High intensity yanking, no heat wrap
NOTE: this is all theory so don’t go trying any of it until you read all the warnings!
I have heard of a bodybuilding method called high intensity training where you lift more weight than usual without a warm up. It is supposed to really tear up the muscles causing lots of growth with little effort.
I read in a thread here that to stretch any ligaments you should be subjecting them to a force of about 40% of their failure load (load at which they will physically tear apart). Does anybody know what the failure load would be of an average penis? I think it was Bib who said he started getting really good gains when he switched to very high weights of about 40lb, Bib?.
I was reading a physics book which determined what load would break a femur, it ended up either 7 or 70 tons but it noted that this can happen in a split second like a parachute fall etc. So if I subjected the penis to a split second load it may be able to cause microtears, if I was in the cold state it may be actually easier to tear since the cells wont be as elastic. Yanking the penis manually can cause a large split second load, boxer’s punches can cause tons of force, does anybody have any idea what sort of force you can produce in an outward yank? I tried out this yanking in my first month but did lots of other methods so can’t put my gains down to that, but it did feel well worked afterwards. I would kegel and then yank about every second for 2-3mins and then manually stretch for 2-3mins. I mentioned this a while back and people said it might work negatively since it may cause the ligaments to toughen up hindering further gains. Any other reasons not to try it? I plan on starting next week after measuring date.