Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Good Morning!

Good Morning!

Where I live it is morning right now. I am at the office drinking some coffee - and wearing my stretching device. Just wanted to say good morning to you all. Or “God Morgen” in Norwegian.

God Morgen to you langermann :)

Or as we say in New Mexico, howdy.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

G’day mate.

Good morning Langermann, or actually, good evening here in Ballard, a neighborhood of Seattle. We’re one of the most Norwegian communities in the US. We have a Bergen Place downtown, a Nordic Heritage Museum, and several Scandinavian restaurants and shops. The Sons of Norway hang out at the Leif Erikson Hall and every May 17 we all pretend we’re Norwegians for the Syttende Mai parade.

Come visit some time. A Scandinavian guy like you can get paid for shooting your load here: http://www.scan …

Cool job

Imagine getting paid for shooting loads! That sounds like a job I would like to have.

Buenos Dias from Mexico City in California :p

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

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