Two things come to mind, PE and testosterone boosters like Magnesium and Zinc at nite.
Many guys lose morning wood as the get older, as well as overall EQ (erectile quality) which is ease of erection, hardness, frequency, nite and morning wood.
PROPER PE (meaning the right amount,not overtraining) by itself greatly improves EQ for most guys. If you add the nutrients the body needs to return testosterone levels to normal to high normal…you can begin to get EQ like you were 18 again.
For testosterone (and health) I think Maca (a tablespoon or two a day) [Natural Zing Plant Based Superfoods Store and magnesium (aspartate, orotate, malate,citrate) and zinc (apartate, orotate,malate, citrate) the parenthesis are the amino acid chelate forms that are far superior to oxides and sulfates, are great.
These nutrients will boost your overall health AND testosterone levels back to where nature intended them to be.
For the PE side, I really recommend starting a program with the goal of optimum EQ FIRST!!!! I say that because once you start getting great EQ…growth is not far off from that point. If you aren’t getting great EQ, chances of growing are very slim. I have almost never heard of a guy getting gains that isn’t ALSO getting vastly improved EQ.
A beat to shit dick doesn’t grow! So start easy, when EQ starts to improve, you can slowly ramp up your PE while MAINTAINING great EQ as a baseline. If you start to lose that great EQ, it is a sure sign that you are drifting into overtraining…so take an extra day off until the baseline EQ returns, then begin again at a lower PE level.
Follow that advice and you have a much greater chance of growth.