EQ and morning wood changes
Originally Posted by sparkyx
Sorry I missed this question TW9.
You’re exactly right, you can evaluate anything you do to your dick by the reaction you get. For some guys jacking off and lots of sex doesn’t slow down growth at all. For some guys it can greatly reduce EQ. You just have to see how it effects YOU!
I read around and found out that EQ and morning wood is sometthing that helps gains. And that I should wait to get morning woods again before I start excercising again. My problem is, that I dont get morning woods on the regular, for example if I jerk off in the evening than I dont have morning wood. If I skip that or sex with my gf, than I have it. It is mainly like that. How would you experienced guys handle this situation ?
One more thing.My gf and I have sex regularly once or twice a day if we see each other. and that is 3 days a week approximately..How would you suggest to handle this. See i dont PE at her place. She doesnt have a clue..those 4days that I got left wont do any good as far as gains, right? Would that be at least enough to better myself in the EQ zone?
I was just about to ask this and was looking for the right thread to ask. I had a long break and am sort of back. I am now on a 2 on and 1 off routine. i want to ease my way into it. So I am stretching all dir for about 6 minutes and jelquing for about 5 minutes. Then I do some kegels. I just started last week.
From what I have read here, I should wait for the morning wood to come back before I start again. I do get some morning wood but not all the best. I don´t think waiting would do much good. Can anyone tell me how I should approach to this…
The reason might be that I do have sex with my gf like twice a day if we see each other. And that is like 4 days out of 7. Does that mean that PE will not be effective because of that? I don´t want to sound dumb. Don´t get me wrong. Back in the day, when I started over here, I would jerk off twiced a day before i would go to sleep and had a problem of counting that 3 hours suggested time inbetween routines and cumming. I would literally cum and be able to do a routine in 10 minutes. I am not even 30 so I am still young. Age won´t be the problem.
How would you guys suggest to handle that? See I don´t PE while being with my gf. I can still manage to do the routines, but it is not that regular.
What would be a good routine for me? I am all about getting the best EQ before I chase gains, as EQ is the key to gains.
I feel like this post is quite confusing and hope to get some answers.
Thank you
Started :BPEL 7.0 x 5.5 Now: BPEL 7.6 x 5.8 Goal: NBPEL 8.6 x 6.3 “Don´t let yourself get attached to anything that you are Not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the HEAT around th corner.” —Robert De Niro (talking to Al Pacino in a caffe in the Movie HEAT)
Started :BPEL 7.0 x 5.5 Now: BPEL 7.6 x 5.8 Goal: NBPEL 8.6 x 6.3 "Don´t let yourself get attached to anything that you are Not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the HEAT around th corner." --Robert De Niro (talking to Al Pacino in a caffe in the Movie HEAT)