Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Girtha’s Coital Sex & Girth Routine:


Great to have you back! As a member that joined well after you previously left, I have read what I guess to be 80% of your posted content; primarily because I desire significant girth gains and your posts (and results) predominate the girth threads.

I noticed your return a while ago but never decided to make contact. Now seems as good of a time as any.

Here are my questions:

1) Can you please give some closure to Brenda’s Mom story. I’ve only been waiting months; I’m sure other have been waiting years.

2) In recent posts (Due to your prolific writing [which I appreciate], I cannot find the forum-links; sorry) you advocate “slow and steady” and non-traumatic PE. Yet in the above you are presenting (to my understanding and experience) a very traumatic regimen of PE. I understand that your post was a further elucidation of the “sex with clamp” thread, but the posted routine is “way extreme”. What is your best suggestion for girth gains?

3) For you, in terms of gains, do you think “less is more” or “more is more”. In your absence have you performed any PE and/or achieved gains (length/girth)?

Length for show. Girth for "Whoa"!

NBPEL: Start: $1.50; Current: $1.75; Goal: $2

MSEG: Start: <TP Tube; Current: >TP Tube; Goal: >>PT Tube.

Last edited by retention_head : 06-25-2009 at .


1. As far as the Brenda’s Mom story, maybe we’d better leave that one to DW’s forum; I’m already in trouble with the Boss as it is. :leftie:

2. I do promote slow and steady, and believe less is more in this addictive craft we call PE. It is true, I always pushed the envelope in the past, but do not suggest this is good PE. Do the routine I’ve written about here with half the intensity I put into it and you will still most likely gain girth, and probably total volume as well.

3. During my three-year hiatus, I think I may have lost a little erect length, but I’ve also gained some girth, especially flaccid girth and total volume, which is all I’m really interested in. I did only light maintenance during that time, the same routine in this thread, only with much less intensity, and only two or three days a week. I’ve only recently gotten back to doing the routine daily. I don’t measure anymore, but I estimate my current stats as pretty close to 7X7.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


What are your thoughts on cumming during PE days?

Do you refrain from ejaculating in close proximity to your PE sessions? Do you try to keep ejaculating to a minimum?

Just wondering where you stand on that.

The age-old PE question…

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

2. I do promote slow and steady, and believe less is more in this addictive craft we call PE.

Was this written by a BG in a parallel universe?

I'm fed up of having a signature!

During the peak of my PE career I became known as an extremist in my methods. I no longer feel that abuse is necessary. I do feel that “casual” PE will get you nowhere. You really do have to apply yourself, to gain. However, I now believe one can push the limits without suffering needless injury. Every dick is different. Some guys get hurt easily, whereas some guys can pound their dicks with a hammer. I have always fallen into the later category.

I just don’t want someone to hurt themselves with clamps trying to follow my more advanced routines. I honestly feel that a moderate to heavy, steady PE routine daily is better than beating your pud into submission then having to leave it alone for a week to heal.

Mostly, what I believe works toward total volume, is simply keeping your dick extended and engorged all the time, or as much as humanly possible. Whatever it takes for you to accomplish this is what it will take to see significant gains. The good news is; it is not that hard to keep your dick extended and engorged. Everything I have written in this thread, as well as my past threads will show you how to do this. Just search and apply these methods, but, perhaps with a little more caution.

It wasn’t until I came out of the PE closet with my urologist, and showed her how I was using clamps, and the Bib hanger, that I started modifying my routines more towards safety. My dick works much better now, and I still seem to be gaining girth, and total volume.

Being into nude recreation, and the Alternative Lifestyle that comes along with it, flaccid appearance is the most important thing. A dick that hangs well soft and works well hard is all that matters to me these days. I could care less about erect length. I think 7” BPEL is all anyone really needs for a good sex life. But in my opinion, you can never get too much girth, or have too much flaccid hang. Of course I realize my views on this are not the norm on this forum. Most members here only care about BPEL.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I agree BG, Girth and flaccid hang are where it’s at for me. My wife has already told me not to put on any more length. The last time I measured, I was just on 7 inch BPEL if I pushed the ruler in hard enough. Whenever I talk about gaining girth, my wife gets that far away look in her eyes, MMMMmmm. However, I don’t intend to go beyond 6 inch MSEG - not unless she insists anyway.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Have you stopped using clamps then BG?

