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Synergistic effect of wrapping on hanging and uli's for Bib, etals

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Synergistic effect of wrapping on hanging and uli's for Bib, etals


You and Dance (and others) have discussed in a number of threads various aspects of wrapping and its benefits to hanging work per maintaining the lateral bonds in a extended state for a prolonged period of time, and in like manner after Uli’s by maintaining the longitudional bonds in a state of prolonged expansion while the tissues are in their cool down phase (thus solidifing daily gains). Such would create an additional dimension of enhancement possibly additive or even synergistic in impact.

My question would be in regards to your personal experience; once you found the “optimum” degree of tightness to hold the engroinment (resulting in or precipitating semierect to erect state) what length of time were your wearing sessions, wrest, and reapplication (if any) per day after you “hit your stride”. (Dance in one of the threads did suggested time frames). Your further thoughts specific or general, elaborations, and stream of consciousness on various parameters that come to mind, would be appreciated).

I have studied all threads on this subject and it is covered fairly well, any further nuances and details that you can think of would be appreciated. My preliminary impression would be that this is a substantive area that tends to be overlooked.



Last edited by Merlin : 10-13-2001 at .

Hello and ?

First, this is a great forum, thanks to Bib for sending me this way!

Second, curious if Bib thinks that doing the wrap is much better than going with a cock ring. I have not done anything like this in a long time, but I am willing ot try again. I feel like I am realy starting to get some results with my Bib Hanger and want to maximize the results.



First, let me say I have written about this many times over the years and only growing has ever responded about trying it. It is really good to finally see some interest in the subject.

I discovered this, like most good things by accident. Don’t remember the particulars, but I had been hanging, and something came up and I did not unwrap. Of course, within ten minutes or so, I was fully engorged and actually larger than my normal erection (at that time) in that area. I had no experience with cock rings or anything of the sort.

Rather than unwrap, I squeezed the head to see if I could get the blood out, and then learned to simply push the wrap forward to allow the blood to escape. Then, on the next set, I found it was more comfortable hanging. It seems as if the engorgement leaves the correct amount of blood in the head and upper shaft, which makes a good anchor point for the forward thumbs of the hanger.

So I started this engorgement process before the day’s hanging, and generally would just remain wrapped almost the entire day, allowing the head to swell between sets. This worked out well with the between sets milking. I would milk the blood from the lower shaft, even just behind and in front of my scrotum, up to the other side of the wrap. This made the swelling a little quicker.

Later, I started wrapping just for the heck of it. To let it swell and remain that way for extended periods. Sometimes I would forget about the wrap and remain that way for 3-4 hours in the evening. The amount of pressure for that amount of time is critical. You must have an almost normal amount of return blood to safely do it. While the added pressure on the head side of the wrap will push the return blood past the wrap, a little too tight will decrease overall circulation and is not healthy.

The degree of tightness is important and takes a little time to learn. A little too much and the pressure build-up required to push the return blood past the wrap becomes uncomfortable. Too little pressure and you only get fluid buildup.

I found that the most comfortable wrap for extended wear was the sweatshirt material underneath Theraband. I would wrap the cloth on fairly loose. Then apply the Thera with a little pressure. I used a small piece of duct tape to secure it. This was easy to adjust for tightness.

Fair warning. When the wrap is applied, if tight enough, the head will begin to swell on it’s on. However, there will be added pressure on the wrap as it swells. Sometimes this makes the pressure too high. I found that if I wrapped as stated above, and then manually milked some blood to the ‘head side’ of the wrap, it would go ahead and swell, but the pressure would be about right.

This was the first true gain that I could see in head girth. The only thing I could attribute the gains to was the pressure from wrapping.

Fluid is the worst negative thing about wrapping. The increase pressure will force fluid out of the normal areas, much as with pumping. Fifteen to twenty minutes of unwrapped milking will generally work most of the excess fluid out. Also, when hanging, this fluid will make the bottom foreskin tender. The weight of hanging on the fluid buildup can create undo pressure in this area. The only thing I found for it is to unwrap and milk.

After I had gained everything I wanted in length, and started doing Ulis for the upper shaft and head girth, I found the Uli thing and hanger were good for creating tremendous pressure. Of course, I had to wrap in order to use either device. After a set, and then at the end of the day, it was natural to remain wrapped and let the head remained in a semi engorged state. The soreness from the Uli work precluded a great deal of pressure. I used just enough to stay extended.

I never really thought about the extended wrapping having an effect upon the longitudinal bonds. But I suppose it could. I always did a little manual stretching at times throughout the day and evening to keep these fibers extended.

