Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Going down

Going down

Hello Folks!

I am writing to you again, because I am a little worried about Mister..
I always knew my size was around 7inches BPEL and 5inches girth.
I also wanted to ask.. Is there any correlation between age and size? Because, I see that I am losing inches.
In the last 4 years, I got some 20lbs, I started a 10hours/day office job, with no sport.
And a few days ago, the ruler hit me! When I measured, I was only 5.5 inches NBP - fully erect, and maximum 6.5 BP
5.2 inches circumference. But due to the fat pad, 5.5 inches do not look impressive, not even normal.
Is there any way to fast come back, or to increase NBPEL, besides losing weight?

7.1 x 5.1 and growing! Final goal: seeking celebrity:) ) 8x6

Could be because you gained weight. Your size shouldn’t go down cause your getting older , unless your about 70

Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.

I am not sure whether or not it is related to age, but I’m sure it is related to actual sctivity. Are you using it? You need to use it constantly

I turned 72 yesterday and I am over 3/4” longer and thicker than I was four years ago when I started PE.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

It was only when I got my newbie gains that it clicked with me that I had regained what I had lost without realising I had been losing slowly but gradually over a decade or so.

Do you still actively PE? You should!

Smoking/ drinking/ stressful lifestyle? Reduce or remove these from your life.

Eat right, more exercise, get decent sleep. All of this will help.

I am 77, and have gained a bit since I started PE a year ago last November.

I was not aware of loss either length or girth before beginning PE back then.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

Last edited by restored91 : 05-11-2014 at . Reason: Additional comments.

Holy crap.77? I don’t even know anyone that age who knows how to turn on a computer.

8-1-14 BPEL 7.48 inches EGMS 4.88 inches EGBase 5.35 Inches

Initial goal--7.75 X 5.25 Mid Shaft

11-3-14 BPEL 7.48 inches, EGMS 5.04 inches, EGBase 5.43 Inches...

There is hope

Originally Posted by raoul2307
Hello Folks!

I am writing to you again, because I am a little worried about Mister..
I always knew my size was around 7inches BPEL and 5inches girth.
I also wanted to ask.. Is there any correlation between age and size? Because, I see that I am losing inches.
In the last 4 years, I got some 20lbs, I started a 10hours/day office job, with no sport.
And a few days ago, the ruler hit me! When I measured, I was only 5.5 inches NBP - fully erect, and maximum 6.5 BP
5.2 inches circumference. But due to the fat pad, 5.5 inches do not look impressive, not even normal.
Is there any way to fast come back, or to increase NBPEL, besides losing weight?


I had a similar story but it has had a happy ending, at least up to now.

A few years ago when I was 65 I became aware I was much shorter than in my youth when I was 6 1/4” BEPL. I had got below 5”. and had been living a fairly sedentary lifestyle and had put on a bit of weight over the years. Also had ED issues. Decided to do something about it.

A bit of manual stretching and jelqing got me back to 5 1/4” Then I bought an extender and discovered Thunders. 12 months later and I reached 6 1/2” BEPL. In the last 3 months or so I also started pumping , initially to improve EQ which it did. It also increased girth from 5” to 5 1/2”.. Did not measure girth when I was young but believe I had not lost any just from feel (think I must have been about 5”

In conjunction with my PE I now do more exercise and have lost 10Kg (22 lb). I find it easier to exercise knowing it is helping my EQ as well as my general health.

I reckon the size reduction is partly due to putting on weight (the fatpad effect), partly poorer EQ which is partly related to age but also lack of exercise etc.

My initial PE objective was to recover at least some of my losses but was delighted when I passed my youthful size. My EQ has improved but alas is not near what it was when I was young. Still working on it. Now aiming for 7” BEPL.



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