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Glans getting soft??

Glans getting soft??

I’ve been PEing seriously for 1 month with a fairly intense jelqing routine (2on/1off, 3on/1off). However recently, I realized my glans is only half as hard as it used to be, especially when i kegel, while my shaft is rock solid. I’m wondering if it has happened to anybody else, and if I should slowdown on intensity during my sessions.

Loss of erection strength, or part of it, could be a sign of over doing it. The easiest thing to change is the intensity of your workout, so back off a bit and see if things don’t improve.

Your cock is not used to all of this new attention, so it is not uncommon to go overboard when first starting out.

I’d slow down on intensity or possibly take a few days off and see if it gets better. You may just be over working the big guy. I know after I do a 30 minute jelq session my dick almost feels numb and I can barely get an erection from rubbing it. Have you recently increased your routine? By the way, what is your routine? That way we can let you know if you are possibly over working it. Hope this helps!

The thing is I did not really lose erection strength, as my shaft is even harder than before…it is only the glans which seems to be weakened.

Also I’ve been PEing for 4 months on/off with a clamping routine until last month which became a serious routine. That’s why I’m not too sure of going overboard (even though thats quite possible).

My routine only consists of 25 mins of jelqing (70%-80& erection strength), with a few squeezes at the base at the end, + warmup/warm-down.

same with me here… erect shaft but totally soft glans

i did just pumping the last month, before 1 month jelquing

don’t even know if i ever had a hard glan before at the stage of erectness i am though

hm… the glans gets blood from the blood vessel on the lower side of the penis while the shaft gets it’s blood from the upper side of the penis - does it?

your glans is supposed to be as hard as your shaft, isn’t it?
probably i should visit a doctor

Well I understand now why my shaft has gotten so hard : the blood which usually goes into the glans is trapped into the shaft. When I kegel hard, it almost feels like my shift will explode, while my glans remain soft.

Well I don’t it should be as hard as the shaft, but at least close to it. However when you kegel, it should be as hard I believe.

Same here,is it a venous leakage?

I’ve seen many record this problem, maybe it’s another bad effect of PE’ing?

After a 1 week break from PE, no amelioration at all… seems permanent to me.

I have the soft glans too these days. Didn´t have it before. Shaft is rock hard though. Strange shit. I used to have a shiny balloonhead glans……..

__________________________________________________ _

Since 2004 oct 10th: 1,25" BPEL , 0.6" Girth

Always soft, or...?

I notice that I can have a pretty good erection with a soft glans, but if I get a real full 100% hard-on, then the glans too swells up, as big or bigger than before. The glans is the last part to engorge.

So… all of you who report a soft glans, is that true when you approach the point of no return?

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Originally Posted by larslaukanen
I notice that I can have a pretty good erection with a soft glans, but if I get a real full 100% hard-on, then the glans too swells up, as big or bigger than before. The glans is the last part to engorge.

So… all of you who report a soft glans, is that true when you approach the point of no return?

I just checked, and my glans is soft while my shaft is hard, but when I got really hard the glans got big and hard as well.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

I have this problem as well. My Corpus Spongiosum also will not fill up a lot of the times. It kinda sucks cause it makes my dick look shorter from the glands not filling and thinner from the CS not filling. If im jerking and i feel the blood flowing though or im real hard. If i bust out and hold a hard reverse kegel the head and CS fill up and the veins buldge like its about to explode. I never had this problem before PE, and it seems to get progressivly worse. Ive been thinkign about going to a doctor to see about it. If its perminant ill shoot myself in the face. Then I will have to get a big penis just to compensate for my lack of blood flow.

I think we all suffer from venous leakage.

I have a thrombosed superficial dorsal vein.When I squeeze it my glans becomes hard.

I’ve been PEing for just about a month and felt some positive results (no measures, though). However, I am starting to notice the “glans getting soft efect”, just as it has been mentioned here. Kinda strange, isn’t it? I have no idea what can be causing it.. Any conclusions?

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