Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Happy Birthday WestLA


Happy Birthday WestLA

West is an awesome moderator on here and all around cool guy. I am proud to call him a friend cause he is the best. I met him in person last summer and he was funny, articulate, and generous. He doesn’t post too often but he brings a lot to the table on countless subjects. I think he is best known for the PC/BC article in the best articles and post section. That write up is awesome and I highly recommend everyone take another look at it. I wish him the best in this upcoming year.

So Happy Birthday my friend,

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


Happy Birthday old man. And thanks for all your efforts on here!

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

I agree with Twat. Westla is a smart son-of-a-gun.


Happy birthday, Westla. :thumbs:

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, WestLA! I wish you a bright, pleasurable, lucky year and a fortune to spend on cars, young boys and sex toys :D

Maybe we can share a sweet propecia thread once in a while? :chuckle:

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

I wish I could get you some google links westla, but you already know everything :chuckle:

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Happy Birthday Westla.

Lets hang out in New York City sometime. Ill buy the first round of drinks :gulp:

Twat will buy the second ;) and also round up some of those nice bar maids for us. Don’t worry— we will find a nice male bar maid for you!!! If you can make it in New York—you can make it anywhere!

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Happy Birthday!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Happy Birthday Wrester!


Happy Birthday Stud! It is so nice to have the company of another local guy on this forum. And a great one at that. :D

Gay 5'4" 150 lbs 5.5 x 5

WestLA is top notch. His posts are insightful and deserve respect. I have learned a lot from his words.

Thanks WestLA


"Empty your mind. Become formless and shapeless like water. When water is poured into a cup, it becomes the cup. When water is poured into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Be water, my friend."

Bruce Lee

Happy Birthday Westla.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Happy birthday West! It’s such a nice day out today. I hope you’re enjoying it.

Sep. 2003: 7" bpel x 5" eg June 2004: 7 & 1/4" bp x 5 & 3/8" eg Jan. 2005: 7.5 x 5.5 Goal: 8x6 "I always knew pe existed but didn't know where to start, until I found Thundersplace."

Happy Birthday!!

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