Hey Quickie
Well personally, that is one of the many reasons I don’t measure. I find that if you measure too often this (exactly what you’re going through) happens. When I hit the wall and it seems like nothing is working, I remember my past gains and know that I can and will grow again. I reason with myself about how nothing worthwhile comes easy, and try to focus on the health benefits of PE instead of gains. I also remember an old proverb “expectation postponed is making the heart sick”. So I take a week or two off (mini-decon break I suppose), and then return to PE and go on auto-pilot. (just do it for the sake of routine, that works half the time)
Other times I’ll listen to music or watch TV (with a timer) and jelq or stretch so I don’t think about it as much, and before long I notice all the PI’s are back and I’m looking longer and thicker again (don’t know if this is an option for you in your current housing situation). Maybe you can fantasize about how wonderful things will be and how great you’ll feel once you reach your goals (works for me as well).
The fact that I could lose all the effort I fought for by being discouraged and stopping for too long, keeps me going as well (I hate doing stuff over again or repeating something that should’ve been done, imagine getting to 7 EL and then losing it and having to get back to 7 EL all over again. How much time, effort and energy did you waste? That burns me up). When all else fails I get competitive, and follow the quote here (I can’t remember who said it, but I know it’s in the database here) ” Imagine your goals, now picture someone you despise obtaining them” (I know I butchered it) or something like that. That almost always gets me into high gear (I’ve earned myself an enemy or two so this works for me).
When all else fails try making PE fun, switch up your routine, add something new to get you over the hump, and hopefully the new exercise will shock you into growing a little and knock you back on the gain train as it were (I found that increasing intensity when I hit the wall like you have only leads to injury so be careful).
I hope you can benefit a little from this as it has helped me bust through the wall a number of times. We all have dark days when we PE, you just have to grit your teeth and push through it. Whatever motivated you before may serve to reignite your passion now. All I can say is, don’t give up, it’s more than worth it.
We’re all rooting for you, Zerone