Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Male Multiple Orgasm???

Morning wood and full bladder.

Originally posted by ICM
Isn´t it unhealthy to try and do both in quick succession? I´m thinking that because the body´s natural defense against you pissing yourself in the morning is to get an erection isn´t it? The two functions can´t coexist (actually they can, but are not meant to) and so surely trying to urinate right after sex is stressing things?

Some sources say a morning “piss hardon” is caused by the full bladder pressing against the nerve centers responsible for erection, but that’s probably not true. Most authorities say that morning wood is due to a combination of REM sleep cycles (rapid eye movement sleep is when we dream) and a man’s tendency to produce more testosterone in the morning. The full bladder just happens at the same time and isn’t really responsible for the erection (you can have a full bladder during the day and not get hard, and you can have a morning erection without a full bladder).

The muscles around the bladder “neck” (where the bladder exit becomes the urethra) do contract during ejaculation in order to prevent semen from entering the bladder. This urethral closure can be overcome during ejaculation and semen can enter the bladder (“retrograde ejaculation”) if enough pressure is applied to the urethra “downstream”. This practice is not recommended. The bladder neck muscles remain slightly contracted for a few minutes after ejaculation, but you can force the urine out without damaging anything. The closure of the urethra is an ejaculation thing and is not related to erection and is not intended to keep you from urinating in your sleep.

We are working on a couple of articles about penile anatomy, erection and ejaculation and in the next few weeks (if we get it done) we’ll have something posted in the Men’s Sexual Health forum that will hopefully explain a lot of this.

i can have 2 orgasms in a row sometimes.

This may be hard to believe, but in my 20’s back in college, I could have two or three orgasms without getting soft. I had a problem with premature ejaculation and I would cum in less then two minutes. After that I would just keep on going and I somehow stayed hard. I wouldn’t cum again for another ten minutes or more. Sometimes it would take so long, I would fake it while she was having an orgasm. There is no way I could pull that feat off today though.


Started 5.75 x 4.75 Goal: 7 x 6! <-- Started with a piglet, want a HOG

Sometimes when after I cum I feel hornier than before. I usually just keep going (to the surprise of the woman) and cum again much harder. The second orgasm always takes longer than the first and is almost always more intense.

This seems to happen semi-randomly but I have noticed that it usually happens when I pull out too soon. The first orgasm seems completely normal, though.

I really need to learn to make this happen at will. It is awesome.

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof

Since a reduction in prolactin secretion seems to be desireable in order for continued orgasmic ability, I was doing a search on herbs that suppressed prolactin and found this:

http://www.pros … alremedies.html

They say pygeum helps to restore seminal flow as well as suppress prolactin. I know someone here was messing with pygeum to increase loads, and am wondering if they experienced a decrease in recovery time comparable to what the drugs supposedly do for you.

Does anyone else know of any herbs that can suppress prolactin? I plan to keep looking around, but some of you guys like Hobby and Westla are so good at digging this shit up… :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Here’s the thread I was thinking of-


Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

>Does anyone else know of any herbs that can suppress prolactin? I plan to keep looking around, but some of you guys like Hobby and Westla are so good at digging this shit up… <

I doubt any herbs will have much impact on prolactin, especially that released following an orgasm. If your prolactin is normal, lowering it probably won’t do anything. If it is abnormally high, bringing it down should increase sex drive. Bromocriptine, Dostinex and Cabergoline are drugs used to lower prolactin.

Here’s a Usenet post on the issue:

I would tend to doubt that, at least as a general case. I take Cabergoline
and have frequent prolactin tests. I’ve had dozens of tests. My levels are
consistently around 3.2 ng/ml (3 - 16). I can’t tell any difference in
sexual functioning over baseline. However it did improve my functioning from
when my prolactin was 166. Many people on Cabergoline report similarly.

In theory dopamine agonists like Bromocriptine and Cabergoline can improve
sexual functioning over baseline in healthy individuals. If this effect
exists, it’s possibly dopamine-related. You sometimes hear anecdotal stories
of Bromocriptine doing this, but usually not Cabergoline, possibly because
Cabergoline is a more selective drug.

It’s true I haven’t had a blood test within an hour of sex, so it’s
conceivable (however unlikely) that a brief prolactin surge happened during
that period. However I tend to doubt this. Taking testosterone had a major
improvement on my sexual functioning and refractory period. Testosterone,
and the testosterone-to-estradiol ratio, seems a much more pronounced

— Joe D.

