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Guys on Big Al's PE site


Guys on Big Al's PE site


What gives? I just followed a link looking for something and got on Big Al’s site. I saw that Dance, Yguy and a bunch of others from our forum were over there. Have they jumped ship or what? I also noticed the similarity of topics and similar site design. If they left for good, shame on em’. Thunders’ Place is where I got my start and is where I’ll stay!


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Hey jelktoid,

They haven’t abandoned ship, a lot of us have memberships on both forums and quite a few of the mods are mods on both forums. Although some guys prefer one over the other, most like both forums, as each has a slightly different personality. As to why the forums look a lot alike, I’ll leave that to someone else to answer.

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jelktoid (and "others")...

What’s wrong with being a member of more than one message board? And what’s with all the “this board” vs. “that board” nonsense? And you say it as though PE Forums is a copycat of Thunder’s Place. Both boards are great places to discuss and interact with other men who are interested in free penis enlargement techniques. Some of the same topics are discussed, and the same software is used. But the two forum are different monsters once you get past that. The fact that many of the moderators at PE Forums also work here is only a testament to how hard those particular individuals are willing to work to advance the cause and help others such as yourself to gain more manhood.

You are welcome to become a member of PE Forums if you wish, if you don’t, that’s fine too. We’d love to have you, but hey, whatever floats your boat.



Most of us old time pe’rs came from the old peforum and most still help out on both boards, some of us are moderators on both boards they are both free PE boards. Both boards are excellent.



I check both boards. Many post on both, but you can get some different perspectives. It also serves well—for some reason, this topic invites itself to hacking…


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

Jelktoid mentioned Big AL’s site - is this different from, and if so, is it a paysite for the forum?

Big Al owns a PE paysite,

That is completely and totally separate from … the former adminsitrator of the PE Forums invited BA to take over the administration of the PE Forums a couple of years ago, and he is paying the bills now that we have moved away from ezboard. But I wouldn’t say that PE Forums is “Big Al’s Site”.

Ok, thanks for that clarification, Size.

I really like at times. Right now there are some very interesting conversations going on. I think and Thunder’s are complimentary sites with different strengths. I personally wouldn’t like to be without either of them, and I enjoy participating in each.

It is great to have the different boards and perspectives.

I think the best thing by far is when one is hacked or has problems. You guys know that ugly sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you log on and see it is not working? You think, “man I don’t want to lose the connection with all the fellas.” Then when you go to the other site you go “whew.” Then we can re-group. PE is a major part of my life and I appreciate all you guys. It would be a real loss if we just all of a sudden lost contact with each other.


OK Fellas,

I guess after reading your posts, I can see your point. From my perspective, I only have enough time for one forum and that is this one.

Happy PEing


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

I would join BigAl’s but it looks like u can only register by paying and I like the idea of free PE forums so I think I’ll just stay away from that one…

Hell yeah Thunders is the best!

Man thunders forum is the only one for this pe’er

The others aint got shit on this forum!



Do you mean PE forums? I thought you were already a member there.


Ever heard the saying two heads are better than one?

Well two PE boards are better than one.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

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