Horses-slightly revised
I just recently started doing horses, but wasn’t really getting the technique down. I think there might be a simpler way to attempt this exercise. I don’t think you have to make the tiny “o” shape and slowly slide it down the head while the blood gradually pushes out. This was quite hard for me to do and others may find it difficult too. Instead, while I am sure my base grip is quite strong, I use my index, middle finger, and thumb on my other hand to slowly squeeze my engorged head. Eventually, you will be squeexing the head hard, and all the blood will be pushed down. It is vital to NOT loosen up the base grip as this may be tempting. When I just did this today I got a great, fat look to my penis that I haven’t seen before. The idea is the same, to push the blood out of the head and into the shaft, but this seems like an easier way to do it. I’m not sure if others have tried this, but any replies would be appreciated.