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Heavier Penis Lowering Erection Angle

Heavier Penis Lowering Erection Angle

Is it possible that if you were to gain significant amount of girth, so then your penis became heavier therefore causing it to hang lower?

Also if you have a high erection angle and than you lowered it would your penis become longer without it necessarily growing?

What happens as you make gains is that all the support tissue also grows and additional blood is able to be captured inside the cavernosal chambers, they having expanded in their capacities.

I don’t recall reading any complaints by guys who made good gains that their cocks are too heavy now to stand up.

Second question: If you are doing bone pressed measurements and for some reason your erection angle lowered, you might get a smidgen more BP measurement but I doubt your partner would then exclaim, “OMG! You’re Longer!”



You can put a wash cloth or something on your erection and then see how much your angle lowers. I doubt if your penis could gain enough weight to significantly lower your angle (especially if you have a good strong erection). And like Avocet says, the increase in your penis would probably also increase the tissue and blood flow that supports your angle.

Horny Bastard

OK, I just need to lower my angle because when it is full erect my head is half an inch away from my fat pad.

Why is that a problem?

Horny Bastard

Isn’t that angle too high?, if straight out is 90 degrees, mine is 15.

Don’t dismiss the possibility that you may be able, easily, with an angle like that to hit vaginal spots that the rest of us have to work to encounter.



I would give anything for an upward curve. Not that I dislike my straight penis, I just like to try new things… and plus I hear it is easier to hit the G-spot with an upward curve like that.

I don’t know if it’s because my dick is heavier, or if it’s because the ligs are longer, but my angle of erection is lower since PE.



Originally Posted by Ziggaman

I don’t know if it’s because my dick is heavier, or if it’s because the ligs are longer, but my angle of erection is lower since PE.

Truth. I haven’t even been PEing that long and I’ve noticed a difference in my hang.

Lesson Learned: Your penis will not grow if you PE 2 times a month.

Start: 12-10-06 NBPEL: 4.75" BPEL: 5.00" EG: 5.15" :wave:

Current: BPEL: 5.25" EG 5.25" Goal: BPEL: 7.25" EG: 6

Originally Posted by outlaw_member

Isn’t that angle too high?, if straight out is 90 degrees, mine is 15.

You shouldn’t have to ask me if the angle is too high. Is it a problem, or not?

For me, an erection pointing to the sky signifies a strong erection. It is ideal, in my opinion. I also think it is the best for applying grinding pressure to the clit during sex.

Horny Bastard

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