Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Great extension of fowfers at night!


Originally Posted by Monty530
Sorry Retainer I think you got beatout by Big Girtha on these.

Not having a go at anyone or anything, but like I have said in one of Bird2’s posts, who cares?

Is it some kind of Internet etiquette thing that I just don’t understand? People post stuff with only the intention of helping others (in my opinion) and I just can’t see the need for people to point out that the idea has been bought up before, no matter how innocent it may be.
It’s a waste of time and band with and is just counter-productive.


Well is could be considered an affront to one who spent time and effort to write a unique piece only to be followed by another who claims to be the first. Hence the pointing to the search tab on numerous occasions for reference to various subjects. If a subject has been covered the only one abusing band WIDTH is the person ignoring an others contribution to the forum. It’s just manners. Do a search and if you find an others brought up the subject then your contribution would be an add on rather then redundancy. This forum is already large enough to keep someone reading for months without having duplicate threads over and over just because people don’t research their topics. Likely if they had, they probably would have learned something new instead of revisiting an already well chewed over subject and if not then they will be contributing to an on going dialog.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Monty530, for god sake.
I’ve read Big Girthas post when he first posted it, and I fully understood it. I’ve been doing them on and off since i’ve read it. If you read my post, you would discover that my variation is not the same. Rolling from side to stomach can and will provide a more intense stretch, capable of producing pain in the ligs (or maybe skin??) if doing it to intense.

Sorry Big Girtha if I in some way offended you. I just thought the fofwers seemed more effective this way.
Sorry Monty530 for wasting your damn bandwidth.

I’m spending several hours a day pumping by brain full of PE information, there isn’t a thread I haven’t read. It’s a real bummber that this is the thanks someone get for trying to contribute something new or slightly new.

Start: 17 cm (6.70") - Now : 19,2 cm (7.56") - Goal : 21 cm (8.27")

I understand Monty’s point, but I have to say I’m personally grateful that Retainer posted on this subject. I too have read hours and hours of threads here on Thunders but I hadn’t encountered Big Girtha’s original comments on the subject. Let’s face it, there is masses of information on here (and a fair amount of hopeless speculation too), and any activity which promotes successful techniques to readers - especially relative newbies like me - is worthwhile IMHO :up:

Just updated my spreadsheet by the way, I wasn’t going to measure ‘til Christmas but couldn’t resist it the other evening :D I’ve gained about half an inch on both length and girth… which according to my volume calculations means +30%!! Happy is moi!

Safe exercising y’all. And co-operative contributions all round!

Life is not a rehearsal... we only get one go at it so make sure it's worthwhile!

Started 12 Sep 2005 BPEL=5.75" EG=4.7" Current 19 Apr 2006 (7 months) BPEL=+0.8" EG=+0.4" :up:

my stats

Originally Posted by Retainer
Monty530, for god sake.
I’ve read Big Girthas post when he first posted it, and I fully understood it. I’ve been doing them on and off since i’ve read it. If you read my post, you would discover that my variation is not the same. Rolling from side to stomach can and will provide a more intense stretch, capable of producing pain in the ligs (or maybe skin??) if doing it to intense.

Sorry Big Girtha if I in some way offended you. I just thought the fofwers seemed more effective this way.
Sorry Monty530 for wasting your damn bandwidth.

I’m spending several hours a day pumping by brain full of PE information, there isn’t a thread I haven’t read. It’s a real bummber that this is the thanks someone get for trying to contribute something new or slightly new.

Frankly Retainer I wasn’t referring to you in the first place.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

It just seemed that way when your first wrote “Sorry Retainer I think you got beatout by Big Girtha on these.”, and then backed it up with a more hostile bashing post.

But I agree with you, it is in fact very annoying to read the same kind of posts over and over and over again. The new contributions seems to appear less frequently with time. But this is happening with all forums on the internet, and it should be. Of two reasons. I mean, we could type “Search before posting you fucking moron” to everyone who asks a question, and then lock the thread. Will this make the forum a better and more inviting place to be?
Also, to some extend, I think the information gets more and more clear the more the question is asked. Would we gave newbie routines, sticky threads or these great articles if it weren’t because the questions they cover has been asked over a gazillion times?