> There was a story recently about Cabergoline reducing the refractory period,
> and enabling men to have sex again sooner.
> Orgasms cause a big rise in prolaction levels, and the hypothesis is that
> it is is hard to get an erection for the hour or so while prolactin is high.

“It’s true I haven’t had a blood test within an hour of sex, so it’s
conceivable (however unlikely) that a brief prolactin surge happened during
that period. However I tend to doubt this.”

The Usenet poster Hobby quoted above (interesting, that) had really whacked-out prolactin levels previously; taking T supplementation changes his response in a number of ways and may place him off-kilter as to his response to dopamine agonists. I’m glad he seems to be in a good place but I don’t think he’s the best example of what might happen to guys with normall high T who don’t need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).



Found one.

Originally posted by RB

Does anyone else know of any herbs that can suppress prolactin? I plan to keep looking around, but some of you guys like Hobby and Westla are so good at digging this shit up… :)

I found only one herbal that specifically addresses prolactin suppression. I did not read any of the articles in depth so I have no idea of the availability, price, experience of others, etc. Here is a search for vitex agnus castus .

>> Does anyone else know of any herbs that can suppress prolactin?

Chasteberry is suppose to do this to some extent. Had to wade through quite a bit literature to figure this out. It was a common belief long ago that Chasteberry or Chaste tree fruit suppressed the libido, such that monks chewed it to that end. Later it was found to somewhat "normalize" the prolactin level.

here and here for some info on chasteberry.

Bromocriptine is another prescription med that is a Dopamine receptor stimulant, thereby inhibiting prolactin secretion by the pituitary. Look here for some info on that one.

Maybe looking for info regarding
Hyperprolactinemia would be also helpful.

Last edited by DarkTrick : 04-24-2003 at .


The second abstract on this page covers a study using a "special Agnus castus extract" on normal men. Low doses raised prolactin; higher doses lowered it.

Lets get back to wether cblake33 has tried the cabergoline? Or anyone for that matter… I just want multiple orgasams, and if this stuff works I’m gonna try it. There has got to be a way for us regular guys to be like the test subject dude that can cum every 6 minutes. The women have always had us beat in this area. If this is what helps even us out. I want to know.

Got It!!!

Hey ,

Sorry it took me so long to reply. Yes , I finally received my Dostinex on Thursday. Tried it out on friday night. Took .5 mg 3 hrs before sex and took 50 mgs viagra 2 hrs before. To make a long story short , after my first orgasm I didn’t get that same feeling like I used to. Like your your not interested anymore. Just kept right on goin. ( almost an unnerving feeling after being used to rolling over afterwards hahahaha ) Then about 10-12 minutes later , orgasm # 2 . I was preety tired and ended it. But let’s just sayI still had an erection and could have kept going. Also , my wife had multiple orgasm , which hasen’t happend in a long time do two her Female sexual Dysfunction. We both ended up pretty happy!!!. Know I can’t say for sure how much of it was a placebo effect ( or the viagra on top of it) but I know I have never had two orgasm without stopping before.

If anyone has anymore question or is interested where I got the dostinex just pm me. I had to pay for the info to get to his site and not sure if I’m suppose to post it on boards for free. But I will let you know if you PM ME!The doc I got it from is way cool and perscirbes allot of different things for sexual enhancement , viagra , cialis , even HGH AND TESTOSTERONE , also says he has the cheapest dotinex on the web. Buys it from Europe in the form of Cabaser. Wish I knew that before I spent $180.00 on this exsperiment. Wish they made a combo pill of viagra and cabaser. Man they could market that and blow plain viagra away. hahahaha

cblake, how much did a “script” cost you, and how many doses are in it? Is the doc in the US?

Sounds like good stuff. The future looks bright :)

Does anyone know if on-line docs will issue scripts so you can use your health insurance drug card at a local pharmacy to lower the cost?

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

cblake, I’m curious, I assume you had to do some sort of on-line consultation to get the viagra and cabaser/dostinex? What kinds of questions were asked? Was it a pretty smooth process?

As I understand it, cabaser/dostinex/cabergoline cannot be prescribed for multiple orgasms, even though that is a real concern. Premature ejaculation probably causes as many sexual problems between partners as does failing to get an erection. If a guy cums once and soon, and is done prior to his partner, that’s a bitch. If he can cum then keep on going, his partner is more likely to be happier, as is the guy :) As I understand it, cabergoline can only be prescribed to treat pituitary tumors and restless leg syndrome. Is that correct?

If you could elaborate about this whole process, that’d be great :)

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.


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