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Glans wrapping for vac hanging extension

Glans wrapping for vac hanging extension

I thought it might be beneficial to kick off a thread dedicated to glans wrapping for prevention of water blisters during vacuum hanging/extension. Most of the info is embedded and fragmented in very large threads.

I haven’t experienced water blisters yet, but I do get concerned at the glans lengthening effect vacuum methods have. I’ve looked into techniques used by other people for wrapping glans, but have yet to find a technique that suits me, and is convenient.

Would anyone like to contribute their thoughts and experiences?

I’m reluctant to post as doing so will bump my own thread, but I have been experimenting with a material that seems quite appropriate. I use plumbers sealing tape. This is a rubbery tape with no adhesive, that tends to loosely bond to itself (a bit like theraband). So far it seems to work well, although a wider tape would reduce the application and removal time.

That sounds interesting. I may have to try that. My glans seems too large for the constriction device that Monkeybar ships with his Vac-extender. Of course I may just need to practice my application technique more.

I find the constriction device helps with preventing the doughnut effect, but not with minimising glans lengthening. I have my concerns about the material this tape is made of,(simply because I am unfamiliar with it), and how safe it is to wrap the glans. If anyone can contribute any thoughts, please do.

I have had water blisters from Monkeybars vacuum extender in the past and first started wrapping with tape and bandages and it works most of the time… but by the end of the day its really uncomfortable and durring the day its to time consumming.

This is what I came up with.

1. Take one tissue of toilet paper and fold it in halves till its a little bigger than a postage stamp.
2. Take the constriction sleeve and roll it up like a condom.
3. Take the folded tissue paper and place it on the rolled constriction sleeve.
4. Now take the sleeve and tissue paper and put it on the glands, make sure and press it down firmly when you roll the constriction sleeve down. (you want pressure on the tip of the glands.
5. When you put your hanger on make sure the constriction sleeve and glands are pressing into the top of the hanger.

For me this is the best solution, its fast, comfortable, and works great at stopping water blisters. Its also clean, you change the toilet paper out every time you make adjustments or go to the bathroom.

Hope this helps some people, it sure has me :)

I’m glad that it works and I will try it, but I’m a little puzzled as to why it works. Perhaps it gives the end of the constirction sleeve some rigidity?

Basically all the constriction sleeve does is apply pressure to the glands. The problem is if they don’t fit 100% then you get fluid build up and blisters. The toilet paper makes kind of a cushion to pad the area and apply pressure. Go slow at first and see if it works for you before you go for a long session.

I tried this, but it doesn’t really work for me. Well, sort of.

I used the above technique. The first thing I noticed was minor discomfort from having something a little harder than normal(the folded tissue) pressing against my glans. However, after one hour my glans, albeit a little creased, looked fine. The usual signs of lengthening weren’t as pronounced.

After the 6th hour (with a 1 hr gap in between) I felt discomfort, but was unable to assess things (in a meeting). On returning to the bathroom, I found I had developed my first water blisters! They were very small, and went away overnight. But very ugly.

I suspect water blisters are caused by one of two things. Firstly the vacuum draws fluid into the glans. If too much is drawn, the fluid doesn’t dissipate quickly and can develop a blister.

The second cause (I’m only guessing here) is friction. I think this was the case with my blisters.

I think I will try to find a softer material to put in the tip. Thanks all the same!

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