Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Male Multiple Orgasm???


OK, got my prescription for Dostinex in the mail ( and the good Dr. threw in one for Viagra also, said they “compliment” each other well, how nice ). So I can use my pharmacy and insurance to fill them.

Bitch of it is I won’t have a chance to get them filled and test driven till the weekend (this last was said through clenched teeth).

I will keep you posted, for all who are interested in better sex through chemistry.

I aspire to be sexually supernatural, like Iamaru.

**wanders off aimlessly, briskly rubbing his hands together **

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.


We wait with baited breath.

PS: You are relieved from weekend clean-up duty here. I will sub for you - no dostinex in my immediate future - but you owe me one.



Rumor has it that Dark Trick is so horny all the time that he can no longer remember where his computer is.



LOL, avocet -

Well here it is, my Dostinex experience.

Got my Rx mailed to me, filled it for $20, salivated all the way home.
Took it as directed, 2 to 3 hrs prior to sex.


No effect, no change in refractory period, nada.
( a collective “oooowww” from the audience ).

It’s been 3 weeks now, taking it as directed : 0.5 mg, twice a week.
Still no change. I’ll finish out my months supply, but I have no real motivation to continue past that.

Side effects to be aware of (most abated over the 3 weeks):

* Libido through the fkg roof - 24x7, I think of nothing but having sex. Has slowed somewhat, but for me, I am one could have have sex even while having major dental work done, this was something I could live without, (just ask the wife!).

* Headaches, not bad, but annoying.

* Dizziness, esp when getting up from sitting or prone positions.

* Some nausea the first couple days, not bad though.

* Mental confusion, difficulty concentrating - very real, not overwhelming, but somewhat unsettling. You dont want to be a pilot or such taking this, at least for the first couple weeks.

* Anxiety. Very uncharacteristic of me to be anxious, but wow, this stuff could do it to you. If you have any history of panic attacks or the like (I do not, but still this Rx gave me a taste of them), avoid this stuff completely. This was, by far, my worse side effect.

This is not to say your experience will be anywhere near mine. We are all different, so Dostinex could be the Holy Grail for you. I am disappointed in my experience.

Leaving for the day, happy to answer any questions tomorrow, feel free to ask.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Originally posted by DarkTrick
LOL, avocet -
Libido through the fkg roof - 24x7, I think of nothing but having sex. Has slowed somewhat, but for me, I am one could have have sex even while having major dental work done, this was something I could live without, (just ask the wife!).

Poor baby.

Well, if you could get rid of the rest and keep the root-canal horniness, would it be worth it?



Originally posted by DarkTrick
LOL, avocet -

Well here it is, my Dostinex experience.

Got my Rx mailed to me, filled it for $20, salivated all the way home.
Took it as directed, 2 to 3 hrs prior to sex.


I have a similar report. Just finished a month of Dostinex.
I’m going to try for another two months….maybe this just has
to build up.

I’m also trying Pergolide now at the doctor’s suggestion.

The sex drive has definitely been elevate, and my sexual activity
has picked up. I do detect more of a radiating orgasm, which
is great, but not earth-shattering like I thought/wished it would
be. Unlike DarkTrick, I was able to ejaculate a second time about
10 minutes after the first.

I think one of my mistakes is I was taking this in the morning,
instead of 3 hours before sex. I’ll have to try that.

I experienced very mild nausea, but no headaches, confusion
or anxiety. I might just be naturally mellower anyway.

biggerandbetter wrote, “I think one of my mistakes is I was taking this in the morning, nstead of 3 hours before sex. I’ll have to try that.”

But isn’t this drug a cummulative thing? Once you’ve been on it for awhile and it kicks in (like L-Arginine takes time to do) does it really matter if you take it 3 hrs before sex or even in the morning, 12 or more hours before?



Originally posted by avocet8
biggerandbetter wrote, “I think one of my mistakes is I was taking this in the morning, nstead of 3 hours before sex. I'll have to try that.”

But isn't this drug a cummulative thing? Once you've been on it for awhile and it kicks in (like L-Arginine takes time to do) does it really matter if you take it 3 hrs before sex or even in the morning, 12 or more hours before?

Good question. I know that it can take a while for it to work for
someone who has Parkinson’s (like 3 months), but I don’t know
about how long it takes for other uses. Anyway, I am going to
try it for 3 months total.


So you’re saying you don’t have twitchy-leg syndrome, bigger?



Forget to mention two things, one good one bad:

Nightmares, only a couple, but they were intense. I woke up and was still weirded out. Never have nightmares normally.

The good one, orgasms are sooooo intense. Mind-bending intensity, and long. I have never had more intense orgasms than now. Even my wife noted that, something like, “Wow, that looked like a good one”. Also, found the raised libido makes it harder to hold back that first one.


I’ve read where it’s also Rx’d for Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS).

Also, body builders who experience lactation (ugh) because of the steroids they’re taking, will take Bromocriptine or Dostinex to drop prolactin levels and hence stop the lactation.

Dostinex is the “cleaner” of the two, much fewer and less severe side-effects.
Note CBlake33 had no side effects to speak of, so keep that in mind.

My impression after reading the BBC article on Dostinex was it worked the first time it was taken. I’ll re-read it, but I dont remember it saying there was a ramp-up period.

I was after zero-refractory period. My normal is 15 mins or so, depending on other factors.
I wanted zero, just go and go and go. Not sure I want to be on such a Rx for a long period of time to achieve that. Keep in mind, you’re screwing around with your brain chemistry, dopamine levels and such. It effects things, no escaping that fact.

I tend to be sensitive when taking any Rx. Not sure why that is. I dont even like to take Claritin because of how it makes me feel. Maybe I’m sensitive, maybe I just pay close attention to how I feel.

Your mileage may vary. Would love to hear of other Dostinex experiences. As I stand now, I’m pretty much done with it.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Last edited by DarkTrick : 06-04-2003 at .


I hope if you quit it you keep the libido. Except for bouncing off the walls, you seemed to enjoy that part.



It’ll probably subside gradually, as Dostinex levels take a long time to drop. So I’ll go back to thinking about sex 23.5 x 7, instead of all the time.

But, oh man, I get so horny sometimes, I shake and my teeth chatter. ;) Sometimes a girl is talking to me at work, and after a minute her voice becomes background noise and all I can think about is pushing her up against the wall and….. see what I mean?

The libido rise caused a proportional rise in sexual frustration, which is not all bad.
I step on the mat in Aikido class and I’m virtually on fire, elemental, like a fucking tornado.

… a fucking tornado… I made a funny…

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

Your T-levels must be through the roof. Ever have them tested?

I’m surprised people even go near you at work!



Your T-levels must be through the roof. Ever have them tested?
Nope, never had them tested. Probably should, though they’d be skewed now because of the Dostinex. Think I’d rather not know right now.

I'm surprised people even go near you at work!
LOL, me too, I wouldn’t if I were them. If they had any idea of the parade of images in my mind, oh boy, I’d be in chains.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.


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