Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Happy Birthday drilla9

Happy Birthday :D Now, where do I send this chick ? What’s your address?? ;)

Hope you had a good one!

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Fuck, I’m late. Hope it was great!!!

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

Hb. O:-)

ATM... BPEL: 0.0mm EG: 0.0mm

Lost Penis!!! :helpme:

Originally Posted by Gut Scrambler
Fuck, I’m late. Hope it was great!!!

Fuck! You think you were late Guts, look at me! :faint:

Happy belated Birthday Drills and I am sorry to be making an appearance after that Tit one, when I would usually be in well before him, which goes without saying. He’ll probably jump on the fact, but don’t worry I’ll soon sort him out.

Which also goes without saying :gulp:

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Still hung over?

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Still hung?


Belated thanks to you fine people for wishing me a Happy Birthday. 26 yrs young! :eek:

It’s been a heady mix of booze and chocolate all weekend, not to mention some scandalous sexual encounters with wifey after which she exclaimed that it ‘felt a bit too big, but in a good way’..!?!?.I hadn’t even touched the poor blighter for 3 days. Had the same effect on honeymoon.. *Reminder to self - rest days are beneficial!*

Thanks again folks! :worthy:

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Drilla………..All the best to a great guy

Happy Birthday Drilla,thank you very much for your contributions to this community.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

Originally Posted by rousseau506
Fuck! You think you were late Guts, look at me! :faint:

Ha! Good. Now I don’t feel so bad. Besides, Drilla has what most of us want for the perfect birthday present. He was bound for a good birthday regardless of our late wishes.

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

Happy Birthday Drilla, you inspire me. Your my ero!

Since I’m so late, let me be the first to wish you happy birthday, for next year. Hope it’s somehow even better than this one.


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