Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

HA! Look this guy!!

Evet öyleyim. Peki sende öyle misin? Yoksa Türkiyede oturan yabancı mısın?

Yes I am. And you are..?
You know, PE does work. You shouldn’t have any doubts. I’ve seen the results myself.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

And can you tell us something we don’t know.

I saw this on another site while I was doing more research into PE.

The most comprehensive research into the effectiveness of jelqing was carried out in the late 1970's by Dr Brian Richards in the United Kingdom. His research was accepted for publication by the British Journal of Sexual Medicine and showed positive results for 87 percent of the test group. The results from his study showed an increase in penis length of up to 1.4 inches and an increase in penis girth of up to 1 inch.

It’s amazing that a lot of skeptics don’t bother doing research themselves they go by what they learned in medical school or what other skeptics tell them that if it’s not a muscle it won’t grow blah blah blah.Try telling that to guys like DLD,BIB and other gainers that have a big dick to show for what they did.

You are always going to have skeptics and non-believers.Bodybuilding was being lashed out during it’s infancy but now it’s a common thing these days why because people finally showed the non-believers that this works and that works.

I say so what we all know that PE works if they don’t want to believe it then fine I won’t lose sleep over it.As someone mentioned it’s probably better that PE stays underground if everyone found out that this really works then we would see the below average and average guys becoming well hung.You always want a balance between the below average and average guys and that the well hung guys stay within that 5% of the population.

Originally Posted by quattot
And can you tell us something we don’t know.

go”tu”nu” sikeyim yavru es,ekog^lues,s,ek!

Means, “I like donkeys”, did you know that?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I think Houtan is well aware that the whole article is BS, and posted it not so much because he supports the notion that PE is wishful thinking but for reasons of entertainment. Personally, these days I can only laugh when I confronted with the prejudice that is thrown at PE from those who wrote it off without putting it to the test. Their loss.

No, but I know you like to be man handled.

Originally Posted by quattot

No, but I know you like to be man handled.

That might be labunya. ;)

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by houtan
But women responding to magazine surveys say they don’t care about size at all.

What’s the truth? A Dutch study of 375 sexually active women who had recently given birth suggests that the surveys are accurate — to a point. Seventy-nine percent of the women said that penis length is unimportant, and 69 percent of them said the same about penis girth.

I’m moving to Holland.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by Pud
I guess what has happen in my case is my wife vagina got smaller, and shorter, which is giving her screaming orgams? It couldnt be that my dick is getting bigger, after all there is no scientific proof that my dick is any bigger.

Well is you measured routinely that is scientific proof, is it not? I don’t agree to the whole keeping knowledge to oneself attitude. It’s so greedy, and that ain’t kushty man. I think we should strive to be more generous, with things, ideas and information. It’s a karma thing. ;)

This signature is closed for the public.

No I think it is pousti.

Originally Posted by The Beasty One

I don’t agree to the whole keeping knowledge to oneself attitude. It’s so greedy, and that ain’t kushty man. I think we should strive to be more generous, with things, ideas and information. It’s a karma thing. ;)

First of all what I said was meant to be funny. Secondly I give advice and help newbies who ask for help all the time. Of course we don’t get many skeptics here at Thunders so there isn’t much discussion about if it works but mostly what works best. And I sure as hell don’t go out in the world at large preaching about dick enlargement.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

I agree. You can teach a man how to tug his dick but you can’t tug it for him.

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Originally Posted by iamaru
go”tu”nu” sikeyim yavru es,ekog^lues,s,ek!

Means, “I like donkeys”, did you know that?

Haahahahaha :rolling:


Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

I think the Mayo clinic will say good things, it is a responsible organization. At the same time, until they have conclusive evidence of something, and until the establishment is hands on something , they will always remain cautious.
I have not yet started PE, but, I think it can work. Many people get memberships to a gym but never really work out. Some do not even show up. If we divide the number of membership by the number of really good bodies, we could say gyms suck. It would be a unrealistically conclusion.
I have seen a tendency in the medical field to say things that are plain wrong, because of obscure reasons, perhaps ill conceived political correctness?? Or silly shame?

I had low thyroid levels at puberty, I did not know it until later, as an adult. If I were had given Thyroid by the age of 13, 14, 15, I would had become as large as my genetic material wanted, but the lack of thyroid made my development along normal lines difficult.
In lieu of this, I see all over the net, kids in their teens, asking, “my penis is small, 3 in, 4 in, 5 in, and is there anything I can do??
The stupid responses are.”you are Ok, penises come in various sizes.and all that crap..
That is so if penis size was a stupid reason to be concerned, when often it is a symptom of a deficiency, that, if corrected in due time ( before age 17, when the “growing” channels close, normally ) the person would develop normally.
How could a MD tell a teen boy, you are fine w a 4 in dick??
That leads me to think ( w the limited but educated approach on hormones and the endocrinologic system, knowledge I acquired after knowing my own condition).how is it possible that a doctor can tell a boy, he is fine, when he knows it is not, and, the worse, knowing that the deadline to do something about it is getting close??

A kid w a 4 in penis by age 15 can develop into a larger guy w proper testosterone androgen treatment. But, by being politically correct, politically hypocrite ( penis size is considered a trivial thing, I guess, but, ask a man w a 4 in dick, or 5, or 3, if his life feels trivial , w the constant lack of confidence in himself.) these seudo doctors are sentencing men to a life of unhappiness.

What we need, as already said, is a study, with photos and all, about the gains attainable by different guys.

To the masters of this site, would that be a difficult thing?? To conduct such a study??
Not only a study, but, a gold mine, because, once blessed by a honest unbiased study, the PE theory would become legit.

I don’t think the medical profession will ever publicly endorse PE for one simple reason… liability.
Its been said here ad nauseum - penis enlargement is risky, and can be dangerous to the health of your penis if practiced improperly. We all have read numerous accounts of member’s trauma and complications. I’ve fallen victim to my own ignorant excess.

In our litigation-happy society doctors will avoid anything that is easily prone to mis-application. All it would take is one idiot patient that over does it and goes beyond the prescribed routine, and the doctor ends up in court. It happens all too often on this forum, and it would happen constantly if PE was given the medical seal of approval.

Even if it where scientifically documented and proven, the medical community would not endorse it whether they believed it or not.


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