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Glans getting soft??

John do you know this from experience?

Yes franchise.

Originally Posted by negro2k
I have this exact same problem. I can get the center of my dick hard easily but I have to hold down on the front of it where the blood vessels are to get the rest of it. It’s like the outside of my penis is completely flaccid and only the inner is hard if I don’t do this. If I sit leaning forward a certain way to clamp down on the PC then I can get a nice normal erection. I remember having to do this long before PE I always clamp down with one hand on the base and use my left hand to jack off I’m wondering if I force myself to use just one hand will it fix the problem.

I have this EXACT problem and like others said. Also started after I started PE, rock hard before that. With Viagra is gets rock hard again.

I think I have or have had the soft head problem as well. I have been PE’ing so long I forgot how hard the head is supposed to be.

Maybe it is normal. I think it is the first symptom of ED, which could be a temporary effect from PE. It is scary though. Some guys report great improvement in erection quality from PE, while others develop erection problems including this soft glans problem.

It would be good to know what it is that guys do that result in improvement and what guys do that cause problems. My opinion is that strangulation of the head from hanging or tension pulls causes the most problems, for me, even at moderate intensities.

My soft glans persist. I checked my notes and got a surprise when I realized I stopped doing PE back in April of 2005. With the exception of Shilow’s exercise (surprised there because he was banned—-it sounded like he knew something) in October, I’ve been PE free. Feeling depressed, I went to a urologist the other day and expected the worse… tests were performed to check on testosterone levels, blood, some chemical (started with a P, but I forget right now) found in the brain, and also an ultrasound on the affected area, where I’ve read about leakages and suspected that was the case here.

However, all came up normal.

My urologist is aware of PE exercises and his recommendation… time. So wait. How long?… I have no idea, but I’ll be checking back with him periodically (waited far too long on this anyway), and let you know what happens.

I have this and have always had it. Think I might have done it from masturbation as a kid. I am nearly positive it is the deep dorsal vein, and it is leaking blood. I am going to get it tested in about 3 weeks to see exactly what sites are leaking, and how severely.

But like others when I press on the deep dorsal vein, my head engorges and my erection in general is much stronger. However as soon as I let go, the erection looses some hardness, girth, and the head deflates dramatically - going very soft, and losing about 1.5 inches of girth. It is a dramatic change.

I have started to do P.E to try correct this best I can before I get treated, which will probabaly be embolization of the deep dorsal vein. But you guys saying P.E caused this is very scary. I thought it was meant to give stronger erections? What the fuck? Your erections can’t be stronger if the head is no longer as firm. Has this happened to most who P.E? I’d like to hear some comments from those whose head has became more engorged, and retained/gained firmness from P.E.

I would also, like mravg, like to know what exercises people do who have this problem. Is it from excessive clamping/hanging, or jelqing at full erection for like an hour or something?

Or has it happened to those whom even follow an easy routine as simple as jeqling for 15 mins and stretching for 15 mins or something. Also, do you guys who have this usually warm up?

To add my 2c’sworth… I observed too that my glans became noticeably much softer when erect shortly after I started PE, which worried me I have to admit. I backed off the exercises for a week or two, and it improved partially, then resumed exercise at a more concentrated level than before, since which time (perversely) the problem seems to have gone away almost completely.

I think there is a factor you also need to take into account, and that’s the stimulus for erection. For me, if it’s purely ‘manual’ I only get about a 90% erection - whereas if it’s ‘for real’ then my unit is as hard as granite, glans as well.

Always worth remembering - the largest sex organ we possess is located between our ears!


Life is not a rehearsal... we only get one go at it so make sure it's worthwhile!

Started 12 Sep 2005 BPEL=5.75" EG=4.7" Current 19 Apr 2006 (7 months) BPEL=+0.8" EG=+0.4" :up:

my stats

Thanks for the input. May I ask when you say at a more ‘concentrated’ level, what intensity of P.E you work at? Also, did your glans just get softer, or also smaller?

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
Thanks for the input. May I ask when you say at a more ‘concentrated’ level, what intensity of P.E you work at? Also, did your glans just get softer, or also smaller?

By ‘concentrated’ I mean I progressively stepped up the jelqing to about 8 sessions per week (roughly one/two per day, five days out of seven); before, I’d only been jelqing five sessions per week, each morning Monday to Friday. However, I did reduce the manual stretching - before, I was stretching practically all the time whenever I could (sometimes to the point of numbness). I think the over-stretching may have had more to do with the soft glans problem. Plus now, despite jelqing more/longer/harder I no longer get little red spots, which suggests to me that my unit has toughened up.

As far as glans size, it’s difficult to tell. It wasn’t noticeably smaller, just softer (and less shiny). I guess it must have been slightly smaller by virtue of being under less internal pressure.

How is it for you on the Viagra test? i.e does it get rock-hard with V?

Life is not a rehearsal... we only get one go at it so make sure it's worthwhile!

Started 12 Sep 2005 BPEL=5.75" EG=4.7" Current 19 Apr 2006 (7 months) BPEL=+0.8" EG=+0.4" :up:

my stats

One other point. I’m now a confirmed believer in jelq-before-stretch: I do a few GENTLE stretches first for about 5min, then jelq, getting progressively more intense, for about 15-20min, then shower, then stretch harder for a while (sometimes up to 20-30min). There’s no doubt, post-jelq stretching works best for me, FAR better/longer stretch and much less ‘recoil’. :up:

Life is not a rehearsal... we only get one go at it so make sure it's worthwhile!

Started 12 Sep 2005 BPEL=5.75" EG=4.7" Current 19 Apr 2006 (7 months) BPEL=+0.8" EG=+0.4" :up:

my stats

My glans has always been mostly soft when erect, at least it was well before I started PE. Maybe I’ll bring it up next time I see a doctor.

I’ve just created a poll on this subject. Hopefully it will shed some light on the situation.

Thanks for the replies. My head does not inflate with viagra - only with a cock ring.

My head was never real hard before PE but now it’s worse. It’s not getting hard at all with erection. Hate to say it but I’m glad I’m not the only one with this problem but I hope it’s not permanent. I just about always use a cockring I didn’t have to have it before but now I do. This just started happening within the last week.

It’s either from Jelqing - Mem’s routine or man stretches because that’s all I do. What would you suggest I do? I’m in the middle of my 2 day off right now. I’m really worried. Everything was going pretty good now I’m wondering if I should keep on PEing.

Where is KC at and how is he doing? Just wonder if time has healed him.

(Started 2/21/06) BPEL 7.125 - NBPEL 5.625 - MSEG 5.625

(As of 8/23/07) BPEL 7.5 - NBPEL 6.000 - MSEG 5.87

2nd goal is BPEL 7.750 NBPEL of 6.250" and EG 6" - Long term goal is NBPEL 8" - Girth 6.50

Last edited by wantit2bbig : 06-08-2006 at .

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