I agree with you. but in my opinion, it’s better to shut up about it in order to make this place a better and more inviting place. It is absolutely the best moderated forum I’ve ever been anticipating in.

Start: 17 cm (6.70") - Now : 19,2 cm (7.56") - Goal : 21 cm (8.27")

In a State of Fowferdom


First off, Monty. Thanks. I appreciate the gesture of giving credit where credit is due. But if anyone should get credit it should be Fow1. I hope someday he returns to see how his very basic exercise has evolved into a whole range of new techniques.

Secondly, Retainer: You haven’t offended me in any way. Sure. I’ve written extensively on all kinds of Fowfers, so much so it’s kind of become a running joke. I mean, there is the Bed Fowfer which I originally called the Pillow Fowfer until I found that it works better without the pillow. There is the Leg Fowfers, Lazy assed Stretches, Langeman’s Up the Anal Fowfer, Cappy’s Wife Fowfer, that’s where you put your dick between HER cheeks at night, there is the Highway Fowfer, while driving in your car. The other day Godzila came up with the sweat pants draw string or belt ADS, which I suggested the name Godzila’s Trouser Fowfer. (GTF) I can’t remember if I or anyone else has suggested Fowfering on one’s stomach, but it certainly has merit. If you like we will christen it the Retainer Belly Fowfer. (RBF) ;) Who cares? What’s important is finding the best, safest and most comfortable way to stay extended for as much time as possible between sessions.

The whole beauty of Bed Fowfering :rolleyes: is that they are an effective way to keep from healing in a retracted state, but they are not so restricting that they cut circulation. If your dick needs to come up for air, a nocturnal erection will easily pull it from the Fowfer while you are asleep. It doesn’t matter if you toss and turn in your sleep, the suction created by heat and the baggie skin of the scrotum will keep you tucked pretty well. Sure it is not like sleeping in an ADS, but it is a safe and comfortable way to keep extended during sleep. If it comes out, tuck it back.

Keep In a State of Fowferdom

When you do this every night after a while it just comes second nature for you to retuck if your dick pulls out of the Fowfer. I feel uncomfortable when I turtle, so I retuck automatically. Also, I can’t sleep on my stomach, but for those who can this would be a good way to start out. The reason we turn in our sleep is the body’s way to get circulation into parts of the body that have been deprived. Your body will not let your dick, or any other appendage suffer for lack of blood, trust me. You will turn automatically. That is unless you are unconscious. That is why I have always said if you go to bed drunk, don’t Fowfer.

This methodology only seems logical and reasonable to me. However, there are a lot of members, (Vets) that disagree with this method. Thunder himself has expressed that he feels the dick should be left alone during sleep. I agree that better and/or quicker healing will occur if the penile tissues are left to heal untouched, but I also feel they will heal up short. One only has to watch the flaccid penis after a PE routine to see what it wants to do. It wants to draw up, retract, turtle. I believe this retraction is our biggest enemy in the craft we call PE. Sure we heal slower if we stay extended, but slow healing is what we want. This will give the new cells time to fill in the gaps and create more penile tissue.

Or so it seems to me.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

HAHA there is a Fowfers for just about every scenario you could think of it seems! Good shit!

Girtha; Is one of the main reasons you do these to stop the turtling, or do you feel it contributes to any length/girth gains you receive?
I too am someone who believes that it may not be beneficial to keep your dick locked between your legs/up your crack all night. It just seems to me that because you are stretching it for that long, that it can/will negate crucial repair time which will inhibit gains, or keep the penis in an exhausted state for too long. Course I cannot back this up with fact, it is really just an idea I am taking from any bodybuilding knowledge I have :)

Fortunately, I haven’t got a problem with turtling. It hasn’t happened even ONCE since I began PE.


I don’t think any serious lig gains can come from Fowfers, I just feel it is a hands free way to stay extended. I mean, ideally, if we could grab the tip of our dick and hold it in a maximum stretch length indefinitely between PE sessions the micro tears would have no other option than to heal in that extended length. But because it is impossible to hold onto ones dick for that long of a time we need to find other ways to keep it extended as far as possible for as much time as possible. Using an ADS and/or Fowfers is the best way I have found to do this.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Yeah, I fowfer all day at work

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

I fowfer whilst doing 50 kegels in the shower in the morning then another hour of fowfer during the day.


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