Great Motivational Tool
If consistency is the engine that leads us to gains then motivation must be its fuel.
Hmm… Sorry for the pretentious quote but I don’t think enough can be said about motivation and it’s power to make or break a PE goal. If you’re like me, many times have you thought- “I wish I could see what I’d look like at my ideal size.” Imagine the motivation you could derive from actually seeing this. Well, a while back I discovered a great motivational tool I’ve been using that does just this.
I had seen a post here at Thunders that suggested rolling a piece of paper up into a cylinder as a gauge of what you’d look like at your goal size. Trying this I was at first freaked out by what 7x6” looked like – huge! No way, I thought. I will never be that big. But the measurements were correct. So what was the problem?
The problem was, to put it bluntly, that no matter how much PE time I put in my skipper would never look like a rolled up piece of paper. It’s an unrealistic portrayal.
Other objects that neared these dimensions also proved unsatisfying. I wanted to see what MY penis would look like at 7x6” – not what my penis would look like if it were a 7x6” aerosol can.
This is when it occurred to me that I had all the tools I need to make this a reality (or at least a two dimensional reality): A digital camera, a computer, Photoshop and a printer.
Using my camera I took a ‘my-eye view’ photo in a fully erect state, imported it into Photoshop, and using the ‘rulers’ option sized the image to my exact current dimensions. I then copied this image and resized it proportionally to my goal size using 7” from base to tip for length and 1 7/8” at mid-shaft for girth (I know, I know: mult/div 3.1415 formula- but 1 7/8” works out for me). I was careful not to over-exaggerate the head size as this is commonly one of the hardest parts of the penis to grow. Finally, I printed these two images side by side in full color, checking to be sure that the “real” version of me was accurate by literally getting an erection and doing a side-by-side comparison.
I’m rather proficient in Photoshop (any version will do), so this took me all of five minutes, but I have to say that the ‘ideal’ version of me has become an immense source of motivation. It is all at once realistic and impressive. Or more accurately: What I know I can attain because I can see it - my penis at 7x6” - right here in front of me.
Damn! My boy is gonna be one handsome sum’bitch!