Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Happy Birthday Petitfaun/Tit (for short!)

Well what can I say Rue but Thankee Sirrr , for now. As I need just a little time to get it all sorted and provide the multitudes who are waiting breathlessly. (Breath in now folks this could take some time) . Well next post perhaps as it’s near dinner time and I need all my strength to sail through the Rue canal

So In my best operatic garb. (You know the opera cloak and cranky top hat) I shall just say I go- I come back.

Well with all the comebacks I’ve made the T hat has had a lot of use.

Bows low,

(Then has to go off left like Groucho)

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:hb: Tit

Originally Posted by Bird2

:hb: Tit

Thanks Bird. Keep up those captions!

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Knocking one back in honor of you today, Tit.


Happiest to you.


Who’s Birthday? Tit? really?
OHHHHH my main man TIT!! I could never forget your birthday, now could I? :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE! :buttrock: You Rock!


If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Originally Posted by rousseau506
It’s hard to believe that a whole year has gone by since Tit’s last birthday, but there you go and now we have to go through the motions again, so let’s keep it simple, no bells booming out and there’s certainly no point taxing our brains when it comes around again so quickly. Besides, so little has changed since the last time, for he’s away as usual and he’ll be back late, as usual, DW will make the cakes as usual, crikey how many must she be up to now to hold all those candles, it seems to me it would be better to have one great big cake and one great big candle which could be lit again at Christmas to mark that other Birthday from nearly as long ago, but then it’s not up to me since I’m not the one running the whole bakery chain geared solely to the production of the worlds biggest Birthday Cake :eek: , crikey when Queen Marie-Antoinette said ‘Let them eat cake’, she was before her time, if she was here now (including her head of course), she’d be talking with some authority on the subject of cake, she might even be considered an intelligent woman instead of the stupid whore she was taken to be and pretty much was, but let’s not think about that now, we have something even more gruesome to ponder than a bloody revolution in France, we have our own, well Tit certainly has, they only went and installed a vibrating machine in that so called gym he frequents and I’m pretty sure it revolves, it must, for he walks on and a couple of hours later he falls off and it’s not just his head we’re talking about, it’s the whole heap! :rolleyes: . It’s not my idea of fun, but he loves the thrill of it all obviously, seeing as he goes back every day for more, I suppose it reminds him of his driving, pretty much the same sensation and just as little control.

Speaking of driving, just about now he’ll be tearing up that M25 motorway heading for London and home, via Buckingham Palace no doubt, where another Queen will be trying to hide, ours this time, dear help her, she has so many heavy commitments in June (flower shows, horse racing, garden parties and that sort of thing) she can’t leave the capital until August, did I mention inspecting her troops as well, that’s if she can find any to inspect, what with half of them are in Iraq and God knows where else and the other half forming a protective cordon around the perimeter, either that, or on the roof watching for Tit, well it’s hardly going to be enough to keep him out, certainly not if he happens to be in one of his determined moods.

The good news is they don’t have to worry about a stampede of the general public and all those prying eyes of the press, for anyone who could walk, hobble, or drag themselves unassisted has escaped abroad :nodding: yes they’re all in Germany now and pretending to be interested in football. Imagine, Germany of all places, sure they’re probably stuck in some stadium built on the exact same spot where Tit serviced all those Norwegian troops back in 1947 I believe it was, the irony of it all, 2006 and thousands of assorted folk on top of him all over again and not even in, never mind out of uniform! I’m not even going to think about that now, :noreally: I’m thinking about something else, wasn’t it Queen Victoria who said “Lie back and think of England?’ Well if it was her, she was obviously before her time as well.

Seriously though, for those who don’t know Tit well and for those of you who may not know him at all (which is highly unlikely), you might think I have taken leave of my senses if I somehow imagine this spurious slander is a fitting tribute to an exemplary member and also a very dear friend, I have and it is, for he is one of the best, a good sport and a good man who appreciates so much all the kind wishes he receives from his fellow members of this Forum, last year it brought tears to my eye to see him beavering away for weeks thanking everyone personally :uhuh: you know what I mean. It was truly moving and so was I, off and merrily posting away all over the place as usual, using my dry eye of course. Well it was if you don’t count the odd splash-back from the odd glass, now and again.

That took forever Tit, believe it or not :gulp:

Well we need a book the size of a family bible to get through that lot. But never afraid of a challenge.

