Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

HELP! Preforming dangerous experiment on my dick.


HELP! Preforming dangerous experiment on my dick.

I have just started an aggressive combination of heavy hanging and Horse 440’s. My theory?

Horse squeezes can cause big, fast gains in girth. Guys have gained 1/4 inch in only a week or 2. Some have gained that in days. That is one hell of a lot of new dick in a short time. Is this tissue locked into girth? Or is that much new dick in so short a time kind of fluid tissue? I will attempt to generate new dick with extremely aggressive Horse squeezes. Then, while it is still fluid tissue, stretch it out into length with heavy hanging.

I can think of a number of flaws and problems with this theory, also think it might work. Now obviously it won’t increase the stretch of my ligs. But my flaccid stretch is 1/3”+ greater than my erect length.

So far my dick has turned black and blue at the base from the squeezes. A vein just behind the head was swelling up way bad at first, fixed that by changing my grip. I had a ADS chafe mark that started bleeding on my first mega squeeze, fixed that. My dick feels like chopped liver when I hang now, it is so worn out (traumatized) by the squeezes.

Any ideas? has anyone tried this before? Should I alternate days,do a bunch or squeezes and hang right after to stretch it out or what.

I figured that with my never ending plateau I would be a good one to try this. Not like I will compromise my speedy length gains by gaining girth if my theory is flawed. Also I have a very well developed body sense, what is happening, what it can take, etc.

And yes, I know, be careful

Running a Massive Co-Front.

like the idea. I’ve just started doing squeezes again at night and my penis still feels them by the time I come for my morning stretch, and I feel the morning stretch that much more. Not sure I’d want to put the two closer together. Doing this has actualy lost me a little erect length but I figure thats temporary.

In the end it seems we gain and then our penis becomes used to the strain and reacts by building in extra strength. I’m sure that the main strength build up is in the ligs but disturbing the surrounding tissue with squeezes probably breaks it down enough so that its not a factor when you hang so maybe you can put more strain on the ligs with a similar weight.

Hope it works for you.


Boy can I relate to having a dick that that feels like chopped liver! What’s worse is that mine is starting to look that way too!! I recently discovered AI stretches. I did about 10 sets of 10 before hanging on Thursday. OMG! My ligs were so fatigued that I was down to hanging 10 lbs. (with discomfort) at my last sets. This is significant since I normally start at 22 lbs. and move down to 15 at the last sets. You might want to try this approach. I am planning on doing this over the next month to see what happens. Good luck.


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Horse squeezes, AI stretches ? Didnt find that ones in the FAQ, could someone please hyperlink a explanation to those two exercises ?

nitro, ’ Horse 440 Squeeze’ are in the faq, here’s an AI stretch link (busterhymes posts on this thread give good detail).

A Little Different Johan AI Stretch

iamaru’s and jelktoid,
your approach are interesting opposites. To me (and based on a basic understanding of materials) it seems like jelktoid is continualy stressing in the same direction beyond the point of elastisity to get a kind of plastic stretch and iamaru is trying to provide a stress at 90 degress to the length to force the tissues (and maybe ligs/tunica) to reorder towards that stress and hopefully weaken the strength in the length of the penis to allow more stretching.

I guess we know about jelktoids success it will be nice to see how you get on.


You only have one penis, take your time, don’t hurt yourself for a gain.



I second your thoughts- if you get hurt you are out a LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGGG time :(

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


your forgetting that iamaru’s been on a plateau for a while now. Its by experimenting that new things come along :) If one guy is willing to put his manhood on the line to experiment then good on him, it doesn’t mean we all have to follow suit.

chopped liver doesn’t sound nice though :(


I appreciate that iamaru has been a hard gainer, but this sounds pretty risky so I added in my 2 cents. He is a real asset to our community and I just wanted to be sure he had a chance to reflect on whether the risk:benefit ratio was worth it :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

I guess that will be answered in time. He’s a braver man than me and I wasn’t complaining about your post just chipping in :)


obfusc secjay, haiku like without the extra unnecessary syllables :)


“Horse squeezes can cause big, fast gains in girth”

in my experience, the problem with the horses is they are extremely effective for just that - a big fast gain in a very short time. but after a couple of weeks they become much less effective.. in fact I’ve been doing them for at least 3 months and I think that apart from the big gain in the beginning, I didn’t get nothing from them.

maybe my unit got used to them, so that’s why I try to do a more intense version: a count of 20 instead of 10, and see if that helps.. though I hear from secjay that turning your dick black and blue doesn’t necessarily mean any gains at all..

raight on brutha



my tip is to make the dick BIG 2-3 times a day, 3-8 on 1 off.



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