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has PE caused alittle premature ejaculation for anyone?



So you’re saying to keep with the kegals and you will over time gain better control? How long were you doing these exercises when you started noticing a difference?

My first go round with PE I had to stop kegaling also because I started noticeing a lack of control. This time around I’m sticking with it in hopes of what you just described.



I don’t really remember but I do remember that when it did start to help it was a big change, I did a lot of them also I used to have to drive 2 hours a day to work and back so I used that time for kegels, now I only do a couple hundred a day and I miss a lot of days. It’s also very good for your prostate they keep it strong I’m like a kid again I can go from 11pm to 10am without peeing, before I started kegels I had to go about 6 in the morning.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Cool, thanks for the response. I’m going to stick with them this time and see where it leads.

I currently have a long commute to work and thats when I do mine. Might as well put that time to use.

I have noticed that I’m shooting a lot farther, I feel like I’m in my twenties again. It took 6 weeks of kegaling pretty regularly before I got any results. Now if I can get the control I want then the wife is really in trouble.


I bought the book “the multi-orgasmic man,” And it is a really great book. But I have soooo many questions. It sure is helping me last longer masturbating.. But I just broke up with my gf and I really dont know if I will start to last longer when having sex yet!

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

99% of premature ejaculation is in your head. Trust me on this one. Once you stop worrying about it, and relax and just enjoy what you are doing, you’ll last a lot longer. All the other tricks and methods are just quick fixes that eventually build up enough confidence, that you start believing you can last longer. And then you will.

A simple approach is to just be aware of how close you are to cumming. There is a point of no return(PNR), a point of getting close to no return (GCNR), and cruising altitude(CA). Easy enough, when you even get anywhere close to GCNR, stop or slow down, get back to CA where you feel you are in no danger of cumming. It is best if you tell your partner in advance so when you have to stop she won’t get all mad. A technique to continue to please her without overstimulating her is to be on top, push in as deep as you can, and then just rock slowly on top of her with out moving in and out. The rocking will continue to stimulate her without a lot of sliding which would set you off. You can switch positions and take your time, giving yourself time to come down in your excitement level. If you need to pull out completely, and give her oral or manual stimulation until you bring your excitement level back down to CA. After a lot of practice, you will get real good at controlling your level of arousal. The advanced level (my favorite) is to stay just at GCNR for a couple of hours….HEAVENLY!!! I will tell my wife to slow down, or go softly when she is sucking me, and then she knows I am close to cumming. This is a huge turn-on for her and many times she will go harder and diliberately try to suck me over the edge!

I find that initially there will be a tendency to go racing over the edge of the orgasm cliff, but if I slow it down and stay at CA for a while, sensitivity drops slightly and then I have much more control. I have never had problems with lasting a long time, because as a kid I would love to jerk off for hours, practicing the same techniques I’ve mentioned above….just because I loved how it felt and wanted it to last as long as posssible.

Good luck!!

TheDash I totally agree with you ! I had the same problems, but now no more - maybe in the first PE months - years we are too focused on it, then we relax with time.

For me it has caused a little premature ejaculation. The only physical contributing factor is I think I feel more friction due to increased girth. But the biggest factor was psychological. I have always loved the sight of a fat one going in and out. especially on the out stroke when the labia are really pulled with it. But, I was only with one tiny girl(5’2”, 100lbs) since I have PE’d this could be different if my next girl is bigger.

How long do you last then Sparky?

Sparky, that’s intense. I’ll have to keep that in mind.


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