I have never used a cock ring so I cannot comment. The wrap seemed to be a good idea because of the added surface area. Even 1.5 inches wide can be too constrictive at times and become uncomfortable under pressure. An area 2-2.5 inches wide seems to be about right. I usually wrapped about .25-.5 inches behind my circ scar. However, I did experiment with wrapping toward the base. You can get a truly massive piece of equipment doing this. And concerning cooling in the extended state, I suppose it could have some benefit.

Happy to explore this issue in further detail, but need questions to prod the old noggin.




Have you tried wrapping as close to the glans as possible, over the circ scar? This may cut down on fluid buildup. I did this in the past while pumping (with one piece, tight latex sleeve, not wrap), trying to increase head size, without fluid buildup. It worked in keeping the dreaded donut from appearing.

I know pumping and wrapping are two different things, but it may work for wrapping also.

Just trying to keep you interested :) .

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I am so glad you mentioned that. I forgot to say something about this.

In wrapping, it does not work with the wrap very close to the glans. This is because the wrap works off of internal pressure, and the wrap must be far enough down the shaft to allow the head and upper shaft to swell.

There probably is a formulae for determining the distance the wrap must be from the glans. It has to do with the swollen circumference of the shaft in that area I am sure.



Then the head and the exposed shaft are acting as sort of a reservoir of pressure to assist with the higher pressure needed, to overcome the increased restriction caused by the compression of the wrap.
The fluid buildup is an unavoidable side effect.

Are you able to do away with the fluid by milking with the wrap still on?

The wider wrap is the sweatshirt material with the Thera still being 1.5” wide?

I wonder if growing is walking around with an apple on the end of his stick now, saying, “you guys should pay closer attention”. :)

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>Then the head and the exposed shaft are acting as sort of a reservoir of pressure to assist with the higher pressure needed, to overcome the increased restriction caused by the compression of the wrap<

Well, the head and upper shaft have to expand under the pressure caused when the outgoing blood is slowed down. When the pressure gets to the point that it overcomes the restriction, then the blood flow resumes, but the pressure remains. Sabe?

>The fluid buildup is an unavoidable side effect. <


>Are you able to do away with the fluid by milking with the wrap still on? <

No, not very effectively. I suppose you could milk the blood out, sit and wait for to fill and milk it out again. But that is not too good time management.

>The wider wrap is the sweatshirt material with the Thera still being 1.5” wide? <

All of the wrap can be 1.5 inches wide, but when you spiral wrap down, it ends up being 2-2.5 inches.

I don’t know how much growing did it, or if he did it for girth much. I think he was concentrating on getting rid of the discoloration.


Last edited by Bib : 10-14-2001 at .


Sabe all except the second answer to the fluid buildup.
I think I had a good handle on it, but just wanted to be sure.

Edit: OK, I sabe all of it now. :) The answer “no, not very effectively” is the answer for “can you milk away the fluid with the wrap on?”

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Last edited by ThunderSS : 10-14-2001 at .


Your post was very interesting regarding the wrap and how you left it on after hanging. I am not presently hanging (plan to in the near future) however after performing my routine ( 5 Min hot wrap, and 40 min Power Squeeze) I wrapped with an elastic type band 1.5 wide and left it on for approx. 1-1/2 hr. I monitored it every 15 min or so just to make sure the temp reamined about the same and monitored for color. WOW, my penis got very engorged in fact it was bigger and fatter than my erection size. I have only done this 2 days now but I do like what I see. Did you obtain any gains from this type of wrapping ? If so what were they? Also how long would you leave the wrap on?

Last edited by Slowgainer57 : 10-16-2001 at .


Read the post above for the details of the wrap thing.

I never measured the head etc. before I started the wrap. Also, I was doing other things. So I really do not know how much I gained just from the wrap.

I do know when I first started, the wrap gave at least some gains in the upper shaft and head. It was larger to the eye without measuring. Later when doing the extreme Ulis, I just used the wrap to be able to cool in the extended state.

Do not be overcome by the size you see after extended wrapping. It will get large, but most of the gain is fluid. It will go down. However, you will make very small gains each time.

Sometimes I would stay wrapped for hours. This is not with a great deal of pressure.


Fine tuning

OK here goes,

First my experience. I began with doing the uli thing and then moved to the wrap alone, so I have a couple of questions about both. The only way I could get the uli thing to work right, and the wrap as well, was to get fully 100% hard and then wrap tight. Then it would get expanded. Then I would put on the uli thing, and before making it more tight I would do a jerking (masterbation) motion with the hanger on, while watching porn to get fully hard and then tighten. Man it worked great that way. If I tried to let the pressure build up etc it was not working right. If is was not fully expanded then when I put a few pounds on it would just move down the shaft and the set was ruined. I then learned that I needed to wait until I could not move the hanger forward by hand because of the built up pressure first before using the weight and that helped.

