Growing "this is a long one" pun intended
Thanks for the ‘welcome and I guess you’re right. For the books I’ve been PEing for quite some time now. Never too regularly but I’ve tried many diff. types; pumps; jelq; weights all days, etc. On they up side they all worked, some better then others, some had super almost instant results (like pumps) but the ‘gain’ quickly faded, others took longer (like jelq and natural PE) but the ‘results’ stayed around longer. I think the most important thing is to find something that works for you, do it, then be done with it. If you spend half your day trying to get a bigger penis it doesn’t leave much time for life.
BTW, I started (like 4-5 years ago) at about 6 3/4” BPEL (bone pressed erect lenght) and am currently 8” BPEL; girth was 4 1/4”, now 5 to 6”(depending on ‘normal hardon’ or ‘max girth like during Uli’s); Flaccid was 4”, now 5.5”.
While I’m vey happy with my results, I’m sure that if I would have ever stuck with it for any amount of time they would be even better. Which brings me back to what I was saying earlier, ‘find something that works and stick to it.’ In the past I would spend sometimes all day PEing or reading about it etc,etc,etc. Now I’m married, I finally told my wife and she thinks it’s great! I spend on average 15-20 mins a day after having my shower and that’s it. I’m trying Tom’s ‘drumstick’ idea and so far it’s working great and Uli’s or jelq whatever I feel like. I don’t stress about missing a day here or there, as many have mentioned the extra days off help. However, if you stay completely off for an extended/long period of time that’s when you notice a loss of some/all (depending on what PE method your using) gains.
All that being said, now that my wife knows, and is “for it,” I find that I can be much more regular about my work outs. I’m not worrying about if she’s home or not, or if she’ll walk. She likes watching ;-) I still prefer to do it when she’s not around because I can focus better but, if I need to I can just take my shower then start jelqing. I’ve noticed gains over the last month or so now that I’m regular. Before I talked to my wife BPEL was 7.5 now I can reach 8” and my flaccid size is a steady 5 or better most of the time. My goal is to have 6” in girth and a regular EL (not BP) 8”. I’m almost there! Once I have that then who knows, maybe I’ll stop, maybe I won’t ;-) I’ll keep you posted.
Anyway, that’s my story. Hope I didn’t bore you all to sleep. I’m a terrible rambler but, I’ll try to work on shorter posts more often rather then one looooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg post.
Happy growing,