Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

HA! Look this guy!!


MayoClinic - "Beware PE Scams"

Originally Posted by gonabbiger
If you’ve seen the "Austin Powers" movies, you may have laughed at Austin for owning a penis-enlargement pump. But you also may have been thinking, "Hmm. I wonder if something like that could give me an extra inch or two."

Penis-enlargement products aren’t difficult to find
Men’s magazines, sports radio shows and Internet sites are filled with advertisements for pumps, pills, weights, exercises and surgeries — all of which supposedly can increase the length and width (girth) of your penis. Even if you’ve never visited an Internet porn site, you’ve likely received many unsolicited e-mails for products and services that promise to make you more of a man.

Nonsurgical methods of penis enlargement
Marketers offer many different types of nonsurgical penis enlargement, and often promote them with serious-looking advertisements that include endorsements from "scientific" researchers.

But if you look and read closely, you’ll see that claims of safety and effectiveness are completely groundless. Because no reputable scientific research validates any type of nonsurgical penis enlargement, marketers rely on testimonials and before-and-after photos that may not be authentic.

At the bottom of such advertisements, you’ll usually find a sentence such as "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration." Well, of course they haven’t been. The Food and Drug Administration, the government agency that regulates medications and medical devices, has never approved any medications or devices for enlarging a penis.

There are four basic types of nonsurgical penis enlargement:

Manual stretching or squeezing (jelquing). These exercises are supposed to be performed 30 minutes a day for an indefinite period of time. Although they may be safer than other methods, they can lead to scar formation, pain and disfigurement.
Stretching with penile weights. This technique is very likely to cause permanent penile damage.
Vacuum pumps. Because pumps draw blood into the penis and make it swell, they’re useful in the treatment of impotence (erectile dysfunction). This may create an illusion of a larger penis, but results are seldom permanent. Repeated use can damage elastic tissue in the penis, leading to less-firm erections.
Pills and lotions. These usually contain vitamins, minerals, herbs or hormones such as testosterone. Although topical testosterone is sometimes used on adolescent boys to accelerate puberty, there’s no evidence that it or any other substance can increase penis size in adult men. In 2002, authorities in the state of Arizona seized the assets of a penis-pill company, in part because the owners fraudulently claimed their product would deliver a permanent gain of 1 to 3 inches. The company owners also refused to honor their money-back guarantee, committing yet another fraud.

I think this is all crap, as PE consists of alot more than just jelqing. And there are 1000’s of men who can say that PE has lead to a bigger penis, like me.

Here’s the full article

Penis-enlargement products: Do they work? - Mayo Clinic

Current - NBPEL 6.9" x EG Base 6.2"

BPEL 7.4"

Goal - NBPEL 8.5" x EG 6.5"

Well the Mayo clinic is of course a good reliable source, but the tenor of the article (to me) is “don’t bother” rather than a rigorous refutation of the effectiveness of PE.

Small point that got my attention; the increases in size from pumping are described as “seldom” providing permanent size increase (i.e. sometimes it DOES/or CAN work).

Also, for every source of PE info. such as Thunder’s, how many scam/bullshit sites are there? So obviously the vast majority of online “PE” info IS indeed bullshit, and they’re right to warn against it. I mean, do we expect an asterix - *BTW Thunder’s provided proper info and uh…the rest of the internet is a con…

Yeah, saw that. I would be aware of scams. Scammers are those that offer to sell you something for a price that is really nothing. Here, there is no scam because nothing is for sale. We are getting useful information free.

I saw something similar with a “size doesn’t matter” study attached once. Guess what? Maybe it don’t. But I experimented with the CAT again today. Yep, it works with my lil ole <6.5x<5. But you know what, on the second try we used the 8x6.5 and it worked even better.

I think I’ll just keep going slowly with the things I learn here. Do a little of everything, a little at a time, and see what happens. What the hell, if I’m wrong the worst that can happen is I can cause impotence. I was impotent before starting…I’m not now.

Something must be going right. PE has made me a tiny bit bigger, but more importantly it’s given me the ability to have spontaneous sex without having to take pills then use the pump first every time.

The sexism in this sort of thing is appalling. I don’t see anything similar for breast enlargement, face lifts, hymen reconstruction, or other cosmetic procedures. Compared to invasive surgery with general anesthesia, PE is safer. You could get any one of those procedures at some discount “clinic” in Mexico or shady low street office. Same deal with PE. Do PE the way the experts tell you, listen to your body, and investigate the risks and you’ve minimized the risks.

Thunder: Have you ever been contacted by Mayo or similar prestigious group about this web site? Might make for some insight on why PE gets the reception it does in medical circles.

Originally Posted by Jason_Els
The sexism in this sort of thing is appalling. I don’t see anything similar for breast enlargement, face lifts, hymen reconstruction, or other cosmetic procedures. Compared to invasive surgery with general anesthesia, PE is safer. You could get any one of those procedures at some discount “clinic” in Mexico or shady low street office. Same deal with PE. Do PE the way the experts tell you, listen to your body, and investigate the risks and you’ve minimized the risks.

I agree about what you say with the breast enlargment, whats the difference between making your dick bigger and making your tits bigger?

But what is a hymen reconstruction?

Current - NBPEL 6.9" x EG Base 6.2"

BPEL 7.4"

Goal - NBPEL 8.5" x EG 6.5"

It’s a second, first time. One shot deal.

Originally Posted by Jason_Els
Thunder: Have you ever been contacted by Mayo or similar prestigious group about this web site? Might make for some insight on why PE gets the reception it does in medical circles.

No. In the early days we had members attempting to invite doctors to join the website. Nothing ever became of that either, that I am aware of anyway.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

Why are guys here so hot to provie that PE works? Let em all think it’s bullshit! Me, I’m happy to not have to compete with millions of guys who gain an extra inch!

*I measure PRE-WORKOUT, normal erection* Started: 7 EBP x 4.9 EG. Several years on and off PE, now 8.125 EBP length x 5.5 EG midshaft (5.8 base). Working on girth (clamping) again after breaks due to injuries - fast recent gains! Pics

Originally Posted by northof60
I think it is safe to say that the majority of people who give PE an honest effort will see no permanent gains.

I don’t agree.

If done correctly and with sufficient perseverance pe works.

Later - ttt

Why are so many people concerned with external justification of PE? What does it matter? Does your penis get bigger if the Mayo clinic says it will? If some magical entity “blesses” PE with legitimacy, will that help you out? Every now and then someone posts about doing studies and such to ‘prove’ PE works. I don’t understand it. Lifting weights is a great example; to get big and strong very little of significance has changed in the last 50 years, other than some sport specific techniques in powerlifting, but from a lifting and nutrition standpoint, not much has changed for those who are succesful. The medical community has been all over the map on nutrition and exercise in that time. Why would you give a group so much credence as to desire their approval?

I am curious how many people who express interest in justifying PE have seen little to no gains. I could understand that during a time when someone thinks they should be gaining they may want to have what they are doing externally legitimized. However, I don’t often see the bigger gainers pushing for experiments and all that. In the end, it doesn’t matter what x thinks, it’s your own self discipline and perseverance that determine the bulk of your success.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL


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