Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How Do I Keep Overtraining My Unit?

How Do I Keep Overtraining My Unit?

Somehow for some reason I continue overtraining my unit! I don’t get it I have been doing a hot wrap, then 25-50 jelqs, then a few 5-minute sets of edging with the Ace bandage at the base of my unit (almost like a cock ring or clamping). And I’ve been doing this about 2-3 weeks everyday and now I’m having erection problems, can’t stay hard and don’t wake up with morning wood, etc. I took about a month off PE before this. :(

Don’t do it everyday. Try 2 on 1 off, or even 3 on 1 off. Good Luck.

(Start) 09/07 - Nbpel (6.87");bpel (7.12");eg (4.75")

(Current) - Nbpel (7.25"); Bpel (7.50"); Eg (5.00")

1st Goal - Nbpel (7.3");eg (5.3")-Long Term - Nbpel (7.5"); eg (5.75")

Stop edging with the Ace bandage.

Edging with an Ace bandage wrap causes erection problems? It always gives me a great pump in my unit, and I think its probably the best thing for girth gains next to clamping.

Originally Posted by W.B.H.

Edging with an Ace bandage wrap causes erection problems? It always gives me a great pump in my unit, and I think its probably the best thing for girth gains next to clamping.

Really? How much girth have you got from it vs. clamping?

edging with the ace bandage is too much for your dick. Cut it out of your routine, and stick to the newbie routine.

I find that girth exercises make my dick kind of soft the following day; nothing to worry about, a day later it’s usually hard again, but I consider this a positive sign.

Think of it like this: When you clamp/jelq/stretch your penis in any way, you are stretching the blood vessels out. These vessels normally hold, say, 1 unit of blood (unscientific, I know, but just follow me.) When you stretch your penis, either horizontally, or vertically, you’re opening the blood vessels to hold 1.1, or 1.5, or whatever; problem with this is, your body isn’t used to sending that much blood to your dick. Give your body time to heal, and pump more blood into your dick. Jelqing, I believe, will help speed the process.

If you need an immediate fix, ie. you have some pretty-young-thing waiting to be plowed, try some amazing isometrics: take the head of your dick when you are as hard as you can get, push down towards the floor, and do a very hard kegel for about 20 seconds; this should give you a rock hard, slightly longer, slightly skinnier, functional hard-on. Hope this helps.

Amazing isometrics like kazooplayer said and/or a basic kegel routine with some basic jelqing (newbie routine amount) for a half week to a week and a half should get rid of any overtraining in my expierence and make your erections hard again. ;)

Originally Posted by OBiggums
Don’t do it everyday. Try 2 on 1 off, or even 3 on 1 off. Good Luck.

And if that doesn’t work, try 1 on/2 off - that’s what worked for me.

Also try to limit your ejaculations.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

WBH you been jelqing too hard?

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Originally Posted by godofdeviltry
WBH you been jelqing too hard?

Good question. I’ve overtrained many times jelqing too hard by trying to test my limits, hehe.

Damn, I think I might be jelqing too hard! I always squeeze pretty much as hard as I possibly can. :(

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