Good News
I have regained the .5” that I had lost and I am now 8” again. This was done with surprisingly little work. I couldn’t measure at the time (this particular girl is new to my harem and might have looked at me weird), but I just knew when I saw, and then when I got the opportunity to measure it was confirmed. I think I have done at most 3 sessions a week, and this is more confirmation that lost gains are relatively easy to recover.
If you lose a gain, please don’t worry. I don’t know the true explanation, maybe it’s some kind of tissue memory that allows cells to form dimensions they have previously been (like muscles, or your uncle’s fucked up liver), or maybe the micro tears take a very long period to heal to full strength (years), and are therefore more susceptable to stress.
Now I will crack a beer in celebration. If you need an excuse to crack a beer right now, this is as good as any. Remember to hold your beer up and say, “SS4, this beer is dedicated to your dick”. In your head is ok, doesn’t need to be aloud.