Now from your descriptions I see that I did not need to be so rough on my penis and this might help me with getting back into it sooner. I have already mentioned that I need to perfect the erection buildup etc instead of jerking to make it fully hard etc., so that is an area I have to work on. That is what you are saying right? IOW you get somewhat hard but not totally and then wrap and let the pressure build up maybe even helping it along with some milking below the wrap? Sometimes the pressure just will not build up, and that is why I was getting fully hard first and wrapping tight right away.

I will use a rice sock and watch somthing to stimulate me then when I get to a certain level of erection I can wrap but keep watching or thinking or whatever to stimulate the blood flow (otherwise it just dies). Then the pressure will build up. I am confident it is also a matter of fine tuning the pressure as well. If I do this right then after I am fully expanded and some time goes on, then I can apply the uli thing and do a set right? That way the penis will already be flaccid from the wrap or hanger to the base and prevent further problems for me. Now what about afterwards. Are you suggesting that after the uli thing I just leave the wrap on for a while longer and not milk etc to restore circulation until later? IOW, let’s say I put on the wrap and let the pressure build up for a while, then after like 15 minutes I do a 10 min uli set, then after I remove the hanger is it best to leave on the wrap or take it off and restore circulation?



What a hell of a post. Great guggly mooglys.

I assume this was directed at me.

For anybody just reading this, there are two different things discussed. Ulis are under higher pressure and wrapping is at lower pressures. Both will add girth, with the Ulis doing it faster. The wrapping will assist with removing discoloration.

Where to start. First on the Uli thing, you have to realize there are three forces at work. One is the force of the hanger or Uli thing. Another is the tension of the wrap and the third is the internal blood pressure, which is built up.

When you wrap, there are various levels of tension, which will produce various results. The key is the inflow of blood is relatively in the center of the penis, or more accurately in the center of each of the three chambers. The outflow of blood is external in veins under the skin, draining the penis.

So, any amount of wrap tension that will inhibit the return flow, without inhibiting the inflow will cause the area above the wrap to swell. At first, this swelling will simply be in the chambers and is a ‘good’ swell. If left on long enough, you will get fluid buildup, which actually presses back against the chambers and reduces the internal pressure.

Therefore, if you wrap enough to begin the swell, you do not need an erection. While stimulation will hasten the swelling, it is not necessary. As the area above the wrap begins to swell, the actual swelling will increase the pressure making it swell faster. Or in some cases, it may cut off the inflow of blood. In that case, you simply loosen the wrap a little and let it continue.

With just wrapping, I usually did not stimulate at all. When doing the Uli thing, I might stimulate a little, but not to an erection. Also, I always wrapped flaccid first. When you wrap a full erection, you will find it harder to attach and tighten the hanger or Uli thing. Specifically, it will be harder to stop the backflow of incoming blood. IOW, the blood within the chambers will flow back the wrong way, and you will lose the pressure as you described.

After you have sufficient swelling, you can apply the hanger and then a little weight to increase the pressure. The hanger or Uli thing must be tight enough to prohibit the BACKFLOW of incoming blood. The veins providing outflow will probably not be affected. But the vessels providing inflow are harder to cut off. This will provide tremendous pressure, so you must be careful.

When just wrapping, if you are careful about the tension, and adjust as needed, you can leave just the wrap on for extended lengths of time. Realizing of course that after a while you will have fluid buildup.

>If I do this right then after I am fully expanded and some time goes on, then I can apply the Uli thing and do a set right? That way the penis will already be flaccid from the wrap or hanger to the base and prevent further problems for me.<

Exactly. This, for me, was much easier. But I had no time constraints.

>Now what about afterwards. Are you suggesting that after the Uli thing I just leave the wrap on for a while longer and not milk etc to restore circulation until later?<

As long as, after you take off the hanger or Uli thing, the color returns to normal and temperature is good, then stay wrapped. After you are finished for the day you can jelq. This is not the same as with hanging. After hanging you want to jelq and open the tissues up to normal or greater to make sure they are not starved of blood (oxygen). With these techniques, the tissues are already super-expanded. Therefore, as long as you have a good level of circulation, you should be fine.

Good stuff,


One other thing to point out. When the fluid buildup reaches a certain state, two thing happen. One, it will push out against the skin and two it will push in against the chambers. Therefore, it will laterally stretch the skin, and limit the expansion of the chambers.

However, the head does not have the extra layers between the skin and chambers. It is not made that way. Therefore, it will not be affected by the fluid buildup and will continue to benefit from the pressure.



Excellent explanation men. Dance, Having done just the wrap’wait expansion thing, I wonder, if this is the exersize you have been looking for to increase the flacid for your modeling gigs?

Bib, How long have you let the wrap expansion go on for?

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