Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Help Penis Cracked!


Yet another reason I don’t recommend fully erect exercises. Sounds like he overdid it.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Ouch man…

I hope that “your friend” is alright man.

I know for sure that I’m never doing erect bends , EVER.

Why wold anyone do an erect bend anyway, does it help to correct the direction of you erection? I mean some PEer doesn’t like a upward or downward bend, is this what they are trying to achieve with erect bend.

>Why wold anyone do an erect bend anyway, does it help to correct the direction of you erection?

Bending shouldn’t be done fully erect. Bending while engorged works girth and/or length, and may also help straighten out a curve.

Seems the recent trend is for newbies to use advanced exercises too soon, and in this case without understanding how to do it properly. Slow down, guys.

It Will Heal

When I was 16 I squeezed my dick so hard to try to make a painful erection go away, I screwed myself up bad. It’s amazing when your that young, totally don’t understand the anatomy and how your penis works, and the hard ons you get, just how invinsible you think it is.
I lost alot of girth from it for sure, and was never the same with erections again. The thing was I never let myself heal right, I remember being freaked out about it, my dick looked like mush, I was way too embarrashed to go to the doctor. I wish to this day I did because of all the years I delt with the low labido. I believe I was even impotent for almost a year as well. Take everyones advice here and have it checked out.
Leave it alone, let it heal, don’t PE. Even though the penis is amazing when it comes to healing itself. I’m 25 now, been doing PE for 4 years, 1 year dedicated. I’ve gotten way more of my girth back, length, great long lasting erections and shape. But it took years to get to where I am now, understanding how my penis does to certain exercises and amount of time.

Never do erect bends when your a newbie or crazy girth work outs. I rarely do erect bends, and when I do, I’m already warmed up and have jelqed. So my dick is more plyable. Let others learn from our mistakes.

On this topic, would it feel better for a woman with a penis slightly upwards bent? and is there a safe way to obtain this?

Regards, Gow :)

Time is valuable and so is a suitable penis, so use it wisely (your penis that is.)

Fucking ouch!!!!!!!!!!

Go to the doctor ASAP.

Yeah my friend called a doctor. He told me that the doctor asked him questions about his penis (he said he hurt it during sex heh) and he told the doctor it doesn’t hurt, no blood comes out when he pisses, no pain in penis when pissing, no pain in dick, and that it is just swollen. But when he touches it he said it kinda hurts but not really, he can just feel it. The doctor told him most likely, since he’s not in any excruciating pain and can still get an erection, it should heal. but my friend said if it’s still swollen the next day or not showing any signs of improvement he’s going to check up on it. thanks guys for all your concerns and the feedback helped my friend. its kinda funny but not so funny, what a bad situation..

This is a fracture of the penis, and it will not heal properly without surgical intervention. I do not think your friend’s doctor gets the full picture. Anybody with a suspected fracture of penis should go to the emergency right away. It is a medical emergency like a heart attack, and is not something that you can wait and see, and definitely not your family doctor can deal with.

This thread is a couple days old but I cant help it….what the **** is wrong with some people???! IF your dick SNAPS go to the DOCTOR….NOW! No phone calls, no consulting nurse, just go for christ sake.

I agree. Go right away. Go to two or three doctors. Look in the yellow pages under urologists if your family docotor won’t recommend you. You don’t need his blessing to see another doctor.


Today I will take negative thoughts and turn them into positive and productive actions. 7.00 BP x 4.75 GOAL 9.0 x 6.5

I had a lig injury almost 2 years ago, where my right side gave way during stretches. It took forever to heal, but eventually did, although my dick now points to the left somwhat. No bends in the dick, just the right lig is pulled out more than the left.

I strongly suggest you TELL your friend to go to hospital imediately. Tell him that the longer he leaves it, the higher the chance of major scar tissue forming and the nerves dying. There is a chance he could be left impotent for the rest of his life if he doesn’t act imdediately.

After all of this, I suggest you tell him to go see an Accupuncture specialist, who will be able to maximise the energy and healing of the penis(which does not require the penis to be touched). Also a Reiki specialist who will be able to do things which modern science/medicine cannot offer. He will need as much healing as he can get, combining both medical and alternative therapy for maximum healing effects.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 12-14-2003 at .

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