Thunder's Place

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has PE caused alittle premature ejaculation for anyone?


has PE caused alittle premature ejaculation for anyone?

this is something i want to change or help in the future, is longer lasting power in the sack.

does anyone have a problem with PE causing pre-mature ejaculation? (god, i hate saying that)

what have you guys done to help extend your lasting power? could you give me details on your routine in helping this problem and what progress you have made with it? i know kegals is going to be a main exercise for longer lasting power but is there a better way?

thanks everyone

No, it helps delay ejaculation a GREAT DEAL! Trust me LOL!

regularwhiteguy, theres no doubt that kegals have worked for you; but can you give detals on how many you do and how much they have helped you.


Kegels did “nothing” for my premature ejaculation problem, if anything they made it worse… The stretch jelq and squeeze help my prematureE problem, not the kegs.

my first time to have sex with my current G/F was 2 bumps, a grind, then i went. however i was able to SLOWLY get that under control, luckly she was understanding.. being that it was my first time to have sex. and now I can last at least 15 minutes or more if I need to. How i started out is training myself during masturbation which helped a little. but what helped me the most was this: Masturbate in the shower like 30 mintues before you do her. I would stay 3 nights at my g/f’s house (weekends) and usually masturbate (like in the shower or something) before having sex with her, then after I got it in my head that I could last longer I no longer needed to masturbate before doing her. Also if you are still having trouble with it, after you take your shower or whatever to masturbate, have sex twice within 30 minutes of your first session. eventually your body starts to make you last longer.

Going for 9

thanks guys:)

yeah most my problem is that i go long periods with out relieving myself due to wanting a better pump after i PE which is usually before i go to bed, so i will go like 3 days in a row with PE every night and not having sex with my girlfriend for that period or masturbating.

but even when i do let it rip, it still cant last that long even if i do do it within the next 30mins; thats why im asking. cause whats the point of PE and enlarging your penis if you cant last for sh*t.

me and my girlfriend had our first threesome awhile back (very cool) and i let my load go in the morning and then later that night with my girlfriend again, then that night still “our good friend” came over and still i couldnt last that long.

so any more suggestions would be greatly appreciative

Take the “Little Blue Pill”! You will dump your nuts and wish the hard on would go away but it stays…

best bet is to crack one off a few hours before hooking up with your girlfriend in my experience. My girl is just so hot that I just blow off striaght away if I havent choked the fella a while before.

i know kegals is going to be a main exercise for longer lasting power but is there a better way?

That’s debatable. Much like RWG, all they did for me was cause me to bust my nut much sooner than normal. Granted, it was a much more intense experience, but the opposite of my goal.

If you are suffering from premature ejac, I’ve heard a low dose (like 10-12 mg) of ephedra taken with yohimbe let’s one get/stay hard and last much longer. No personal experience though.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

>>>thats why im asking. cause whats the point of PE and enlarging your penis if you cant last for sh*t.

I have the same problem and need to focus on a solution too! I think my extra inch is fascinating… haha… and I love to watch it go in and out of wifey. I have more dick to fuck with and it feels darn good… but lately I have been on a hair trigger.

Seems I feel a little wetness up in there and I am ready to explode. I think it’s all mental. Any other suggestions from the crew?

>>>Take the “Little Blue Pill”!

Which one is that, Viagra? Or something off the shelf at the health food store (I hope)?

Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...

I had read once that intense kegels would help a hair trigger. I did not ever have a hair trigger until I STARTED doing intense kegels. After the first couple of times when I felt the urge to ejaculate I decided they wouldnt work for me. I emailed the site where I had read about the kegels and they told me to just squeeze the BC muscle when the urge came to ejaculate and the urge would subside. Well I tried that too and just blew my load. So I stopped all kegel work and have gone back to my old longlasting self. Boy am I glad that one wasnt one of the cemented gains we all talk about.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Yeah, clamping my muscle trying to hold back a load only makes it feel really good and cumming becomes inevitable.

When I first started doing kegels they made me cum faster, but after a while I could go much longer. Now when I’m ready to cum I sort of do a reverse kegel and let myself cum.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Hey I can top you guys. When I was younger, the girl I lost my virginity with was a virgin too. We attempted sex a few times before but she was just too tight and my dick just wasn’t going to fit. I remember once when I was fingering her I had to struggle just to get TWO fingers in. The girl could bearly handle two fingers inside of her ! After a few months I was getting a little frustrated. So one night I said “fuck it”, took the condom off, grabbed the astroglide, lubed up and went in raw. I won’t forget that moment for the rest of my life, her pussy felt so good. Hot, wet, and tight like a damn vice grip! I kid you not guys, I might have set a record that night. After I slid my dick in, I got in 1 stroke, and after that it was over !!! I don’t think I even lasted a full minute !!! I might have been tied with that guy from “American Pie” as having the fast finishing time !!!

Afterwards she was sort of pissed, but hey “I got mine”.

Originally Posted by regularwhiteguy

Kegels did “nothing” for my premature ejaculation problem, if anything they made it worse… The stretch jelq and squeeze help my prematureE problem, not the kegs.

Ditto for me!

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