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Girth Too Big for Small Clamp but Too Small for Big Clamp

Girth Too Big for Small Clamp but Too Small for Big Clamp

Hey, I just recently found out I was clamping incorrectly for several months. On this forum, I read mouse pad was good clamping material to wrap around your penis so your skin would not get destroyed by the clamp. However, I misinterpreted it by thinking that you guys were only using the CLOTH part of the mouse pad and not the styrofoam part. So for several months I used the very thin cloth material to wrap around my penis when clamping. Then I started read a clamping thread with pictures of clamps with mouse pad material glued to it.

So I just felt dumb for like 10 minutes and started to cut up the mouse pad and glued it to my small and big clamp. (I usually used the small white clamp for my penis which has 5 inch girth mid base). When the glue was dry, I found out the big clamp was too big for my penis and it did not constrict my penis well and that the small white one was too small for my penis.

Do you guys have any suggestions on what to do or how to solve this problem? I want to use the styrofoam glued to the clamp since it seems safer, and more comfortable to use then using the thin cloth material.

Try the medium clamp. There are 3 sizes

Sorry Im referring the Big Clamp as the Medium ones. So basically, the medium ones are too big and the small ones are too small

When I started I was 4.25 eg. Use a whole lot of wrap. I used window insulation plus part of a tee shirt. Only use as much wrap as you need, but use enough to get some pressure.

Thanks figaro for the tip, I’ll make sure I’ll try that.

I also have another problem. With the medium clamp, I get some pressure but not as much as I like to. But the clamp always moves around. Like I know the screw is supposed to be under the penis to prevent damage to the dorsal nerve, but the medium clamp always seems to move around. Will the extra wrap prevent the clamp from moving around?

Hi there, what I’ve gathered together is I cut a sock topping off and then split that into one long piece.Now if you have little girth you can just fold that long piece over to “double-it-up”.I think that should work for you.If for some reason it doesn’t then.. You could also try using a hose clamp by hot gluing a dime in the slot and cutting up a Dr. Scholl’s Moleskin patch to form the inner layer of the clamp.Now you can’t wrap it all the way around.You have to measure how much you’re going to need to accommodate your girth and leave the rest the way it is so it can tighten. Here’s what I mean

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Thanks for the tip long grass, I’m gonna try the sock thing cause I don’t know where I can find a hose clamp.

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