No, kimc. I have not. I still use clamps, but with caution.

Let me add that I will never stop clamping/pumping and doing dry jelqs and manual stretches, nor will I stop using the lead rings, although I have been warned by two different urologists that the lead against skin is not a good idea, and that the “Self Induced Priapsim via Clamping, is dangerous.

Although I am in agreement with Doc that my PE regimen is most likely dangerous, we both also agree that it works, or, at least that is has worked for me. She better than anyone is a witness to my girth gains and increased penile health, over the years.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I was reading your coital sex and girth routine and had a concern. I like the idea of milking the tube and using vibration to get the desired girth. However, almost everytime I use vibration (along with the heat wrapped around the tube), I get this weird “side donut”. It’s strange because I keep the vibration away from my head, but no matter what, I can’t get away from this freaky looking one sided donut. I am keeping the heat constant and the vibration stays on for the entire set (3 x 10min). Do you have any suggestion on what I can do different?

I think your wife should be the best witness of your gains and improvement of your penile health. Or is your urologist your sex partner?

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
No, kimc. I have not. I still use clamps, but with caution.

Let me add that I will never stop clamping/pumping and doing dry jelqs and manual stretches, nor will I stop using the lead rings, although I have been warned by two different urologists that the lead against skin is not a good idea, and that the “Self Induced Priapsim via Clamping, is dangerous.

Although I am in agreement with Doc that my PE regimen is most likely dangerous, we both also agree that it works, or, at least that is has worked for me. She better than anyone is a witness to my girth gains and increased penile health, over the years.

Later - ttt

Djam07: Sorry haven’t had time to answer your PM. But it is better to do it here anyway.

The donut is most likely from too much pressure, too cool a tube, or too long in the tube, not from the vibrator. However using the vibrator is a pain in the ass. I’m working on a new idea for a hands free way to do this. I will post about it in a bit.

Ticktickticker: I have not had sex with the urologist I am seeing now. She insists on keeping our relationship strictly professional: But, trust me, I’m working on it, because she is hot.

However my past urologist, Doc the one I write about often here, knows more about my dick than I do. She examined it for years, and still takes a look at it, every now and then, on a more friendly level. :leftie:

But I get asked about this a lot, so here is a quick refresher for the new guys who haven’t read my Doc threads. This thread is about mixing PE with sex, so I guess it is on topic.

The first time Doc saw my dick, I weighed 333 pounds. This was before I discovered PE. I remember the exam well. Sitting in that cold exam room in just my briefs and the little blue, paper bib they give a hefty man for a gown. What little dick I had was shriveled to the max. She took her stool and asked me to stand and drop them. There she was eye level to a fat pat, but no dick. She actually had to pull my tiny flaccid one incher out of the fat pad with her fingers to see it. It was probably the most humiliating moment of my life. The incident is burned into my brain., and I was so devastated by this, that I was determined to do something about it. This is when I discovered Thunders. I also became obsessed with loosing weight. Which I did. I lost 130 pounds and whittled my fat pad down to nearly nothing by swimming, power walking and popping ephedrine.

One year later I could actually see my dick without a mirror for the first time in many years. Plus, when I went back for my annual, physical exam I cheated a bit. Before I left the house I had been doing girth work all day right up to my afternoon appointment. I took a 20 MG Calis that morning when I got up. I even clamped off an engorgement and kept the clamp on during the drive over to her office. I popped the clamp off and went in to the waiting room. Then after vitals were taken I was taken to that same little exam room where I had been so humiliated the year before. So While I waited for Doc, I finished up with my routine. Dry jelqs, mostly, I mean what can you do in a doctors office, beside dry jelqs and tucking a Fowfer. In fact, I was sitting on a Fowfer on the exam table when she came in. She rolled her little rollie stool over, asked me to stand and drop them. When I did a huge, swollen, post PEed to death, dick flopped out. This time she didn’t have to pull it out with her fingers to see it. She had to lift it up and to the side to see my scrotum. It was heavy; a very heavy hunk of meat in her tiny gloved hand.

And this was the start of a beautiful relationship.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Stories from fantasy land..

Sounds like the men who see prostitutes and start believing she loves him .. Telling her to give up his job .. And become his.

Did you ask your urologist to give up her job and let you take care of her?

Later - ttt

Sorry, Tick: I’m all out of Cliff’s Notes. Read the story here:

A Date With My Urologist

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


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