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Morning wood


Morning wood

Well, I thought erections during the night and in the morning were there to replenish the dick with fresh oxygenated blood and to ensure proper function of this organ. But appearantly there are other opinions out there on the boards. I’m a bit confused by what this guy had to say on one of those forums. Well, he claims to be a guy….

“3. WHY do guys get the infamous “morning wood”?

This one I actually know the scientific answer for: While a man is sleeping he collects urine for those 8-10 hours when we are kids that would cause us to possibly wet the bed, eventually everone learns to control this, one of the way’s the male body fights off the urge to pee in the night is to give us an erection (since it’s impossible to pee while sexualy aroused)

A side note is that the erection a guy has in the morning lasts 30-40% longer than a night erection… so if you want some nice long loving wake your guy up to some sex and he’ll be able to last much longer than at night ”

Any opinions on this one?

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

BAHAHAHAH what a cretin…..

I also heard some tripe like that by some ‘vegan’ fools stating that morning erections are caused by all the congested rotting meat in the lower gut causing a hardon for some reason…
and that people with ‘vegan’ diets don’t get these ‘pesky’ signs of an unhealthy diet….

pah, I think it’s just that they don’t have enough bloody energy to get a stiff LOL

I heard somewhere that your test is like 3 or 4 times higher first thing in the morning, this may be an explanation for the extra wood.

Check this...

From Kiwi on PE Forums:

http://64.119.1 66.251/forum/sh … 15&pagenumber=2

Second page of thread, look for an attachment called "male sexual circuitry". I haven’t had time to read the article, but in searching for it I read about a lot of the info that is there. Pretty dam interesting. Check it out. Thanks again Kiwi !!

Zip file is here now also.

Hmmmmm……normally flaccid or erect?????

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Bed-wet reason/better hard-on not true here

Personally, I am quite able to pee through a hard-on & have been able to do so since puberty. Although, I haven’t done so involuntarily, so that theory might have some truth. Regarding the morning wood sex, I have found those erections quite unreliable. I think the intensity of the feeling when first waking is misleading as to how erect it actually is or how aroused I can actually be. Once, I went slightly limp during a “morning hump” after what we thought was a long-last woodie. Can’t remember if we finished, but it put a damper on our enthusiasm for morning sex.


We grow 'em bigger down south!

my opinion!

tex, a quick response to your post, i have read somewhere that the reason your morining wood didn’t stand up to the morning hump was that the wood resulted from an internal, involuntary act, not from sexual arousal… but i figure if you can throw in some sexual arousal, the wood should be able to stay up.

i actually like that theory that you get the morning erection so you don’t wet your bed… it makes good sense but i still have to stay with the idea that it keeps your horn in good shape during the night.

and you’re telling me you can pee through one of those ROCK hard woodys?? i can do it when i’m like 80-90% but that goes against the whole structure of the thing :-D

The whole theory about morning erections and being conditioned into not wetting the bed just doesn’t hold any water. What this theory would imply then, would be that women would be wetting their beds on a regular basis, which just doesn’t happen. The more reasonable and widely accepted theory is that oxygenated blood is introduced during the night which is needed for cellular health.


I agree...

After reading the article mentioned above, I have to agree with sexpilot. This would also help explain why your flaccid cock is much larger when you are totally relaxed and there are no dangers or theats perceived by your system that automatically determines the state of your cock. It begins to return to it’s normal state, erect, to begin the replenishment/maintenance process or to be ready for it’s primary function.

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sexpilot wrote

The whole theory about morning erections and being conditioned into not wetting the bed just doesn’t hold any water.

“doesn’t hold any water” :chuckle: Very punny! But I agree with you entirely. From my own experience I can wake up during the night with an erection yet in the morning be flaccid and still busting for a pee.

I too can urinate with a full erection - a “talent” which has got me into some very “unusual” situations :bigwink: … but that’s another story!


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MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!


unusual situations ehhh?

like what, cleaning the floor and back of the toilet when you piss all over the place :P hehehehe

Darkness, that’s gross! But not nearly as gross as some of the things I’ve been asked to do! :thats: Takes all sorts ……


BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!


I had the night wood so bad last night that I was starting to get paranoid that it wouldn’t go down. I tried thinking about work, sports, this microsoft test I have to take and still I had a chunk of steel in my lap. Well I even did some wood stretching and still it would not go down, so I went back to sleep and when the alarm rang I had no wood. It’s funny I’m 39 and getting more night wood than I did in my early 20’s thank you PE





Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

The average healthy man has 4 - 5 nocturnal erections per night, each lasting about 25 minutes. They occur during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and are thought to result through a different neural pathway than sexual erections. Since the deepest REM sleep happens for most of us during the last part of the sleep cycle, an erection on waking is common.

These are often called “piss hard-ons”. The mythology is that our bladders are full and this causes the erection. Not so. Morning erections are totally unrelated to bladder content. It just happens that most of us need to urinate on waking after so long a period of not doing so.

Testosterone levels for all of us are higher in the early morning than they will be for the rest of the day, btw. If you ever have your T levels tested, have the blood drawn early in the day for a higher reading.

The article T suggested, Male Sexual Circuitry, is an excellent one. There is a lot of good information there about the roles of the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous systems in the formation of erections.

And yes, you can often shift from regular old, sexually unreliable morning wood to a reliable hard-on by adding sexual stimulation. You might lose the morning wood or part of it, but what comes up next is a normal sexual erection.

The reason most couples don’t do more morning sex is because they think their breath smells bad, not because the morning wood is unreliable.



I have heard something similar, yet different.

I have heard that in the morning (full bladder) your bladder which now takes up more space than normal, starts pushing on your prostate, which arouses you. (Remember the “guys G-spot” which is 1 to 2 inches up the rectum where the prostate is closeby and only behind thin tissues).

ALSO, since the bladder is now taking up more space (full) than it normally is (semi-full or empty), it is pushing on other tissues, particularly ones that are around the dorsal vein of the penis. This mechanism of vein “crimping” or blockage, which is normally used during a sexual erection (self perpetuating response where the more blood in the penis (from NO which dilates arteries) the more pressure is put on veins, so less blood gets back out of the penis through the veins), is now occuring during the morning.

Test this out during the day (i.e. “when testosterone levels are lower”), see how easy it is to get aroused or fully erected during the day if you have a full bladder. It works

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