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Male Multiple Orgasm???

Male Multiple Orgasm???

Anyone have any experience with Dostinex( cabergolin)? Here is a link that talks about it.

BBC News | HEALTH | Sex drug could aid male stamina

Suppose to be a prolactin inhibitor that allows men to have multiple orgasm’s. Actually started out as a Parkinson’s drug. Just wondering if anyone had any experience with it???

“However, after taking Cabergolin, they were able to have several orgasms within a few minutes. “

“The researchers now plan to carry out trials to investigate whether Cabergolin will have the same effect on women. “

We ain’t gonna be getting no work done in the future… :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

As far as I know it is already available. If you check the date on the link it was dated April 2002. Dostinex is suppose to be the brand name of the drug. You can buy it online altough it is not cheap. But it is suppose to have a long half life so you only need to take it sparingly. The original reason for my post was to see if anyone had used it yet. Maybe I will go ahead and order it and let everyone know how it goes. That is if I have time to post after receiving it!!!!!!!! hahahahhaha

If you take it and it works, sign me up. A lot easier than what I went through to become multi-orgasmic!



Yeah, what he said :)

Get that chit and try it out, would ya…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

About that term.

Here’s a site that has some interesting thoughts on "multiorgasmic men."

The web site of the journal "Nature" has this abstract of the German study.

So I wonder if it is the orgasm or ejaculation process that causes the chemical release repressing libido? In my quest to become multi orgasmic, I tend to thing it is the orgasm itself, as I note a libido drop if I orgasm but hold back ejaculation (assuming it’s not retro) but I can RK a good stream of semen and still be horny…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Westla, good links. That lucky sob in the study has it dicked :)

Anyone want my MRP? I wonder if I can sell it on ebay? I may have to look into that there mo drug…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Doing some searching, I found this-

LOADS of info on what it is, how it works, how to get it cheaply, etc, etc. plus it looks like it contains a lot of other useful info on relevant topics that I’ve not yet had an opportunity to peruse…

Order from Switzerland and you can get it for $.80 per dose versus almost $30 per dose here in the US.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

That’s quite an extensive bunch of information, RB. Thanks for the link.

Some of the “advanced” info is only available to subscription members. My read, that costs $US20. Still there’s plenty there to give an overview.

Does anyone know if prolactin increase is triggered by orgasm or by actual ejaculation? I’d suspect only by ejaculation since multiple orgasms via the Kegle method do not reduce libido for me until I have ejaculated.



Even when having a full blown drygasm? I must be doing retro and not realizing it, as I can rk semen out and retain my libido, but if I clamp off and cum, it subsides. Granted, I haven’t put much effort into this for a long time, saving it as the next thing to work on after my pe growth goals are met…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.


You probably are shooting retrograde. A couple of ways to tell: after that orgasm you have no desire to continue, your erection subsides; when (if) you get back into this, urinate after your orgasm. If retrograde, semen will be pretty obvious, mixed in with the urine coming from your bladder.



Thinking back, it did seem like urination immediately afterwards was somewhat more difficult and borderline painful, like my urethra was glued shut momentarily. Who knows.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Originally posted by RB
Thinking back, it did seem like urination immediately afterwards was somewhat more difficult and borderline painful, like my urethra was glued shut momentarily. Who knows.

Isn´t it unhealthy to try and do both in quick succession? I´m thinking that because the body´s natural defense against you pissing yourself in the morning is to get an erection isn´t it? The two functions can´t coexist (actually they can, but are not meant to) and so surely trying to urinate right after sex is stressing things?

I don´t know about the above fully, but the idea of multiple orgasms is interesting, regardless of the effort required. I´m jealous of my girlfriend, she has much better orgasms than I do!

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