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Loss of Morning Wood But Sex Drive Up

Loss of Morning Wood But Sex Drive Up

Hey Guys

Second week of newbie routine and this morning I didn’t really have the usual morning wood I’m used to, like it was semi erect, then I thought I’ll think about sex and see what happens, I got my unit up but EQ was 7-8/10

Now my sex drive has gone up heaps and sometimes all I think about is sex and my unit begins to rise (in public) so I make myself stop thinking about anything sexual.

Also before I fell asleep I was thinking/worried about not getting morning wood (I don’t know why, perhaps I was reading the PE Indicators) could this be a mental blockage?

I’ll go easier on the jelqing when I have my session today but generally my flaccid hang is good, erections were good (till last night/this morning)

What you guys think?

Mental? Overtraining? Something else?


YOu probably would be better going easer on the routine for a week or two Then do about ¾ of your present tension. and see how that goes.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

It might be a combination of ‘it’s all in your head’ and overtraining. Try to ease up a bit on your routine and see if there would be any improvement. I was in the same boat as you a couple of days ago and I’m worried to death because I wasn’t getting those spontaneous night and morning woods I used to get on a daily basis. I can’t sleep properly thinking that something must be wrong with me, and hell, I’m not even doing PE at the moment. Then I grew tired of thinking about it and said to myself, “fuck! so what if i’m not getting any woods now. screw it”, haha! something like that. And surprise sursprise, everything went back to normal after a couple of days. Sometimes, it’s just psychological. We tend to worry too much about things we should not be worrying about. Try to listen to your own body all the time.

I guess your body is getting accustomed with PE it just like medication it take while for the effect to be seen just keep going

Sounds like tired PP syndrome, ease off a little or take a day off :)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

But if you have a higher sex drive and find it easier to get an erection, then you aren’t over training by much if at all. I’d say ease off but not a lot. Well enough that you get your morning wood back.:)

Appreciate the reply guys, I’ll see how I go, had a session yesterday went for 10min of jelqing with a softer grip than normal

Didn’t get any wood this morning (maybe I’m lacking sleep?) but my erections last night and today have been EQ 9-10

Anyway day off PE today so I’ll just do a warm wrap and give junior a good rest :)


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