Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

HELP! Preforming dangerous experiment on my dick.


Braker and Pan

I don’t see being able to do this for more than a week or 2 without breaking my dick anyway. I took today off completely. I am pushing the envelope in a big way, dick hurts 24/7 right now. I plan on doing this as much as I can (without pulling it off or poping it) for a few weeks, then stopping. I am trying to take advantage of that 1 to 3 week surge of growth that many report. I will evaluate then & see what I think & fill everyone in.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

It worked

Well, 2 weeks of way nasty horse and lengthening combo exercises are at an end. I pretty much did horse 440’s morning noon and night, followed by AI stretches after every one, and hanging 2 times a day. I took 2 legitimate one day breaks because I had to; my dick couldn’t take it any more. Also stayed up all night on the 10th to 11th having sex, then picked up a friend at the airport on the 11th….then stayed up till 1am that night having more sex. So that was an extra “break”, but I rather think it counts as extra intence girth training. Hell, for all I know adding in 17 hours of sex within a 24 hour period is what made the whole thing work.

I am now just a hair under 7.5”s, up from 7.35”. I realize that is not much of a gain for some of you, but it is more than I have gotten in the last year or so.

I would not recommend the intensity level I used for anyone. The first 4 days my dick was black and blue, the last 3 days I had blood blisters on the head. I also learned that having a shave is not good for kung-fu grip horse squeezes.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


what about girth?


Good news, good gains :) I hope you continue to gain without having to continue with the intense girth stuff.

Was there much of a difference in the way it felt when hanging or stretching? What do you see as the explanation for your growth?

No change in girth (thank god, I am already at 6.25”). I could not hang as heavy, never hit 15lbs the last week & a half. My dick is still sore, it hurt the entire 2 weeks.

Why did this work? hellifIknow. We have discussed a number of of theory’s as to why it might. My pet is still that I had 1/3+” greater stretch than erect length. The horses force tissue growth/expansion, and it seems to be possible to stretch that new dick material out, within the limitations determined by the ligs. Doing horses & stretches on and off all day cements it. I was even quick 5 mn routines it the bathrooms at school.

I do not reckomend this for anyone:
My dick is used to a lot of abuse, and I was pushing the envelope on this one. I often squeezed the middle of my shaft, forcing blood into the head, then switched right into a mega horse squeeze. Remember the warning horse gave with his original how to post…”don’t blame me if your dick explodes”

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Congrats iamaru!

I wonder why the horses didn’t do anything to your girth.

Could be because you stretched just after. Or because you became accustomed to the horses before (have you done them before?) and they are not as effective as they were at the beginning, or maybe your unit has reached it’s full girth potential (if there is really such a thing..)

What’s up Iamaru

I was wondering could you tell me your opinion on, how I could get some quick girth gains. I basically want to overdo it, like you did but simply for girth, I am at 5 2/8 & 5.5 at the base. My short term goal is to get entire girth to approx. 5 3/4 or more. Right now I hang 13 lbs. about 5 times a day, end of day do about 6 horse squeezes and 6 regular squeezes.

Also when I hear people speak of the ballooning up effect, while performing horses I wonder how much they mean. My girth only increases about 1/4 of an inch or so, while doing them. Does that seem right, or am I probably doing them wrong. The idea I got was like people’s units were expanding 3/4 - 1 inch.



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