Thunder's Place

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Homedics Thera P wrist wrap...The Old Version

Homedics Thera P wrist wrap...The Old Version

Not sure where I should post this on the forum, but there is a wholesaler on ebay selling the old style of homedics thera p wrist wraps(the one with the 7 magnets in the middle; NOT the new version found in stores with the icy/hot pack) that are awesome as a clamping/healing wrap.

heres the link:

If the link isn’t working, just type in ‘homedics thera p’ and you’ll see it right away. On top of being able to obtain these wonderful wraps, he’s selling them CHEAP. Roughly half(maybe a little less) the cost of retail INCLUDING shipping.

I dont know if he has a ton left, but if not, I would jump on this deal as soon as possible. Bought 5 for myself already. =D


Been looking for these for a while. Never could find a site that delivered to Norway. Thank you!

Ordered four of these. Question, I got charged for the product but I also got charged 1$ and 1$. Could this be for purcashing with visa and for creating a paypal account? Did this happen to you? I am asking because I have changed my visa twice in less than two months now because someone have tried to withdraw money form it. Hackers I guess.

Originally Posted by stormy
Not sure where I should post this on the forum, but there is a wholesaler on ebay selling the old style of homedics thera p wrist wraps(the one with the 7 magnets in the middle; NOT the new version found in stores with the icy/hot pack) that are awesome as a clamping/healing wrap.

heres the link:

If the link isn’t working, just type in ‘homedics thera p’ and you’ll see it right away. On top of being able to obtain these wonderful wraps, he’s selling them CHEAP. Roughly half(maybe a little less) the cost of retail INCLUDING shipping.

I dont know if he has a ton left, but if not, I would jump on this deal as soon as possible. Bought 5 for myself already. =D


Hi Stormy

I clicked on your link, and it looks like the vendor has sold out with quantities listed as zero. The price was definitely right though. I was going go to copy your link to my other original Homedic Thera P thread, but I guess I’ll wait to see if the vendor comes through with more later. Thanks for the info.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Search for “Seller’s other items”- just ordered two, he may have all of four left.

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"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

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