Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Loose morning wood for very low foces

Lose morning wood for very low forces

I lose my morning wood for very low forced stretches as well. My LOT is extremely low(at 6.00) and I do mostly upward stretches. I don’t do any jelqs at all because I’m looking for some length gains first. I do around 5 min warm up before stretching. I wait for around 30 seconds between stretches and hold the stretch for 30 seconds. My overall schedule is 10 stretches for 4 days a week. This includes Saturday/Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday.I did for around 1.5 months and got zero length gain. I don’t think I can expect any length gains for any lesser forced stretches. I’m so confused and hopeless.

So I’m wondering about the logic behind this for some study. If any of you have any experiences and/or any more details about the reasons for loosing morning wood please let me know.

Thank you.

Last edited by sunshinekid : 08-06-2006 at . Reason: correct spelling errors.


Even after making a few minor corrections in spelling, I still don’t know exactly what you are asking. I just realized I missed one, darn. Since English probably is not your first language, don’t get upset about my correcting things. Its ok, honest.

I take it your morning erections are strong anymore, is this a safe assumption? One of the guys will have to chime in as I’m not an owner of a penis and can’t offer reasons why they might be weaker.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Originally Posted by sexguy24

So I’m wondering about the logic behind this for some study. If any of you have any experiences and/or any more details about the reasons for loosing morning wood please let me know.

Thank you.

I understand you quite clearly, actually. I would say overtraining could be a factor for you. Cut that 4 day routine in half and give your unit a chance to recover. I stopped doing manual exercises altogether about a month ago because of this very reason - no morning wood, discoloration, weakened erections. In just the past 2 weeks I can see it starting to recover. Had morning wood twice last week alone. All I do now is edge and kegel and I just ordered a pump to maintain my overall penile health. You should take it easy for awhile and lessen your workout. Pain does NOT equal gain here, my friend.

"I don't understand how America doesn't understand Thug Life... America IS Thug Life!"

- Tupac Shakur

Sexguy24 I strongly suggest that you jelq. Before joining Thunder’s I was also doing a jelq-less routine with stretches and squeezes. Than I came here someone suggested I do jelqs because they prepare the dick for the exercises so I started doing them. I decided to take a 30 day break and start a new routine with jelqs, also my cock felt like a steel rod so I also wanted to soften the tissues. After I finished the 30+ day break and started jelqing again this week I noticed a difference. I also passed the 7 inch BP mark in length. I actually feel a difference after doing jelqs and I believe it does prepare my cock for stretches and squeezes.

Anyway bottom line is you have to do jelqs to prepare your dick for the exercises. And what fauxreal said is very true that pain does not equal gain.

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