pointed basically to her lower stomach. This apparently felt “too good”. I later read about getting past the cervix… apparently if you do you should do VERY shallow strokes, not pound away hard like I was which was probably causing the “too good” sensation. Apparently when you do get past the cervix and do these shallow gentle strokes you can produce a crazy squirting orgasm. Haven’t yet tried this, but I would love to.

If you do bottom out, I think there are always ways to get past the cervix anyway so you don’t hit it. In missionary, pushing the girl’s legs way back, i.e. knees at her head, seems to work really well. Regular doggy didn’t seem to produce this, but when she was lying on her stomach that seemed to work in getting past it. With her I never actually hit it, so I guess maybe her cervix was just positioned well.

I too see clamping as my option and way to a girth I am happy with. I’ve been a hard gainer for girth as well, even though length has come fairly easy. If clamping is the way, I’m jumping on the bandwagon too. I need a little more conditioning first though. I’d like to hit 7” NBP before I switch to full girth focus.

Congrats on your tool, sounds like exactly what I want for myself.

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


I have LOST girth…

Gonna clamp seriously when I’m done with length.

Has been: 6.4 x 4.7 (16.3 x 12cm)

Is : 6,9 x 4.7 (17.7 x 12cm)

WILL BE : 7 x 4,8 (17,8 x 12.2cm)

How things going mick? Updates?

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Sorry thick cock, didn’t notice your reply till now.

Things aren’t going the best right now. Since it’s so hard for me to gain girth and since I’ve already gone so hardcore, it seems basically impossible for me to gain any more, but I’m still trying. The thing is, I could do infinitely long clamping sessions, but at a certain point my skin gets so swollen that it’s impractical to continue. This happens at about 7.5 inches in girth, and no matter what I do I’m having a really hard time getting past that, but I’m trying different things.


I loved reading yours triple cock-compliment adventures. Holy Shit, you still feel inadequate after that? Have you ever heard of this little science experiment?:

You get three vessels of water: 1 hot water; 1 cold water; 1 tepid water.

You stick your left hand in the hot water and your right hand into the cold water simultaneously. Stay like that for 1 minute. Then you stick both hands into the tepid water.

Guess what happens? The hand that was in hot water suddenly feels cold while the hand from the cold water feels hot.

It’s all relative. You feel like your holding an inadequate dick at 6.5?

You bastard (kidding, I love ya, bro), but, seriously, hold MY dick at 5.5 for a minute and then hold yours again.

I’m sure you’ll suddenly start to appreciate what you got.

Anyway, I savor any dick compliments I have gotten from chicks. Those stories were great. You seem to get laid a lot too. Congrats on scoring tons of bush.

Now, I am going to soon go into the bathroom and jelq and uli until my cock is purple.

6.5 here we come!

I’m well aware that something must be wrong with me, lol (also see my latest post in When is it too big for sex and BJ).

I’m not actually 6.5 inches in girth, that’s normal girth the day after a workout. If that was my actual girth I would JUST be satisfied enough I think… it’s feels adequate in my hand (most of the time). My regular girth is like 6.25 inches, and ya, when I feel it it feels tiny, lol. I’m not kidding, I really feel small when I’m at that size. I can’t believe that it’s actually considered huge. Anyway like I said I guess there’s something wrong with me.

Glad you enjoyed the stories, and no I really don’t get laid that much… I just happened to be with three different girls in a relatively short amount of time… doesn’t usually happen.

Uli away, and hope you get to 6.5 too.

Thanks for the kind wishes, my friend.

I hope I get there too. I was actually at just a little over 5.25 a month ago. Now I’m suddenly just a little over 5.5. If I keep this up I will be 6.5 in 4 months?! Well, we shall see what happens.

You should read ulistretch’s routine from the faq here. He was at 6 when he started and then got up to 8 1/2 mid girth!

BTW, I saw in a different post where you asked me about the stats of Billy Glide, Lex Steele and Nacho Vidal. Lex Steele I saw on Nacho and Billy I have seen quoted as that on Also, if you goto and look up Belladonna (a porn star who was engaged to Nacho once) she attests to Nacho being the thickest she ever had. He is listed as 8.5 x 6.5 in that article. It says Bella made this statement after being with Billy Glide and Lex and a few other big-dicked porn stars too.

Happy Cocking!

Ya I read uli’s routine… didn’t give too much detail really, lol. I kind of glanced at it though, I’ll read it over in more detail.

That’d be pretty insane if you got there in four months. Do you clamp? If so, what do you feel is better, uli’s or clamping?

I don’t think the visualizer site is accurate, some of the guys they mention have to be smaller than they say. Actually I just checked Shane Diesel on there, and they have him at 7.5 inches in girth. He’s one of the only ones I’ve seen measured and I know for a fact he’s only 7 inches in girth.

Checking out LPSG right now to see what I can find there.

Oh ya, and if she said that about Nacho then I guess it’s true. I’d have guessed Billy Glide to be a decent amount bigger than him though.


Yeah, I think it’s hard to quantify porn cock stats just by looking at porn. They probably all do tricks to make themselves bigger, don’t you think? I’m sure a lot of guys pump before scenes. Shit, I know I would. And think about it, didn’t you yourself pump up to 7.5 girth? So think of what a natural 7 inch girth like Diesel could pump up to.

No, I haven’t tried clamping yet. I’m sticking to the Sparkyx theory of “sweet spot”: I got gains going with this routine, so I’m just going to keep doing the same as long as I’m gaining.

Hell, ulistretch ONLY ever claimed to use his fingers and look what he did.

I’m definitely curious to try clamping though. But maybe I’ll be writing a passage on how my cock is now 7 inches of girth and I’m retiring forever. “My cock is too big, Gents! I only used oil and fingers!”

Hey, Mick, you pump though. Can you actually pump up to that size and then fuck with it? Have you done that? How long does that kind of temporary inflated cock last?

I think that would be a fun thing to do regardless of cementing gains. Just like trying on a new dick for the night.

Ya I guess, but he’s always looked the same size to me in scenes, and he never has a pumped look… always really veiny and not thick-skinned.

Ya might as well leave clamping till you stop gaining from uli’s. I read your description on how you do them… I’ll try out the same thing.

He never had pictures though. It’s possible he did that, but I’m skeptical.

I can clamp or pump up to that size. No, lol… never had sex at anywhere close to 7.5 inches in girth. All I can say about how long it lasts is that I’ll have lost about an inch in girth after 24 hours. By then basically all of the skin swelling would be gone, which actually does count for a lot of the girth that I get.

24 hours you say?

Cool, maybe my girlfriend can get me a pump for Christmas and I can fuck her with my inflated wintery balloon dick.


Originally Posted by Thick Cock
I just picked up 3 cable clamps from home depot. I have no privacy but I will make this fucking thing work. I will go in a public bathroom and clamp if I have to.

God that is funny. Amazing how motivated we become. Best luck.


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