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Growth and Size Illusion Issues


Growth and Size Illusion Issues

I am trying to get a handle on something that has been bugging me for a long time.
I have read of other members who have experienced/are experiencing the same thing
and I may have a theory to explain.

The issue: I Can't see the gains.

Since beginning PE in 2006, I have gained 1.25” in BPEL, 1.25” in NBPEL, 1.25” in FL and .3125” in girth.
I measure EXACTLY the same way every time. I’m very sure of this. My problems is I don’t look any bigger to myself.
I know, everyone wants to throw out the body dis-morphism theory to explain this. But when I measure and then subtract 1.25” and cover
the added length, there is NO WAY I was that small! No, I didn’t take pictures. Do I wish I had? Yea, maybe. But I was,
and still am, too paranoid someone would find them.

So, here are my theories…

1. I never gained. I just learned to push the ruler further and further into my pelvis bone.
I don’t really buy this one. Why? I know I gained girth. No bone pushing for that one. I also don’t think PE exercises do anything to soften
your pelvic muscles. And, my NBPEL is 1.25” longer.

2. The change was so gradual I just forgot what I looked like before.
Plausible, but still doesn’t explain why it looks like a stub when I cover the 1.25” growth.

3. It’s an illusion. The additional girth makes it look the same length as before.
I also found some compelling evidence for this argument.

4. A wandering tribe of sadistic nomadic midgets from an alternate universe is messing with my penis (much the same way my potatoes do.)
I think they use the end of a space toothbrush to shave off any gains I have made. And when I go to measure, they inflate it with an implant
they control remotely. (My therapist likes this one, but of course she snorts Draino)

I’m going to have to go with a combination of theories 2 & 3. I think the gradual change, coupled with the added girth, gives the illusion
of no growth. Either that, or my ruler is under the control of the midgets!!

Anyone else experiencing this phenomenon?

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

Yes I sure am experiencing this and it’s driving me nuts

Originally Posted by Iguana
I am trying to get a handle on something that has been bugging me for a long time.
I have read of other members who have experienced/are experiencing the same thing
and I may have a theory to explain.

Anyone else experiencing this phenomenon?

i think for point 3.

The Beginning(18 Aug 2005): BPEL 6.10" EG 5.10" Now (24 dec 2006): BPEL 7'00" EG 5'40" The Target: BPEL 7'90" EG 6'50"

4, obviously

Starting Stats: 7 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG (April 14, 2010)

Current Stats: 7 BPEL x 5.8125 MSEG

It depends on the angle. Since I always see the top, I don’t notice those gradual changes looking down. But seen in a mirror or from the side (viewpoints I rarely get) then I can see the difference. So, #2 is my vote.

I just tried the covering up the gains thing. It’s crazy, but pretty motivational to see the fruits of your labor.

Then: 6.75" x 5" ----> Now: 8.5" x 5.75"


When I look back at some old pictures, I think “there’s no way I was that skinny/fat”

I’ve also had plastic surgery and I think “there’s no way I was that ugly!”

Such is life.

I’ve felt the same at times. However, I also find that when I go to measure, I always make sure to get a 100% raging woody whereas when I’m just shagging one of the girls, I don’t really give a damn if it’s at 100%, 90%, 80% or whatever, just so long as I can get decent penetration and then work it up to full wood. This “less than 100%” erection level is now a pretty common thing for me due to the fact that I take very few rest days and my dick is always pretty worked. The combination of this leaves me with a perception of my current dick (if I let it) that is skewed to the smaller side due to the fact that most of the time that it is raging 100% hard, it's inside of someone. However, if I spend some time not shagging one of the girls and then start to get really sexually hungry for her, then I will inevitably get a huge, 100% boner and will invariably be quite impressed with it- i.e. there’s obvoiusly more cock there for her hand/mouth/pussy/ass/whatever. Try it Iguana. Go for a few days, no masturbating, no shagging, and get yourself all worked up with mrs. Iguana and then look down when you’ve got one of those 15 year old, condom busting woodies. I’ll bet when you look down you’ll see at least some of that “missing” 1.5” sticking out of her clenched fist. I’m not saying that this is ALL of the missing dick, but it’s probably accounting for some of it.

I 5th.

Here is what I think, the reason why we dont see the gains is because we do not just jump 1 inch. We see our dicks growing mm by mm, so to us, even after we have gained 1 inch we still see it at the same size. If you were a newbie, do PE but dont get hard intentionally for say 3 months, when you do get a hard on you will see a big difference.

My 2 cents.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

My Pics

AOM's training log

I agree with aom91.


Sep.12, 2007

BPEL 7.75" and EG 5.125"

Your all under my spell. I am the Kingpole, you are all becoming minikins. So that you will populate the vanished Phlebian population.

I had that problem, but I learned to live with it. It helps to do a reality check compare it to an object the same size as your dick.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I am going to try that tommorrow kingpole.


Sep.12, 2007

BPEL 7.75" and EG 5.125"

Today, you mean.:D

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

My Pics

AOM's training log

Originally Posted by aom91
Today, you mean.:D

Is is still today I thought it was tomorrow?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

All you guys have some very good and valid points. I thought of another possibility. I’m constantly visualizing the size I want to be;
and that is considerable larger than I am now. So, maybe I look small in the mirror because I’m not seeing where I am in comparison
to where I was. I am seeing where I am in comparison to where I want to be?

I have also had the same thing happen as Phyriel. Sometimes after a work-out I look huge. Pull out the ruler and tape and I
measure the same old size, even though it looks like a monster. I can’t explain this one either.

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

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