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Male Multiple Orgasm???

I think the issue with perscribing Dostinex for multiple orgasm goes along the same lines as perscribing Viagra for woman. It is not meant for that specific reason , but Doctors are allowed to make the final call. Woman do get perscribed Viagra if they find the right doctor. To be honest , I am not that knowledgeable on the whole right and wrong issue as far as what a doc can do issue. All I do know is he did send me a 1 month supply of Dostinex when I specifically told him in my questionaire that I wanted it for sexual enhancement.

The questionaire was very brief and easy to fill out. Dosen’t cost anything to fill out. He just keeps it on record if you put in a request for a script.

Hope that helps.

Yes it did :)


Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Very informative, I’ll be looking into this as soon as I finish all the research provided. There is so much information here.

My personal thanks to all the researchers. Great job…

Start 2/1/03 FBP: L: 3.25", G:3.00" EBP: L: 5.85", G:4.25" 7/7/03 FBP: L: 5.50", G:5.25" EBP: L: 7.00", G:5.25"

Originally posted by RB
Does anyone know if on-line docs will issue scripts so you can use your health insurance drug card at a local pharmacy to lower the cost?

This appears to be the case, yes. He’ll fax in the prescription to your local pharmacy.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

But if you order direct from India you apparently don’t need a script?

Is this correct?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

I dont know about that.

I was interested in, like you suggested, using my prescription plan to save money, and time, since I could have it filled locally.

It’s also used for Restless Leg Syndrome, in case it comes up (hah, I made a funny)

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

got my D today

Got my script for Dostinex, and my insurance paid for it! (Yeah baby, yeah!)

I guess I’ll know in a few hours if it works. I’ll let you all know.

Please please do… :)

I’ve got my finger’s crossed…

Did you go through an online doc, I assume? What strength of pills were prescribed?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Yes, an online doctor. 0.5mg each.

First test: 2 hours after taking….incredible orgasm that radiated
through my body, and my penis was more sensitive (in a good

So, I’m pleased so far!

Originally posted by RB
Please please do… :)

I've got my finger's crossed…

Did you go through an online doc, I assume? What strength of pills were prescribed?


That’s all well and good, but did the Dostinex allow you to keep going and going after orgasm, with no refractory period?

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Re: biggerandbetter

No, I believe one has to take Dostinex for a while to get long-term
lowering of prolactin before that can happen. I wouldn’t expect
that just from one dose.

Originally posted by DarkTrick
That's all well and good, but did the Dostinex allow you to keep going and going after orgasm, with no refractory period?

Please keep us posted…

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

mutiple orgasms

Just so all of you know- I am probably a bit exessive in masturabtion, but I have taught myself to have infinite orgasms. I can have orgasms with or without cumming, and if I want I could cum just about every twenty minutes with a good amount of ejaculation each time, and do this for hours. The are sooooo many different types of orgasms, and I have body orgasms all day long. I can cum constantly and slowly like in karma sutra, which feels unbelievable during slow sex. Doing this I can still cum fully whenever I want, and have unbelivable, absolutely unbelievable mutual orgasms when I hook up with a girl. I have reached a point just about where the entire sexual experience feels as good as the real ejaculatory orgasm.

I am definetly in good shape, a weightlifter and a surfer and I’m only 19, but I think everyone could learn this. I flex my muscles a lot during sex and really feel body orgams in every muscle in my body. During oral sex I have constant body orgasms. I don’t hook up with that many girls…….but when I dot they are absolutey fucking amazed………………..

Guys if you want a perfectly controlled orgasmicly fit body… have to be in good shape……….and you have to learn to become in-tune with your sexuallity……..either with a partner or by yourself. It took me years of masturabtion to learn this. The only downside is I have trouble behaving myself in classes…….its so natural to just breathe deeply and have slow long body orgasms. Ithink I am at the point where my body is constantly releasing endorphins……….anyway just thought you all would be interested. I f you have a questions at all I’ll post a reply.

hi i have been using the venus and the robojac machine…..of which i can stay on for 4 hours or more with 2 orgasms at least. this is not a lie. if you want more details…..just ask me. i dont work for either company. just a mastubator that looks for new ideas. JT


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