Thunder's Place

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Morning Wood Poll: Do you? or don't you?

View Poll Results:

Do you get Morning Wood? And how often?

Yes, I get religiously. (7 days of the week)


Yes, I usually get morning wood (5-7 days/week)


Yes, I get a few times a week (3-4 days/week)


Yes, just once or twice a week


Yes, but only after I PE. If I don’t PE, I don’t get Morning Wood.


Yes, but only after sex. No sex= No morning wood.


Yes, rarely. A few times a month.


No, I don’t get morning wood. Just a big thick flaccid.


No never. Never have, only a few times in my life.

Total Votes: 159. You may not vote on this poll

Morning Wood Poll: Do you? or don't you?

After learning a lot here at Thunders about many topics, from the Veterans’ advice to personal experiences from the thousands of member, I have become knowledgeable, and found what it takes to avoid injury, while maximize my gains.

One topic that I still don’t understand, however, is “Morning wood.” Why do some people get it? And some people don’t. Personally, growing up, I don’t remember having morning wood. Only until I started having sex, or PE. But when both come to a short halt, so do the morning woods. Well, until now at least (been having consistent morning woods). But sometimes I don’t get Morning Wood. Sometimes I just get a big fat flaccid.

I made this poll so we can see how many do, and don’t get Morning wood, and the frequency.



Last edited by invictus : 10-10-2008 at .

I don’t vote yet, as I haven’t decided what to pick.. I seem to have morning wood consistently, but I don’t always notice it. If I’ve been getting enough sleep and I have ~8 hours for sleep, I’d usually wake up with morning wood. If I sleep for more than 8 hours, it seems that I have wood, but before waking up - I feel it sometimes. So, when I get up, there’s no wood. If I have little sleep, then I may get some wood soon after getting up, or harder one in a few hours (usually, just about 8-9 hours after I went to bed).

And there was a little funny problem with it.. At first course in University, I’ve not been used to waking up at 7am and going to bed at 1am. So I haven’t had enough sleep. But, usually at the third lecture I would get a boner.. I wanted to sleep badly, plus additional reduction of amount of blood due to it being transferred to my dick resulted in me barely keeping my eyes open. So I was sitting there struggling to keep my eyes open, write, and all that with a boner, usually next to some girl..

I’ve never been a believer that having an erection when you wake up is a sign of anything (except maybe you have to piss). I sometimes have an erection when I wake up, I usually have an erection sometime during the night. Does it really make any difference when you have it? I don’t think so. Does it make any difference if you have a nocturnal erection less than every day? I don’t think so. Does it make any difference if you never have one? Yes. Then you probably have an erectile dysfunction problem. Otherwise, I don’t see it as a big indicator of anything.

I voted yes, 5-7 days a week, although mine are not always “in the morning.”

Used to be every morning during puberty but has tapered off since then.

It definitely happens a lot more often for me since I started PE, and even more often yet when I’m making gains. It’s a strong PI, that’s for sure.

*You're in the right place – all the information you could ever need about PE is only a forum search away!*

Take your time, pick a simple routine you can stick to, and be consistent in your efforts. Patience is the key.

I always wake up with a woodie! I think it has something to do with drinking more that a gallon of water everyday. I’m a shift worker so my sleep time changes every week.

I think morning wood has something to do with Testosterone - most of us easily got it during the teen years. And I remember just sitting in class as a teenager and getting spontaneous erections.

But more importantly, more proximal to the actual cause I believe is something called nitric oxide or NO. It is the drugs such as Viagra, Cialis etc. Which increase NO (a very short lived biologically active factor which causes smooth muscle relaxation and vascular dilatation). They do it by inhibiting the enzyme which degrades NO.
I am not sure how Testosterone influences NO but I believe it must. I will do some research on this when I have the time.

As far as PE relating to morning wood, for me as well there seems to be a definite association. This would imply that the stimulation of PE, in particular jelqing, I think has a positive effect on the production of NO. I also tend to believe that jelqing does something beneficial for the microcirculation of the penis, possibly inducing new capillary growth. The conclusion is that irrespective of whether or not PE leads to gains (which I believe it does) it most definitely leads to an increase in the health of the penis and better quality erections which is a vascular phenomenon (of course assuming one stays within “healthy limits” to PE).

Every single time I go to sleep, whether it’s simply for a nap, or if it’s for the duration of the whole night, I ALWAYS have morning wood. It’s been that way for as far back as I can remember. In the last couple of years it has even come to the point, where I get hard if I’m really sleepy. LOL

Yeah, few times a week.

"If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." -Bruce Lee

Twice a week is about what I experience.

Usually 4-6 days a week ALWAYS get plumping.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

For those of you who do get morning wood, do you think that sometimes you let it slip by you and you don’t realize? What i’m getting at is, sometimes some people don’t realize that they get it. But I usually always am conscious of my morning wood, and whether or not its there.

Originally Posted by westla90069
I’ve never been a believer that having an erection when you wake up is a sign of anything (except maybe you have to piss). I sometimes have an erection when I wake up, I usually have an erection sometime during the night. Does it really make any difference when you have it? I don’t think so. Does it make any difference if you have a nocturnal erection less than every day? I don’t think so. Does it make any difference if you never have one? Yes. Then you probably have an erectile dysfunction problem. Otherwise, I don’t see it as a big indicator of anything.

I voted yes, 5-7 days a week, although mine are not always “in the morning.”

I agree with this.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I agree but here is where I disagree- I think it is a sign of superiour blood flow. In my opinion, the people waking up with morning wood every day have the best EQ and best blood flow. Those with bad EQ and not good flow, in my opinion, don’t have consistent morning woods. I think they go hand in hand. When I am improving my EQ through PE and supplements, I usually see morning wood.

For those of you with Great EQ and great blood flow, diamond cutter hard ons, would you say you wake up frequently with morning wood?

For those of you with bad EQ and bad blood flow, how frequently do you have morning wood?

In my opinion, Morning Wood is a tell of your current “Penile Health” if you will, regarding blood flow and EQ. More feedback would be appreciated!

Just a big thick flaccid (like all of my “erections”) since I’ve got severe erectile dysfunction.

Thanks to your poll I see I’m not the only one that can never get hard. I’m more relaxed now haha.

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