Thunder's Place

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How long did you PE before you saw gains?

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How long did you PE before you saw gains?

1 month


2 months


3 months


4 - 5 months


6 - 8 months


8+ months

Total Votes: 190. You may not vote on this poll

I think I saw flaccid improvement almost the first day. Its like I stretched it out from an atrophied state or something and it never went back. I hung less than 3 inches, probably closer to 2 and it was kind of hard (dense?) and thin. Now it hangs 5 1/2 and its nice and floppy. First erect gains took about a month though and only 1/4” at that.

I never saw anything for years. And have only just started gaining the last couple of months. The basic exercises just don’t work for a hardgainer like me. But with the help of Bib’s LOT theory and, oh yes, fulcrum hanging, I have had 0.4” fbps in the last two months. Not bad eh? I reckon if you’ve been at this a while and you haven’t seen anything - it’s all about extreme PE.


Hey wadzilla,

Good gains, congrats!
Can you tell me what’s your routine? Are you doing any hanging or simply jelq and stretch?

Thank You

-------------------------------------- Currently 7.5 lenght approx. 5.5 girth Goal : 9 lenght 6.5 girth

Re: reply

Originally posted by alexmoo
Hey wadzilla,

Good gains, congrats!
Can you tell me what's your routine? Are you doing any hanging or simply jelq and stretch?

Thank You

I’m sort of in no-man’s-land now, with my kids all home on summer break. I’ve been doing the stealth PE thing: mostly getting 50-100 dry jelqs whenever I can (while doing laundry, reading my email, sitting on the toilet, etc.)…the same with stretching.
I’d say I’m doing about 300-450 dry jelqs daily & at least 10-12 minutes of stretches.
But the routine I liked to perform (& will again, once school starts up), looks something like this:
(1) Hot wrap - at least 5 minutes
(2) A few quick stretches, each way, to loosen it up
(3) Wet jelqs - slow & firm, usually 200-300 - depending on my weekly workout frequency.
(4) Clean off penis & powder it with talcum
(5) About 50-100 dry jelqs
(6) Intense stretches - some straight down, but most above my LOT, doing a lot of A-Stretches & DLD Blasters
(7) A little more dry jelqs, maybe some “holds,” etc.
(8) Hot wrap, then finished.
I can’t wait to get back into regular PE - about 6.5-7 weeks til then.

:thumbs: Wadzilla, it could be possible that you may see some positive changes as a result of your routine change.

Like you say, over the next few weeks, you’ll be doing PE in this fashion, and it prove to be a boon!

I am building a Canadian Maple for the lovely!

I noticed flacid size change in 1st week

Harder fuller and increased CS and veins erections in 2nd week

Havent measured yet though.
Never change measurement method and I advise against measuring daily.

I definitely gained within the first month, but I doubt very much it cemented very much at all. So I voted 2 months.

Started at 7.2BPEL x 5.4 2016-09-08

Flucuating around 7.75 BPEL x 6.3 2017-06-12

Penomet, stretches, kegals and jelqs...

I just started PE two weeks ago, and my cock has been a lot harder,

I’ve been jelqing mostly, I need to do more stretches and kegels.

But really trying to look for girth.

Zero gains the first three months but ended the year with ~1-1/4” gain.

Frustrated and happy… lol.

Can’t really remember much from my newbie days back in 2011, but I remember my first gains in the first 2-3 months. Better EQ alot sooner which also gave me more lenght. Yeah, first real gains in 2-3 months was something like 0,4 inch or around 1cm lenght.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.


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