Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Girtha’s Coital Sex & Girth Routine:


Big Girtha, you obviously got nice girth and apparently you got large flaccid size. You do PE for a long time and you are focusing on increasing flaccid size - as I do. My stats are: BPEL 7,28” EG 5.12” (18,5cmX13cm) - it is normal. I work on erected size, do newbie routine (stretches, wet jelqs) and I reached increasing in 0.2”X0,1”. But. My flaccid size is what I really don’t like - it is small (4,5X4). And it is not gaining at all. And I don’t like size of my balls too.

Question is: what can you advice me to add in my routine for working on flaccid directly? (I already do fowfers, testicle massage, frequent stretches during a day.)


BPEL 7,28” EG 5.12”

It’s actually a fairly large “normal.”

While it isn’t going to break records or win any awards, this is a large penis.

The Mandingos of the world are quite rare, and most folks are well under 7”.

Just thought you might like to be reminded. :leftie:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Mr. Happy thank you for good words - really. But honestly for me “normal” is NBPEL 8-8,5”X6” now. So I keep working in this direction) Yeah, of course ”normal” means good flaccid&balls size in addiction.

Since I’ve been struggling with girth, I have to try this!

Man-size: I agree, statistically you are well above average. Of course no man is ever big enough to his on eyes. For flaccid gains sounds like you are on the right track. Sadly, I know of nothing that will increase ball size.

Zap: Easy goes it with this routine. But it will give you girth.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Man-size: I agree, statistically you are well above average. Of course no man is ever big enough to his on eyes. For flaccid gains sounds like you are on the right track. Sadly, I know of nothing that will increase ball size.

Zap: Easy goes it with this routine. But it will give you girth.

Pumping may increase ball size, there are threads about that. However, what should it be good for, - and: none knows the effects on firtility and testosterone production.

Not suggested.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by Big Girtha

Although I am in agreement with Doc that my PE regimen is most likely dangerous, we both also agree that it works, or, at least that is has worked for me. She better than anyone is a witness to my girth gains and increased penile health, over the years.

That’s cool that she’s recognizing PE works.

For increasing ball size I try testicle massage. Let’s see can it help or not.. I don’t want pumping balls, sounds not good to me.

BG thanks anyway.

How should that increase ball size?

Rather forget about it.

Originally Posted by man-size
For increasing ball size I try testicle massage. Let’s see can it help or not.. I don’t want pumping balls, sounds not good to me.

BG thanks anyway.

Later - ttt


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