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Hanging pumping

Hanging pumping

I’ve seen post about hanging, and I’ve seen post about pumping, and I’ve seen post where both are done the same day.

But has anyone tried pumping 15 min. Hanging 15 min. Pumping 15 min. Hanging 15 min. For however many sets you felt like.

If someone has, how did it turn out?

C’mon, Nobody has ever tried this?

Well I did it last night.

Hung 5# for 15 min. Immediately followed by a 1 min. Massage to get fully erect, followed by 15 min. Pumping at no more than 5 hg.

Repeated for 4 sets.

Did a little manual stretching too just prior to workout while I was in the hot shower.

Woke up with some mega woodage, had no discomfort or soreness after workout.

I tend to like trying different routines to keep the shock value on my dick.

Guess if I am the only one to ever try this routine (and I can’t believe I am)

Then I will try it for a month or so and then post if anything happened.

But if someone else has ever tried it, I’d love to hear your results.

Hey, I’m a hardcore clamper and I’m going to work my way into hanging any time now. I’m going to continue to clamp like I always have. Like you, I’m hoping to give my dick another shock treatment to get some more growth going. Do you think the hanging will hinder the girth work? Also Does haning give you good erections if you don’t overdo it, you said you woke up with killer wood. I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t seem to find any answers regarding erection quality and hanging.

I like clamping too.

My routine was basically substitute the hanging for clamping.

I get girth rather easy as compared to length.

Both are actually rather on the slow side.

I never was much on hanging, but I got this idea in my head yesterday and decided to try it out.

I am also thinking about including clamping as well, but I wanted to see how my dick would react to the change.

Since I woke up with a pretty good fluffy, I will assume I can do all 3.

I will start off mildly but my routine is going to be.

Hot bath and power jelq.

Manual stretch and bends.

15 min. Hanging 5#

15 min. Pump at no more than 5 hg

Repeat that 3 or 4 times.

Continue but clamp in between pump sets.

So second half would be after hanging:

Pump 15 min. Still at no more than 5 hg

Clamp 15 min.

Repeat that for 2 or 3 sets.

Then wear my cock ring to keep it puffed.

I am not sure if any one will hinder gains of the other.

Thats why I started this thread to see if anyone else has done this.

It seems like an intense workout.

But mildly done.

No heavy weights, no extreme pumping, and only a couple sets of clamping.

To answer your question on erection quality.

I can’t find much on it either, but I have been basing my intensity by my morning wood.

I exercise before I go to bed (unless the girlfriend is coming over) and if I wake up with wood and no soreness, then I assume I did it right.

If I exercise that night and the next morning he is dead and deflated, well then I know I over did it.

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