Not quite sure what Queen Marie-Antoinette actually said but I wonder if Cake was the word she used. In french the words can sound very similar. However we’ll pass over her, as she was known as a very good giver of head.

“”Now about this gym thing that That Rue, is soooo interested in..

It is a machine one can stand on and it gives vibrations Naturally these are in opposite motion to enable one to stand n the thing without being chucked off. However. the very fact that they vibrate in opposite directions can be rather unnerving. because it means the vibrations are transferred up on’s legs and eventually end up at the top. where as we all know are two well rounded (we hope) parts of the exterior. Now with the opposite movement it means that ones cheeks (not the facia ones)
are moving up and down inopposite directions and can give one a most peculiar feeling unlike anything that can be given by hands. and at 50 hertze. (not hurts) per second can give rise to the most peculiar expressions on some users faces as their cheeks are rubbed together.

I shall not go into all the joys of the machine. but feel it necessary to warn those potential users in public, that the young men who try this for the first time, stand upon it full square as it were. and when the machine reaches maximum revs. A strange transformation takes place on the young mens faces. (fortunately we cannot see the source of this movement. as it is hidden behind the robes as it were) but the expression goes from a quizzical to semi astonishment and finally to a broad grin,and sparkling eyes followed, in one action by the young man’s switching off quickly and giving a sharp intake of breath accompanied by a wide eyed expression. I imagine my own features went through this on my first attempt to try and massage my knees. I regret to say I cannot give any opinion of the succes on the knees., as my attention was directed elswhere.”

I would simply point out that I have invitations to the Garden Parties.
But I usually decline these as the little horrors go made running up and down the street, and into my garden.

I’m afraid Folks that we have to excuse Rue’s Blues (I like that it sort of rolls off the tounge easily) He just missed out and has never forgiven me for it.

Anyway This is all to do with my way of thanking Roussie. (better call ghim that as a mark of respect) for his kind words phrases and insults. And I shall be getting back at him in due course, (Har Har)

Thanks Buddy!

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Originally Posted by doubles
Knocking one back in honor of you today, Tit.


Happiest to you.


Thanks Doubles, and have another one on me!


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Originally Posted by supersizeit
Who’s Birthday? Tit? really?
OHHHHH my main man TIT!! I could never forget your birthday, now could I? :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE! :buttrock: You Rock!


Thanks for kind wishes Super. We haven’t had the chance of one of our deep discussions for a while. But I’ll look forward to the next one.


Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Happy Birthday Tit

If you stretch it, it will grow. If you clamp it, she will know.

Happy Birthday Tit!

One every year, that’s getting to be a habit. And that was such a nice, long but nice, write up from Roussie.

I bet he has already started on the one for next year since you make a habit of having them.

Good health to you Tit.

Are you sure this is how Mr. Ed started?

Happy birthday Tit!

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I believe “girding up the loins” is some sort of hanging exercise, although I cannot find a link to it on here anyplace. Maybe it’s part of the newbie routine?

I’ll keep looking. Sounds like it could be fun.

Is the brandy all gone now?



:cheerlead :gift: :woot2: :hb:

Sorry I’m late. Hope your B-Day was the best.

Originally Posted by iwillbbigger
Happy Birthday Tit

Thanks for the good wishes iwbb

I was amused by your problem with your son hanging in the water. (Mind you he might have picked up that line from school!)

Best thing to do is get a large pair of jocks and give him the unopend pack telling him they would be too tight for you. (in the crotch that is - not the rear.

Good luck with the gains.The magic can still happen


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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Originally Posted by sir lotsalog
Happy Birthday Tit!

One every year, that’s getting to be a habit. And that was such a nice, long but nice, write up from Roussie.

I bet he has already started on the one for next year since you make a habit of having them.

Good health to you Tit.

Thanks sir lot,

Trouble is they come round so fast it’s like 6 months now. but I kid myself I’m looking younger.

Yes, It’s the adulation you know. Rue, just can’t stop idolising me. I can’t see why, as I’m only more handsome. and a great lover, Not to mention the fantastic brain amongst many other sought after attributes.
But he’s a dear though.

I suppose It’s become a habit as I’ve had them every year since I was born And I just can’t kick the habit now.

(No doubt Rue will have something to say about that.) But I thought ihis write-up was lovely.



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